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Everything posted by ch312

  1. bahahaha...owned! i voted catfish. might be damn ugly, but they taste great. carp put up one hell of a fight
  2. LOL! dude, i love reading posts that internet tough guys make. better watch it clampet, he'll smash your head btw...clampet is right, why wait until next time? more enforcement would go a long way. i wonder how many CO's actually patrol SW ontario?
  3. lol i guess naming the creek and posting those pics will only help whitemans as it will show people that its only fulll of small fish i believe the following rules are in place for whitemans in the burford/brantford area: -single barbless hook -no live bait -limit of 1, 20" fish per day its a shame that such a great little creek now has very few resident fish over 6". i think part of the problem, like many other areas, is lack of enforcement. i am 21 and to this day, i have never seen a single CO while hunting or fishing in this area checking licenses and such. sad really... if i were a CO id write a few tickets per day around here. if you guys saw what people do on the grand you'd be disgusted.
  4. ill bet naming the creek on the net will really help with the resident trout population... that particular creek use to be good 5-6 years ago but now its just packed with all kinds of small fish due to everyone keeping the larger ones. also alot of people using worms even though it says right on the signs "no live bait allowed" the sad part is ive even seen people keeping little 4-5" trout
  5. my gradparents are storing their 14' aluminum and trailer at my house and i can use it whenever i want so its basically mine now. there is no outboard so the value isnt very high. it is still in their name so should we just leave it like that or transfer it into my name?
  6. is a boat being stored in my backyard covered under the house insurance if the boat is registered in someone elses name?
  7. so going by how you think, the ONLY safe shots would be from a treestand or when you are above the target and the bullet or arrow will hit the ground immeadiatly after it passes through the animal. when at the same level or slightly below the target your bullet wont hit the ground after passing through an animal. the fact is, you NEVER know 100% what is behind your target. seriously, think about it before you think that my example would be "stupid". if you know 100% what is always beyond your target, could you please tell us where you bought your x-ray goggles because without those, its impossible. and yes, i fully understand ballistics and how bullets act which is why i know its impossible know 100% where your bullet is going to travel after the shot if you are level or slightly lower than your target. no bill, i didnt take the course. i just mentioned ive shot 5 wild turkey to let the world know im a poacher
  8. stalking big or small game is no different than stalking turkey. in any case there could be a hunter in a blind near you without you knowing it. stalking is acceptable for deer, please explain why it shouldnt be for turkey. stalking isnt dangerous. idiots that shoot at sounds are dangerous and should be banned from gun ownership and hunting because their little brains cant comprehend that you should be able to see the target before shooting.
  9. so lets say im sitting ina ground blind and take a shot at a deer with a 30-06 in a heavily wooded area with the deer slightly higher in elevation than me. the bullet will obviously pass through the animal and keep going. the odds are low, but lets say the bullet manages to miss all vegetation and hits the house thats a couple kilometers away. would that be stupidity on my part? there are accidents in hunting, just like everything else in life.
  10. because you say so? ive shot a turkey every year for the last 6 years and 2 of those birds were stalked. every single one was shot safely... you guys are so quick to judge the shooter before you even know the full story. for all we know they could have split up and the shooter stalked a bird that just happened to be near the victim. he could have had a good patterning gun and could have been 80 yards away from his buddy when he shot. they dont mention how many pellets he got hit with. injuries to both eyes and face could just mean he got hit with 3 pellets, not plastered. remember, the media always exagerates when it cmoes to hunting accidents to make hunting look very dangerous. with proper camo its hard to spot a hunter 30 yards away with nothing between each other so its very easy for accidents to happen.
  11. so do you call big bluegills slabs too? last year i caught one that was just over 10" long but had an 11" girth
  12. hmmmm....everyone here is saying you must return it to the water, yet in the other thread about somones neighbour keeping an oos fish, everyone says its ok? as long as someone close to me recently died, its ok to keep an oos fish
  13. electric fillet knives make it ALOT faster and you waste less meat...
  14. that little guy you have there is what i call perfect pike bait how many species do you have left to catch on the list?
  15. OH MY GOD!!!! he took a pic of an oos fish! hurry up internet police, get him lol it looks like you had fun. thats seriously your first smallmouth? i would have thought that someone that catches so many steelhead would have caught other species before settling on steelhead.
  16. 15mph just like the guy up at restoule does when trolling for muskie how much will speed really effect how many fish you catch? i know large differences like 1-2mph might effect it but im wondering if 1/4 or 1/2 mph would make a difference. ive never trolled for salmon so im just a rookie asking questions here...
  17. up near tenagami a feww years ago i caught 30+ walleye before lunch on a slip floay and worms off a dock when the wind was blwoing towards the dock. when i cast right at the egde of the algae id have one hooked after 15 seconds every time. i would have never thought id be catching 5lb+ walleye off a dock but it was awesome. when the algae moved out, so did the fish.... my point is, dont be scared to fish like a "kid", it often produces alot of nice fish
  18. to make a statement like that, you have obviously have never tried eating them. fyi, i know a bunch of people that prefer bullhead over trout. why not try it before telling people they taste bad? if you like other fish and have tried it and still dont like it, the fish was either raw, spoiled, or you cooked the guts instead of the flesh yet another misinformed fisherman i guess. ah well, more for me and the others that know how great they taste
  19. i dont mean to highjack the thread but i have a couple questions regarding wood stoves.... how should i go about setting up a wood stove in my house that has a 6' unfinished basement and no chimney? i only want it for maybe 2 years as ill be lowering the floor and finishing the basement when i have the money. i want to put as little money into this as possible and looks arent important at all as nobody goes in the basement anyways. i have a few big trees in my yard i need to cut down and i can get the wood stove for free so i figured free heat is always good
  20. the good ole SSS saying comes to mind
  21. im guessing because this is a fishing website and people like to share their catches? it isnt illegal to have pictures of an oos fish so why do some members feel that they have to look down upon the person posting? remember what you're mother said when you were a kid? "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all" unless they are breaking the law...then give em all ya got
  22. and that about sums it up right there. one thing though, is it against board rules to post pics of fish that are in season, but not legal to keep due to slot regulations?
  23. heres the gobbler guillotine in action. warning, this is a hunting video and turkeys are getting shot. if you dont like hunting, dont watch it http://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/18567
  24. hmmm...so if someone takes a pic of an oos fish while someone is removing the hooks, its ok then as there is no time being wasted. can you pm me the email i wanna see what the mnr guy said. just remember, just because someone is an official doesnt mean they know and understand all of the rules....
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