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Everything posted by ch312

  1. lol look at the date he posted it guys...
  2. any broadhead that works on deer will work for turkey. with turkey its best to keep the arrow in the bird though while with der you are looking for pass throughs. get ahold of some zwickey scorpios that slide on the shaft to help keep the arrow in the bird and deliver more energy to the target. slick tricks are devastating broadheads and are as accurate as shooting a field tip. 4 blades = nice hole... theres also the gobbler guillotine which has a 4" cutting diameter but with this you must make head/neck shots. search on the net to find their website which shows turkeys heads getting chopped right off. you're crossbow may require some slight modification or even a longer bolt with these.
  3. not far from the casino in brantford theres a great place for mooneye. tons of fun on the fly rod
  4. you mean people actually drink that ditch water
  5. im not sure what you are looking for since you already know the answer
  6. there doesn't need to be any visible signs for you to get charged with trespassing if you are on private property without permission. its your own job to find out who owns the land and then get WRITTEN permission to do whatever on the land. i've been hunting for over 10 years and have had alot of experience with hunting on private property as well as obtaining written permission. it is difficult to find out who actually onws the land sometimes but its definatly worth not causing any problems. you can go on the OFAH website and print some written permission forms that the landowner and yourself sign. written permission is the only thing that will prevent you from being charged with trespassing. there is no difference if you are hunting, fishing, biking, hiking, etc on private property. you still need permission from the landowner in order to be on their land without trespassing.
  7. the major problem would be that you have to pay tipping fees at the landfill to get rid of junk. $5 minimum and then $60/ton around here. $5 per tire as well. i know it isnt alot of money but people having to pay to dump their garbage definatly makes alot of people throw their garbage in ditches. im not trying to defend people that throw their garbage anywhere, i just think it would make a huge difference if it wasnt so pricey to dump garbage at the landfill. ive taken a few loads to the dump from my house renovations and im up to about $170 just in tipping fees so i can understand why some people throw their garbage anywhere.
  8. there is absolutly nothing wrong with eating fish out of the grand. pretty much everyone that says you cant eat fish out fo the grand have absolutly no clue what they are talking about. just think about this.... people eat all kinds of fish out of erie, yet alot of people are scared to eat fish out of the grand. where does all the water from the grand river go? how about all the water from lake st clair and detroit river? to lake erie. so, there would have to be more pollutants in fish in erie than the grand but alot of people have trouble figuring it out. i cant speak for the larger cats but i do know the smaller cats taste great. is there a general size that we should try to stay under for eating catfish or is the taste difference not really noticeable with the larger ones?
  9. ch312


    when i was younger i use to catch them on purpose not really a very good fight and its quite easy to get them to you. just watch it because they can peck hard enough to cause near instant bruises. 5-6 years ago when we went to newfoundland i caught a herring gull ( i think?) and their wingspan is at least twice that of a normal seagull around here but they just look like giant seagulls. now THAT was a fight and a half.... just reel them in and fold their wings to their natural "closed" position against their body. hold their body under an arm and use the hand on the same arm to hold its head. gotta hold them pretty firmly or they will wiggle loose. then just remove the hooks and toss it in the air and watch it fly away.
  10. and you are getting this idea out of your... ive eaten carp (2lbs or smaller) and it was awesome. it takes more care than normal fish to prepare but its worth it. just because they are bottom feeders doesnt mean they are full of toxins. get your facts straight before making statements like this.
  11. mmmm....fried chicken liver for bullheads i always have the best luck on worms. ive tried a bunch of different crap and worms always seems to be the best. the 2nd best would have to be my homemade blend of minnows, meat scraps, worms all blended together then mix in flour and some other stuff to make it super thick so it doesnt come off the hook. all winter i just throw all the stuff in the freezer and then in the spring i make a batch
  12. it all depends on what kind of person you are if you ask me. some learn great under pressure while others learn great on their own with nobody watching. myself, i prefer to be under pressure because it forces me to try my best. when im alone i tend to get more aggrevated. this week was the first time i did any major trailer towing with my truck (alot of city driving, backing into tight places, turning around in very tight areas, etc.) and not to brag, but i did very well for just learning. i had to back into driveways about 7-8 times throughout last week and all went super smooth except for the 2 times where i was alone and nobody was around. took me too long to get into place. yet when people were watching, i did better than experienced people. you should get someone to go with you the first couple times to guide you. i think we are all guilty of not admitting our own mistakes sometimes and an experienced friend would be great for letting you know where you messed up. if all else fails just sell your boat and buy one of those cars that you can drive right into the water
  13. when i have large batches of meat i do some in the smoker and some in the oven. i find that 2 pans of chips in the smoker is all it takes to have a great smokey flavour that isnt too strong. put tin foil on the bottom and pack as much meat on the racks as you pissibly can without them overlapping. dont worry about it not cooking evenly with them packed on because the meat will shrink alot. after you take it out of the marinade, lay the meat on paper towel and put another layer on top and push firmly to get the extra marinade out....just like drying fish fillets. this does NOT affect the flavour in any way but it greatly reduces drying times. id suggest doing a few batches with different drying times. shorter for more tender jerky or longer for the dry crispier stuff. different days i feel like different dryness of jerky so i do it this way.
  14. im thinking since he owns a bait shop he might be the one person that hears the most reports on the lower grand? would you guys rather have him keep is mouth shut and not give reports so we dont have a clue how the bite is? give the guy a break <_<
  15. my aqua vu camera has been in the mouths of 7 pike to date. must be the perch pattern on the cam... i often hear of people being concerned that they are using lures that are too big but people should be thinking "are my lures big enough?" you often hear of people catching big bass on muskie lures, perch on 3-4" minnows, and little walleye on big cranks....
  16. lol i know. i just found it amusing that this idiot actually thinks that. the sad part is he was serious...
  17. why dont you call around the brantford area to get some prices on indoor storage? it only takes 25 minutes to get to burlington from my house and im on the west side of brantford. or you could just wait until next year when i build my own garage...cheap! lol. the house i just bought has a lot thats 45' wide and 110' deep i think. empty lots this size are selling for more than i paid for the house! gotta love smaller cities if you decide to get a house with a bigger lot, just gimmie a shout and ill pour the floating pad and driveway for your garage
  18. i had to do a breathalyzer when i got pulled over by an opp. drank 3 beers in 10-15 mins and got pulled over about 20-30 minutes later and blew 0 thought for sure it would have at least shown something. the funniest thing ive heard for beating the breathalyzer is to drink alcohol asap before doing the test because it will overload the scanner.... if that is a pic of the guy that ate his underwear...i feel sorry for him. by the time he is 40 he will look like he is 150
  19. the turkey course is just another money grab if you ask me.... as for eating wild turkey. the best method by far is to deep fry them in peanut oil. the oil is a little pricey so its a good idea to buy the proper filters so you can reuse it.
  20. even though humans are the most intelligent creatures on the earth, it doesnt mean they know whats best. like someone already mentioned...the earth is going to be around forever, humans wont be. first it was dinosaurs that got wiped out....we are next. we are slowly killing ourselves but its NOT because of "global warming". its the pollution that is going to end up killing us off. the earth will become so populated and polluted that humans will die off because the earth wont be able to produce enough resources for so many humans. then the earth will slowly recooperate and a new species will evolve. everyone gets all excited when they hear a new temperature record was broken. how long have humans been keeping accurate temp measurements? definatly not the hundreds and thousands of years required to determine if there is an actual problem that isnt normal in the earths cycles.
  21. the turkey course is a waste of both time and money. seriously, anyone that doesnt have enough common sense to know all the stuff that they "teach" you at the courses shouldnt even be allowed to hunt anything.
  22. ill never have anything installed by anyone else because i like to do everything myself so i have no input on the home depot installation. but, i do know how contractors figure their prices which is why i do everything myself.... as for people at home depot not knowing anything. i guess the brantford store employees must be ALOT different than others. obviously you need to talk to the right person to get proper answers. you cant go ask billy over in plumbing a question about what drywall mud to use. i bought a house a month ago and im redoing everything. insulation, drywall, flooring, and everything in the kitchen and bathroom. the people at home depot have helped out a great deal so i go there for everything. even with a bunch of very uncommon problems they have helped solve the problems. i just found out a couple days ago the people in lighting have to take a little course on residential lighting. obviously the young employees cant help ya much because they dont have experience but the older ones really know what they are talking about. as for cabinets i was going to buy all new ones until i checked out a few prices. cant afford all new cabinets so it was either paint em or strip them and see what the paint is hiding. so i decided to strip the paint (5 coats!) and im glad i did because the cabinet doors are a really nice looking wood with awesome grain. not sure what kind it is though. i say go buy your cabinets and try putting them in yourself. just search the net for tips and take your time.
  23. thanks for the help everyone. i got van and truck world to order a putman (i think?) class 3 for $144 and the wiring harness for $30 so its gonna be cheaper than i thought. i always do things myself so im glad its sopose to be really easy. now lets just hope that im good at backing up...
  24. i need to buy a hitch so i can use a trailer to remove a bunch of garbage from my house im renovating. what brand and type should i get? i have a 2000 dakota 3.9 regular cab 5spd. ive seen a few different types but have no clue where to start. i wont be hauling anything really heavy with this truck so a class 3 will be plenty. wheres a good place to buy one? also, how would i go about wiring my truck to hook up the lights?
  25. it IS open season on groundhogs. here in sw ontario its open all year. best to wait until spring when they have little fat on them though cuz they taste alot better... goin by accuweather its sopose to be cold for a few days then go back up to 10 and 12 so its likely just the usual last cold snap before it warms up for good
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