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Everything posted by ch312

  1. hmmmm....apparently a CO doesnt deserve $65k/yr, but you do? judging by the qualifications, ill bet there arent as many people who are qualified for the position as you think. this part of the ad would rule out many with families : NOTE: Incumbent is required to work effectively in inclement weather and to work shifts, weekends and holidays as required. Willingness to travel for extended periods of time with little or no prior notice and to work in remote isolated location(s). also add in the fact that you may be shot and killed during the next stop is another factor... you are a licensed tradesman and claim you wouldnt get out of bed for less than $65k/yr. ill bet there are many people in your field who would take your job for less pay. maybe you should get paid less too because others would quickly replace you? your argument that they should be paid less because its a "dream" job and apparently there is no shortage of those willing to fill the position is ridiculous.
  2. hehehe...on saturday i went and picked up my 28-30lbs of smoked deer pepperettes from the little buck i shot this season. get your hunting license and go shoot your own deer. getting a full deer made into pepperettes would likely give ya over 100lbs of smoked meat sticks anything you buy in stores or restaurants is farm raised meat. well its supposed to be anyways...
  3. PERCH nothing beats watching a huge school come in on the aqua vu tons of action and one of the best fish to eat...
  4. while quading this summer two of us watched an adult cougar jump across the trail about 20-40 yards ahead while we were going 60km/h. we both stopped right away and both knew exactly what it was. my buddy in front saw the entire body and i saw the rear half. definitely a cats paws and long tail. no question about what we saw. i have been hunting since i was a kid (over 15 years?) and can track deer through some nasty stuff. but, this cat left no sign at all and we looked around for a while to get a pic of tracks. this was located about 5-7 minutes WSW of the brantford city limits. it was roughly 20-30 yards from the fences of houses near the "windmill store" in mount pleasant for those who know the brantford area. a few years ago my father and i saw a very fresh large cougar track in mud. there is simply no canine that could leave such a track which was basically like a giant house cat track with rounder toes.
  5. seems like everyone is reporting low numbers this season. lots of snow last winter would have put a dent in the population in some areas. the warmer than normal temps we've had this fall left corn standing longer than normal resulting in less deer being seen. deer will almost live entirely in corn fields if there is water nearby. a few weeks ago i tagged a little buck in the tiny bush where we hunt. my father was watching 6 does in the field when i shot that deer and i had 2 others by my stand so we know theres at least 8 left . just waiting on a good snow so i can get out to track one down with my crossbow.
  6. i have a moultrie 5mp inafred. it makes no noise at all and emits no light when it takes pics. as long as you can hide and secure the camera good enough nobody will have a clue its there. the model i have also takes quality video clips...possibly best for your uses
  7. there is also a type of hunting where you use a well trained dog to lure coyotes into shooting range. you use a predator call to hopefully get a coyote to come investigate. then you send your dog out into a field or clearing hoping that the coyotes will see him. once the dog sees that the coyotes are closing in on him he runs back to the hunter with the coyotes tailing him. i guess its a very effective way of hunting yotes, but i wouldnt use one of my dogs. a few years back i shot a rabbit and dressed it shortly after. we decided to call for coyotes and not 2 minutes later a big yote came running in right for the lab/collie cross. some buckshot slowed him down a bit
  8. you missed the part where i said no SINGLE domestic dog will win against multiple coyotes it doesnt matter how big the dog is, if the other 1 or 2 yotes decide to help their buddy thats getting mangled by a dog its game over. numbers usually win chrisk, give it up already
  9. when these boneheads call my house i ask why they are calling and then ask if it is being recorded. then i clearly say "i demand that you remove me from your call list and do not call back again. thanks, goodbye". since i have started using this one i havent had any repeats yet which is a big deal for us. Bell gave us a phone number from a canceled line after that person didnt pay the bill for months. i was literally getting 5-6 calls a week for the old name as well as ours.
  10. your strong belief in unions is from your own ignorance. either you are making up stuff as you go or you seriously dont know what the ministry of labor is for and why the CSA and ANSI are around. Any contractor with more than half a brain would never let an employee work without a harness when its required. the employee would get a stiff fine and the employer would be paying out the ying yang for allowing it. if you do not feel safe you simply report to your supervisor that equipment needs to be replaced or it isnt up to par. if you get fired you simply report to the ministry of labor and let them have fun with your employer. i can speak from experience...the ministry of labor and revenue canada are the last people you want on your tail if you are an employer. just ask my old boss who had to shut down for not playing nice you feel safer in a union environment? i work for a non union company and often find myself hanging 20 stories up. with my fear of heights i am the last person that would have a job like this unless i knew it was nearly impossible to fall. i have worked on the same sites as union guys and its quite comical watching them work. i've never seen grown men get so bent out of shape if they start a break late or have to move something heavy themselves. i must say that is very rare though because there are usually 3 others standing around. maybe something is different in union factories, but when it comes to union guys in construction and landscaping you rarely see every guy on site doing something and there is never anyone around after 5. another funny thing i've noticed on different sites is union workers go by seniority rather than experience. seems like the total opposite of the logical thing to do, but all you have to do is think "union" to fully understand. about that concrete company i mentioned before.... when it was non union the guys worked hard and applied themselves daily to earn raises and vacation time. when the union moved in they all became lazy because they knew there was nothing the boss could do about it. in a union you are typically a complete slacker and rely on the union to ensure you get a raise rather than working hard to earn it. in a union you are taught to abuse the system to get it YOUR way. EDIT: gotta throw this in.....nice one BUSTER
  11. i guess you really cant i never have or will work at timmies or walmart, but that comment was totally uncalled for. many years ago we actually needed unions to make jobs safer and to ensure people werent getting worked to death. now the only thing unions are good for is protecting lazy workers. a large concrete company with 40+ employees that i use to work for went union after the workers voted for it. all they thought about was making more money. less than 2 years later they will be closing the business because of all the union Bull. the company had been making big profits for over 10 years and shared those profits by handing out big christmas bonuses, work clothes/boots, and having christmas parties were more than 100 people usually attended for all you can eat/drink.
  12. thats a nice looking yote. in this area they average 40lbs and have heard of a few reaching 50lbs. there is a possibility that it is a coydog which is why it is larger. these mixes are generally more dangerous because they have less fear of humans... one on one the pyrenees would kill the coyote, but the big dog wouldnt be able to catch the coyote. its common for coyotes to toy with dogs and lure them into the bush where the rest of the pack is waiting. no domestic dog that is alone is going to win against 2 or 3 coyotes so be sure to keep an eye on your pooches no matter how big they are. have you seen the rest of the pack?>
  13. SSS works great on cats too typical attitude from someone who allows their pets to harass and kill wildlife. im done with this thread. if you have further comments send them via pm
  14. if your dog is bringing back various critters you need to punish him for this to break the habit. be very stern and enforce the fact that it is not acceptable. eventually he will just give up with chasing critters and killing them for fun. i am a hunter and a conservationist. i have and will put the crosshairs on family pets/drop offs that are running free in the bush. you wouldnt be too happy if i saw your dog running game...within range.
  15. i disagree with this entire post except when you said everyone should be aiming for vitals. first, anyone taking shots at deer with a bow out to 60 yards has no clue what ethical hunting is about. at that range the deer has plenty of time to jump the string resulting in a bad hit. i fail to understand why you think a crossbow is so much easier than a bow. you can have a compound drawn and beginning to aim by the time someone gets a crossbow up and looks through the scope. with both types of bows you need to wait for the animal to look away before drawing. scent control, stealth, and aim are critical with both bows. lastly...compounds are light and take a bit of practice. crossbows are heavy and its awkward shooting off hand. both require practice to be good enough for hunting situations.
  16. deer will often snort and stomp when they know something is near but can identify it. chances are the deer knew you were there and were trying to scare ya. both sexes will grunt with a buck having a deeper tone.
  17. strikes wouldnt occur if we didnt have unions.... :whistling:
  18. no its not. the current limit is 500 fps before a gun or bow needs to be registered... discharge includes anything that shoots something. where they draw the line between toys and something that can actually injure or kill someone i dont know. guns, bows, pellet guns, crossbows, sling shots, spear guns, potato guns, and cannons fall under this category.
  19. ill never understand why people feel the need to hold their fish as far away from their bodies as possible. it makes pics look quite foolish and you can never tell how big the fish actually is...
  20. checkout the excalibur lumizone scope...mine should be here before the weekend
  21. i didnt bother getting a shotgun tag this year so seeing the crappy weather all week made me happy. less shotgun hunters = more deer for me and my bow
  22. congrats you sure are lucky you didnt lose this buck. you should never push a deer and it would have been much wiser to back off for a couple hours before tracking once you saw blood. pushing a deer is the main reason people lose deer. he would have laid down and died the first time he stopped if you hadnt pushed him. luckily he didnt go too far and you were able to find him. im not trying to bring you down or nothing, but following up too quickly is the worst thing you can do.
  23. dont skimp out on the quiver as you NEED one. they are $20 so you dont need to worry about that. shooting with pins instead of a scope will save you some money. just search around for a used bow and go from there.
  24. ...or because anyone that needs more than 3 shots while deer hunting should take up golf instead straight from the MNR website: Question Re: Number of Shells in Shotgun Do I need to plug my 12 gauge shotgun, so it can only hold 2 shells in the magazine, when I'm hunting deer or grouse? Answer: Yes, the regulation which restricts the number of shells in a shotgun to three (one in chamber, two in the magazine) apply to all hunting, regardless of species.
  25. that is because they are nearly an exact copy of excalibur crossbows and they stole the design rather than paying to make up their own
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