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Everything posted by ch312

  1. im 24 and own an 07 grizzly 700...$18 a month. i also have my truck and home insured through state farm...
  2. my camera looks like a perch...pike like perch...camera has been grabbed by a few for some rather interesting viewing
  3. seems like they are kissing their customers butts to stay on peoples good books...awesome plan and its likely going to work. everyone against toyota is trying to twist this recall into whichever way possible to make toyota look bad. this seems to be the best way possible to deal with a huge recall like this. i can only imagine how much $$$ they are losing over this...
  4. a buddy of mine is selling a mustang inflatable PFD that looks like a normal fly fishing/stream vest for $60 if anyone is interested... ill stick to the old school style
  5. if you have the money, why sit on a waiting list to get heart surgery when you can pay to have it done right now? seems like a no brainer to me...
  6. need i say more? http://images.google.ca/images?client=fire...sa=N&tab=wi
  7. thumbs up for not choosing a POS from one of the big 3 both would be quality vehicles so to me it would come down to the mileage, price, vehicle history, and ride. i plan on getting a tacoma 4c4 this year sometime.
  8. i havent seen this debate over there. im just going by what ive read and been told in the past. there are 2 reasons for having full metal jackets on bullets.... 1)cheap and easy to make 2)one piece jacket for increased penetration i guess ill go over there now
  9. the FMJ was not designed to tumble. it was designed for penetration and any tumbling would lower penetration. the tumbling and large wound channels occur when they are shot through barrels with a slow twist. use faster twist barrels to make the bullets more stable and you get more penetration with small wound channels and better accuracy. the old US army guns used 1:12 twist and the new use 1:7 i believe. this ended the tumbling and large wound channels. the purpose of FMJ's is to take enemies down, but not kill them. any bullet will tumble if the twist is not fast enough to stabilize the bullet. ill say it again, the FMJ was NOT designed to tumble. the one and only thing it was meant for is penetration. we use hollow point bullets for hunting because they expand and typically dump all of the energy into the target resulting in more trauma. exactly what those in power dont want in wars which is why they agreed on the FMJ. better do some more reading before trying to burn me noobcakes
  10. you would be correct. FMJ is not meant for killing which is why the army uses it. there would be a lot less men leaving the battle field alive if they were to use expanding bullets during war. hunting bullets are designed to expand to cause damaged and bleeding while while delivering as much energy into the animal. FMJ's are designed to punch through without causing as much damage and little energy is deposited onto the target.
  11. maybe you guys should have read the homepage before joining this fishing only site
  12. fixed for ya a google search of "dirty burt" turned up quite the definition in the urban dictionary. not for kids...
  13. news reporters must have had a pretty slow day if they were concerned about a truck blowing donuts on the ice. its a ton of fun getting up to speed and then cranking it over to see how many times you can spin. plain old donuts are too boring for me he likely checked the ice, didnt fall through, and nobody was hurt. i dont see the problem? there is no set required thickness to hold a truck and 12" is just the general number people follow because there is no way for the average joe to determine how strong the ice is on each water body at different times of the year.
  14. fin bore III is the best in my opinion. ill be selling a barely used 8" very soon when i upgrade to a gas auger. have an atv to haul the gas one around now if you are going to be drilling a couple holes here and there a cheaper one will do. but if you want to drill holes and find the fish you better get a good auger. that goes for gas augers too.
  15. i am 24 and was called a wimp and some other not so nice words by the 8+ other guys i regularly ride with for getting heated grips and a fairing. apparently "real men" dont need that kinda stuff. the funny thing is 3 of those guys now have fairings and heated grips as well after trying mine out. after all the whining the other guys did last time i dont think it will be long before they get fairings and heated grips too our group is addicted to quading and spend way too much money on them. we often run in a group of 15+ so i get to see a lot of new tires, winches, accessories, etc in action nearly every weekend. if you have any questions about anything dont hesitate to give me a shout
  16. hmmm...you must be corey? the other board is totally different than this one as you can see. CGN is a gun/hunting forum where there is mainly a fishing forum so there are totally different people at each. its fun toying with people over there (you... ) while things are usually more serious on this forum. gotta tone things down a bit for this site which contains many lieberals... you likely saw that thread on CGN about someone crying that the yotes are eating all the deer and everyone was against me because some senile old timer and his buddies started spewing their filth. now go over to OOD forums where the same topic came up. most there agree with the exact same points i made over on CGN. forums are weird that way...if one "credible" member states something, his ignorant buddies feel like they are obligated to follow suit whether its true or not. in person i am one of the nicest and polite guys you'll meet and i am more than willing to go on a hunt with anyone ive had arguments with on the intraweb. the internet is for entertainment well that sums it up right there as to the type of person you are. ANYONE who calls coyote hunting mean automatically loses all credibility in a coyote hunting debate. you are trying to educate hunters when you have no "hands on" experience with yotes...kinda like a gun hating liberal trying to teach me about firearms. you can read all you want but it doesnt mean squat. how about you go talk to some people who have lost their dogs, cats, calves, chickens, etc to yotes and then we'll talk. your argument that hunting yotes will somehow result in higher populations is ridiculous. their populations are mainly determined by habitat and FOOD. they will not start producing more offspring unless the food is there to support them. exactly how many years have you spent in the bush to backup your statements?
  17. might want to consider getting a fairing if you will be running in open areas. i threw one on my grizzly 700 and its awesome. makes a huge difference when riding when its a tad chilly out. it looks like chains will work on those tires. chains wont work on many of the more aggressive tires with big lugs because the chains just fall between the lugs rendering them useless. studs are the way to go with the tires that have big lugs. im waiting on the snow to test out my radial mud lites... btw...radials OWN 6ply tires in traction and handling
  18. tell that to the groups of guys who take 100+ yotes every winter with dogs. how about those hunters who are really into yote hunting and take dozens every year? maybe the trappers across ontario who take thousands every winter might have an impact? your average hunter who gets out a few times each season will have no impact on yote populations, but serious hunters, those who run dogs, and trappers help to keep the populations in check. if we all just stopped killing yotes today the population would skyrocket for a while until there is not enough food left or disease kills them off before the numbers started decreasing. the numbers of wildlife would go down while livestock predation would rise.
  19. i totally expected some of these comments on a fishing board where many members are against humans hurting gods little creatures. the FACT is that those who are whining about hunters controlling coyote numbers know absolutely NOTHING about coyotes period. id say its comparable to liberals trying to educate firearms owners on various firearms issues. they have their minds made up and their opinions are based on media hype and lack of knowledge. im not even going to bother trying to educate the ignorant folks in this thread because it is totally pointless... that said, i enjoy shooting every coyote i see
  20. a sharp piece of plastic on my clam 2000 put a few inch gash in the fabric and they sent me a whole new hut for FREE. cant beat that service i find it odd that they wont ship just the fabric to you but they would send me a whole new hut from the states???
  21. since i have 2 family members who do home energy audits, id highly recommend getting one done on your home. usually costs $300 for both visits but you get $150 back from the government. you may get the $150 you spent on the audit back in refunds from the attic insulation alone. i could tell you exact numbers but my paperwork on this stuff is at a friends. im not sure how much you can get for just attic insulation. just adding draft gaskets behind switch and outlet plates can make your house qualify for refunds after the blower test...thats $300. dont forget to save the receipts for the home reno tax credit as well that said, most of the energy auditors will recommend Pink blown in insulation. it does not settle and there is practically no dust when spraying it. i have sprayed 4 house so far for friends and family and it is very easy to work with. i believe at Lowes you get the rental free if you buy more than 8 bags of insulation. im not sure on price vs cellulose, but the simple fact that there is no dust makes it well worth it. like previously mentioned, make sure you dont block airflow from your soffit. use polytarp instead of those vent things for the soffits. just staple it to the roof trusses around the perimeter of the home. provides better air flow and is easier to install. better airflow lowers the risk of ice dams forming on your roof now is the time to do energy related upgrades on your home. between the energy and reno rebates you can get the government to pay for over half of the upgrades on older homes. energy audits on homes are becoming mandatory in the future for any houses being bought/sold so you might as well do it now while the government is willing to send you free $$$
  22. id agree that this article doesnt contain all of the facts like most articles of this nature. they will always twist it any way possible to make the story sound more interesting. its a simple marketing tactic. the more believable story would be this guy was cruising country roads looking for deer to shoot. he happened to see this doe somewhere while cruising by and he stopped to shoot it. he likely missed the first shot which is why there were multiple shots. this domesticated deer likely didnt run from the gunshots. then the deer ran back towards the house i would assume. even a deer hit in the vitals can run 80-100 yards. the guy likely booked it when the son started flipping out after going to investigate the shots or seeing the deer. this is something most hunters in ontario are against and is illegal if you dont have permission for the property where you finally see a deer. these types are typically poachers and id like to see them punished. i believe there is also something that says you cant shoot within 500m of a dwelling. im not defending the actions, just trying to give some insight on what is more believable than the newspaper... the sound from a gun shot can easily travel kilometers, especially in open terrain and when it is cold out.
  23. i was referring to your claims that there is no shortage of people who would take this position, there is stiff competition, and they could likely fill the position if there was no pay for the first year. this is why i refuse to ever join a union. fear that ill turn into a typical union worker that thinks they are entitled to more money and will typically refuse to work for less. you have apparently stated that 7 times, but failed to read the qualifications. this does not appear to be an entry level position to me or most others in this thread. notice in the first sentence it says EXPERIENCE? they are looking for experienced individuals with everything they listed before that little ; symbol. how is an entry level candidate suppose to have experience with enforcement, investigations, laying charges, testifying, preparing search warrants, etc? if this doesnt convince you, nothing will get it into your head that this isnt an entry level position and they are looking for experienced individuals who deserve to make more than the new guys. Qualifications:knowledge of and experience in natural resource and public safety-related legislation, enforcement, investigative techniques, rules of evidence, laying charges, testifying in court, preparing Crown briefs and applications for search warrants, and court procedures; knowledge of natural resource management principles in the areas of commercial/sport fisheries, game/non-game species of wildlife and forestry; communication and presentation skills; interpersonal skills in negotiating and participating in conflict resolution; organizational, analytical, planning, investigative and intelligence gathering skills; ability to work independently; computer skills; proficiency in operating and maintaining water craft, snowmobiles and ATV`s; ability to fly and work in small aircraft; ability to qualify and be appointed as a Conservation Officer; ability to complete use of force training and firearms certification; standard first aid certificate, pleasure craft operators card; Canadian firearms safety course certificate, Ontario hunting licence; valid driver`s licence to conduct field work. CPIC
  24. ah, i just noticed you're a union guy. i wont even bother trying to discuss how much money people should be making and how many would do the work for less pay do you have some links or sources to backup your claims?
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