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Everything posted by ch312

  1. the amount of stupid i see very day really is amazing. BUT, some people are totally clueless when it comes to stuff like this. they may not even realize that cottagers frown upon this kinda stuff and a simple and polite conversation could educate them. it seems like there are more and more idiots every day. but, the "victims" with their yelling, swearing, and often threats arent far behind in that race that said, i enjoy watching people fish so i wouldn't have a problem as long as they didnt get to close to the boat or swimmers....then its game on
  2. toss em in the lake. if they dont sink they will just drift to shore where the critters usually have them cleaned up by morning. the critters get a free meal and nothing gets wasted...win win
  3. my blackberry had a little bath from all the water we took in the boat yesterday on erie. it's been dried out 3 times so far, but i think its toast this time.
  4. lucky frog....i would have cooked him up
  5. maybe get a few ideas from these? i've seen about 3/4 of these in person and they are awesome. im surprised nobody has mentioned anything about all the carvings in london yet http://www.londontourism.ca/treetrunktour/
  6. i say rent a bigger trailer to save the headaches as its going to be a pain loading them and getting them strapped down. they may be so close together that they could be damaged by bouncing/rubbing off each other. i believe it was $130 or so when a buddy rented the same trailer which is a ripoff if you ask me. carter rentals is a lot cheaper and may have a trailer better suited for the job. a small cube van from another rental company (uhaul is the most expensive) would make your life easier. but, im not sure how much it would cost...
  7. kiilo, fox red yellow lab, female, 2 1/2. used for waterfowl and snuggling gracie, beagle x walker hound, female, 1 1/2. great rabbit and deer dog, pain in the butt
  8. thanks for all the info so far im having trouble deciding on which length to get now. i figure i am going to spend the money so i might as well get the boat that i'll likely have for the next 20 years unless i start having problems with it. i've had my 14 foot tinner out on lake erie a few times in 3-4ft waves and i dont think its too bad. but, the rough ride and nervous passengers make me want to get a boat suited for the job. i also want to get riggers and start going after bows and walleye rather than sticking to perch and bass. so, 16, 17, or 18ft? i've been searching and there arent too many used boats out there that have what i want. ill choose that route if i find exactly what i want, but it doesnt look promising.
  9. so, i like the look of the 16ft legend boats in OOD magazine. since i havent been shopping around, are those prices low, mid or high? what brands offer quality at a good price? i need something deep and at least 16ft as i want to start hitting the main lake down on erie and lake ontario as well. my 14ft tinner just aint cutting it anymore... is it worth paying extra for the 4 strokes? what brands of outboards should i stay away from? any dealers have sales on right now?
  10. cool video...but i thought fish should are suppose to be landed as quickly as possible to limit the amount of stress on the fish? if it were a musky, even you would somehow be banned from here
  11. ive been driving to niagara from brantford for nearly 4 months now for our current restoration project and its an awesome drive. very few accidents and people usually cruise 120-130 in the left lane. there are very few who go faster than that and i have seen maybe 5 or 6 in 4 months so its not that bad. people who travel this stretch seem to have a better understanding of driving than those on the GTA majors. i usually see 2 radar a week and they havent had many people pulled over so far.
  12. this sounds like a typical senior whining about young people having a good time...just like they used to what do you plan on gaining from this little talk? there is basically no way for the owner to predict how the renters are going to act on their vacation so telling him to choose better people wont work. suggesting age limits wont work as he'll get no business. giving them the boot after they have been partying all night would likely result in vandalism.
  13. hmmmm...you guys must have really bad luck if you cant catch any smallies in the grand ive been fishing the grand in brantford for most of my life (24) and all of the honey holes produce every year. i dont bother going if the water is more than 1 ft higher than normal as the best fishing is when the water is at normal summer levels. i fish everything from knee deep water to deep holes and always find fish quite easily. top producers for me are spinners, original rapalas, and skitter pops. when im testing new waters or the fish dont wanna play nothing beats drifting a whole worm under a float.
  14. on our last outing im not sure what happened but when i went to lower my endura 36 the prop was missing. i cant find an online manual to see exactly what i am missing. right now there is the threaded shaft coming out of the motor with a pin through it. do i just need another prop and a normal nut?
  15. i really dont see why you needed to inject so much sarcasm. also, why do you feel the need to try and scare the OP away from 2 relatively easy tasks? i know...another tactic to scare people into getting robbed by a mechanic? there are some things that are best left to mechanics because it will be done properly (hopefully) and save you money in the long run. but, cleaning a carb and changing a gasket is VERY EASY even if you havent done it before and does not require paying a mechanic to do the job. maybe a few tips for a fellow OFNer would have been better than having attitude?
  16. if that were the case, then why did they choose the ram as the winner? the ram with a hemi is more powerful than the f-150 and the ride is MUCH better than both ford and the tundra. toyota would likely last longer though. these tests are pretty much pointless anyways as any new half ton will be able to handle the loads that most average joe's will be hauling.
  17. definitely a weasel or otter type critter and not a muskrat or bear cub. chances are the people who found it know what it is but are using the hair loss as an excuse to create another internet monster.
  18. i use a danforth with 5ft of heavy chain ftw
  19. headin down tomorrow at 530am, but hoovers doesnt open til 7am. anyone know where we could get some minnows and worms somewhere along the way and before 6am? thanks in advance.
  20. bell is the WORST service provider out there for tv, internet, phones, etc. their customer service sucks, internet is much slower than rogers, and their prices are usually too high. its also common for them to make "mistakes" on cell phone bills resulting in people paying too much or spending a lot of time on the phone trying to correct the issue. 2 years ago we decided to get bell internet and home phone. no word of a lie, i spent about 5 HOURS total on the phone talking to 7 or 8 different people from bell trying to get an internet modem. i tried canceling the services a few days before the contract was up and they still tried charging me the $100 early cancellation fee my current and previous employers use bell so i know all about them trying to steal money from cell phone customers...
  21. so, i have been fishing all my life and have only used old fish finders and know nothing about new ones. what are the advantages to using a new model vs something thats 15 years or older? any brand to stay away from?
  22. considering a fox around these parts weighs 15-20 pounds, i'd say there would be quite a few breeds of dogs that would destroy a fox. the boxer is a wimp which is the only reason it ran from a little fox.
  23. should have countered with an offer above your asking price i will be mortgage free this fall and plan on selling the house privately next summer/fall. how difficult is the process for an average joe to sell a house? im one of those types that refuses to give away hard earned money when i can complete the task on my own. not cheap...smart
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