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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. My adblocker blocks them anyways so i don't see them. They are just empty boxes.
  2. The changes are great and much appreciated! I know how much work goes into this stuff.
  3. Nice fish man, pale beauty.
  4. Nice fish!!! I'm heading out this weekend for cats twice.
  5. Learn something everday on here. I'll have to try it out.
  6. I love the rapala loop for all my body baits. However, I feel that using a loop for jigs is a very bad idea. When the line is slackthe loop may or may not be in contact with the eye of the jighead, when you pull the rod tip up quickly you are going to apply all kinds of snap pressure on the line right at the eye. Whereas with a normal knot like a palomar or uni etc, the pressure is always at that point where the eye is and there is no room for snapping pressure. I hope that made sense hehe, it was hard to describe.
  7. Chain Pickerel or bust.
  8. Beautiful fish!! i can't find any chenille like that for my jigs!
  9. Toronto spoons and spinnerbaits are my favorite pike lures.
  10. No limits on ling. I get into them good in June and July in the river, they are so tasty!
  11. any advice for backing line?
  12. Some great advice here, thanks guys.
  13. Ling don't fight well, but they are amazing to eat. Those are nice sized Ling.
  14. if you present them with something that looks like a smelt in early July, they will try to take your rod away from you with the strike.
  15. It just started this morning, its light and fluffy.
  16. thats disgusting.
  17. Damn, this would be a great excuse to visit my uncle in Hamilton, hmmmm.
  18. Some real creative guys on here!!
  19. I make Steelhead and salmon jigs as well
  20. I watched horror movies with Meaghan.
  21. Hehe nice fish, what a glutton!
  22. Nice report! and thanks, now I'm hungry.
  23. I'll make you whatever you need. PM me.
  24. I'm going to that festival.
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