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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. Turn of the century.
  2. I prefer left handed reel for spinning and right handed for baitcasting.
  3. Merry Christmas Dave!!
  4. You can watch them cut through school of smelt like kill whales cutting through salmon on the west coast.
  5. I appreciate the wisdom.
  6. Wow, thanks for the prompt response guys. I will Pm you for some more info for sure.
  7. Hey folks. I have from April until September off from my college program and I was thinking about going and working at a lodge guiding to make some cash. What I would like to know is if anyone has a site or message board with information and horror/success stories so I can select some good lodges to apply to. I'm a very capable multi-species angler who subscribes to the scientific approach to angling and I have very strong interpersonal skills and don't drink alcohol or smoke ciagerettes. Any info would be great and much appreciated.
  8. Sweet. Man I love living here.
  9. post a picture of your monster ling!!! i love them buggers.
  10. 1. House on the riverfront 2. Audi R8 V10 3.Tackle Store 4. Lund walleye boat/ 250HP Mercury Outboard 5. Toyota Tundra 6. A lot of stocks 7. Stuff and cash for friends and family
  11. What a salmon!!!! Look at those colors..... :Gonefishing: :Gonefishing: being up there would be like heaven.
  12. So much its not even funny. This has been the year I've learned more than any other in my life. My favorite thing I've learned is how to sweep spoons for atlantics, I know if the time of year is right, I can go to any of my spots and hook an Atlantic salmon, thats just a really good feeling. I've learned a great deal about steelheading, a big thanks to Dr. Salvelinus for sharing valuable time and information with me. I plan on purchasing a centerpin reel and I've got a nice float rod now so its on! One last thing is just how damn slow you can fish a rapala and how some nights, doing almost nothin' is key!
  13. good thread. I would choose the fabled Skeena River in B.C., thats about as far as my exotic fishing location dreams extend from home. I would like to target Steelhead on "shrimp n' eggs" or wrapped kwikfish. Hopefully get into to something memorable lol. And I know that there will be salmon, big, fat, insane, sea-run salmon. A Skeena steelhead, wonder if it tugged good? some more Skeena fish!
  14. Absolutely nothing wrong with pike. They are an insanely respectable fish and great table fare like you said. Perhaps its the ease of catch and not the greatest fighting spirits in a lot of cases that tends to have em' rank lower than more popular gamefish.
  15. Now we're all learning together. hahaha
  16. They are most certainly the biggest bang for your buck when hooked. I have so much respect for smallmouth bass :worthy: :worthy: , i would certainly not be a sad fisherman if I got 'stuck' fishin' them the rest of my life.
  17. Hehe very clever! I'm going Salmo!!!
  18. We live between three of the great lakes and still havent been really hit too hard. I want a big blizzard.
  19. His show inspired 90% of the rubes around here to use the "Texas-arch" hookset regardless of species or method of fishing. I love those bloopers haha. What a tool. When he swings that battery into the water and yanks himself with it, its just priceless.
  20. That tarpon is beautiful. I was always in awe growing up watching the american fishing shows where they would show tarpon footage, i would love to try that one day. Lew I can't imagine catching a musky at night, thats just bonkers...I've had walleye and bass nearly give me a heart attack striking in the dark, I can't imgaine messing with a giant musky.
  21. Brookies are so beautiful, I agree heavily. I hope to catch my first one in spring.
  22. Testify!!!!! :clapping:
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