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Everything posted by Kinger

  1. Those fish are gorgeous, they look quite healthy and hearty. I have to get out and get into some.
  2. I trust educated and dedicated scientists to do their job. i have nothing but respect for our biologists. I think the problem comes from a different source, lets say...hmmm......red tape and political Bull. For someone without a science degree to degrade the work of a real scientist is asinine.
  3. cause they are zombies...
  4. would have been better if a 50 inch musky grabbed his head.... haha j/k great little video.
  5. Maybe if they had a Center on the team....might help things.
  6. Its snowing a bit in the Soo right now.
  7. I'm heading down for Steel/Salmon at the rapids tonight. Can't wait!
  8. I like White/White, White and pink/White and also I've been doing good with chartreuse head and chartreuse with silver flake twin tails.
  9. Haha, that would drive me nuts! Its a great time and so close to home, indulge. bigredneck, i was out in the tailrace of the power gen.
  10. Took the long 3 minute drive to pull some spoons after seeing a ton of fish on the LSSU Fishcam. Got 2 nice chinooks, both girls! One got to live, and sadly one had to die. I am very happy to have some damn roe as I've been out for over 2 weeks and hate paying 4$ for a dozen, poorly-tied bags from the tackle shop. Here are some photos, not bad for about 45 minutes of fishing less than 5 minutes from home. Tight Lines, Kinger. I hate killing fish, but I will eat her up over the winter and I really needed the roe. Here is the unprepared roe, its curing right now.
  11. The best way to catch larger chain pickerel is to use a small jig such as a shad dart, in yellow/red, or yellow/white combinations, in a 1/64 ounce size, up to about an 1/8 ounce. These are really small baits, and a lot of finesse is required to catch chains on these lures. The other bait that works well is a 1/16 to 1/4 ounce brown or brown/black hair jig. Both these jigs should be used first without any other bait, such as minnows attached to them. Good Luck out there.
  12. Its on.
  13. Oh great, I'm hearing more and more that its next to impossible to get a brown during the day down there. Maybe I will have to search for one north or northwest of here.
  14. Aurora for sure.
  15. Yeah, I was thinking of going 10 lb. Maxima Ultragreen as my main line with a long floro leader.
  16. Another quick way is to upload them to facebook, and then just copy and paste the Image source by right clicking--->copy image source.
  17. AHAHA, I'll see what she thinks of that idea. LOL. Thanks for the kind words. I'm buying my first spool of expensive ass florocarbon and a noodle rod as I turn my attention to brown trout...ahhh I can't wait.
  18. I'm sooo jealous. Such beautiful fish, especially the brown. Nice job.
  19. Hey folks. I had a busy week of college and was looking very forward to getting downtown and trying to get a King to play. Got downtown just before dusk and washed some glow cleos. Decided to go to a crankbait to rattle an annoyance bite. I went to pull out a pearl bomber long A, but my firetiger HJ got all jumbled up with it, so I put it on instead thinking, yeah I've done good with Husky Jerks on salmon. Sure enough 10 casts later, massive slam and I got into a good salmon, he made 4 or 5 really nice long runs. Thankfully two high school aged kids saw me fighting it and watched, so I asked one of them to take a picture for me. I was quite happy to have got to catch this fish after thinking about it and daydreaming about fishing all week. I got him on my little bench I use to remove the hook and got another quick picture. Then, I wished him good luck spawning and sent him on his way, he revived very quickly and thrashed away! I was considering staying around and throwing some slashbaits for walleye but I opted to rent a movie and wait for my girlfriend to get home for some victory activities, caveman style. My next target, a st. mary's brown trout! wish me luck. Tight Lines!
  20. What a beauty! Nice Fish man.
  21. Really great read, thank you.
  22. He is so creepy. Thumbs up for a 20lber. Creepy little bugger.
  23. Kinger

    NHL 2010

    West: My Red Wings East: Washington Capitals Cup: Red Wings
  24. Nice fish! I gotta hit the rapids soon.
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