Just thought I would share my stories and picture of my July from the bank of the St Marys river (Fished 10 nights). I used only used 1 rod (7 ft Shimano Scimitar) and 1 lure in two different sizes XR8 and XR10 both in the same color, every fish here was caught on the same lure! .
I caught quite a few of these guys.
This fellow had smelt stuffed in his throat but decided he could fit my bait in as well.
My uncle came to visit my folks from Hamilton and wanted to catch a walleye or two and eat them. Thankfully I was able to put him on a couple of fish and we had a successful night we ended up keeping 4 nice ones (limit on the marys is 4 any size) and having a little family fish fry. Here is a pic of the keepers.
My mother asked me to get an Atlantic and keep it since it is her absolute favorite fish to eat.
So I had hoped that my walleye gear would hold up if and when I hooked an atlantic salmon. And thankfully it did.
Best fight of my life!!!
I also got an appetizer that night, best tasting one-two punch in freshwater fishing imo!!
The largest eye I got last month wasn't that great but still a nice fish.
Hit so hard and had my 10 cm bait in her mouth right side up!
Plus I got engaged! And she is getting into fishing now. Pretty good month all in all! Tight Lines!