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Everything posted by ehg

  1. It is 37 celsius, 48 on humidex here in T.O right now. I was soaked in sweat anytime i left any air con. Couldn't imagine being out in boat with sun beating on me.
  2. Your best bet is probably to go out with a guide in the area and observe how they go about things. Marc Thorpe is one of the best guides in that area and obviously knows the best. The best fishermen in the world hire him. Check out the "Next Bite" link you provided. I remember years ago he posted a report where he caught 58" and 57" muskies up that way guiding Aaron Shirley. Mike Lazarus is another one that comes to mind. Might be good to learn smallmouth fishing. Think that Lake St. Francis holds the record for Canadian tournament weigh in for a bass tournament. Good luck with this undertaking anyways.
  3. The first time i went to Rice or any lake that is part of the Trent-Severn i would go around the green buoys marking the channel. Usually they are along a weed edge and produced fish. Probably Sinker has lots of experience there and if he says its good for all sizes and year classes then you should be good. Rice doesn't get nearly as choppy as Simcoe especially around Bewdley. Good Luck all...
  4. You are right. I went to the one in Algonquin with easy access to Booth Lake and lots of smallies. The picture report is the Kaladar lake one. Thought it was different place.
  5. Another great post and video Wonderful place for your son to grow up. Looks like bald eagles on the dead tree in those pictures. They are making quite a comeback.
  6. They are calling for 37 degrees celcius(100 F) on thursday, 45 with humidity. Hardly ever have seen that temperature forecast. Been constantly 31-34 since July 1st and is supposed to get worse.
  7. Planned on going to Kasshabog once and read that walleye were main targets up there. Apparently lots of bass, panfish and a few muskies in there. Good Luck
  8. I went up there a couple of times almost 20 yrs. ago but it is probably much the same. Went with a girlfriend who really wasn't the outdoorsy type and went to Booth Lake both times from there. There was only a really small portage to Booth. I fished and caught smallmouth bass all along the area. When at Booth i caught a few small lakers trolling deep diving lure behind canoe. Apparently there is walleye/pickeral in Crotch and dfecent pike as well. Check out this post i found, they did good with the fishing there recently. http://www.ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19933
  9. Looks like you and your daughter had a great time! My daughter is about the same age and likes fishing and rock collecting as well. That rock place in Bancroft looks like somewhere we might check out sometime. Great post
  10. Think that 5 lbs. or so is about right judging from other responses. Keep up the good year your having so far. Usually the fish are bigger and weigh more as fall approaches.
  11. Nice going Those are common size for Kawartha muskies. What a great time that must've been.
  12. You caught a musky while fishing for walleye and shared a video with us... pretty awesome i would think. I think your videos are the best thing going here too bad about these friggin musky freakouters. After buying the cradle, hook cutters, etc and treating these things so well; still a few times have had to get stitches at hospital just reaching in cradle and having fish thrash about and slice me. Wasted my day and blood. Thought later should have cut it as well just to be fair, since it did cut me. Really they are not much different than pike(esox). Actually pike are much better for eating. Any musky i ate had a "musky" taste which wasn't that appealing.
  13. Without a doubt hitting Rice Lake in a boat is way better. Even if the bite for bass or walleye is slow there is always tons of sunfish or perch to keep you busy fishing. The possibility for a musky even exists on Rice.
  14. Good Luck with the fishing there. As an aside; was in a Loblaws today and they were selling Lake Erie PICKERAL not walleye. If Loblaws sells pickeral then that is probably the right thing to call them.
  15. All the best wishes and prayers for Jen to come through this. One thing that is clear in this thread is the strength of spirit that she has and huge support all around for her. It will be super tough but you all will get through to way better times.
  16. And some shots of Kate Wow, those are close shots of two people who have recently saturated the worlds stage. Can't believe the most real close ups of them are found on an Ontario fishing forum.
  17. Great picture again Bushart! You really have found your style and niche. I am still hacking away maybe in some decades i will find something. Call this one 'Evening: looking north'
  18. Ya, but Mats Sundin was one of the best players in the world for a bit when with laffs. Another great player, one of the best all round ever, was a long time Leaf. Wendel Clark! Aside from his D'Angelo apple juice commercials he seemed to be shy to be "marquee". Your right though HH, Gilmour really was toast of this town... doesn't look like there is any similar in future. At least us Montrealers in the future have Subban et al; and somehow always don't run into these problems.
  19. Wasn't Mats Sundin considered a marquee player...does anyone remember him? I remember during the 2002 Winter Olympics he was one of the more dominant players in the world. Connolly doesn't even come close to Sundin. More mediocrity for the center of the hockey universe....
  20. Wow! Wow! Triple Wow! You captured a real unbelievable and somewhat special moment. Those type of clouds are called mammatus and only occur on the back end of big thunderstorms. You could win a photo contest with that series especially on a meteorlogical/climatological website. Again you are truly blessed to be in an area with great fishing all around and incredible scenery at your doorstep. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  21. Nice, steady contributions to Team 3. Looks like you had a fun day
  22. Yup, catching any fish that is scrappy is all the fun. When fishing the outflow in winter, could always tell a drum by its constant digging for the bottom. Would always bend the rod right over while it dove down. Most other fish would fight near the surface. Nice going on the report.
  23. Yes, it is correct what you stated. Balsam was chosen sort of as an experiment to see if the opposite slot size is better or worse than the rest of the Kawarthas. Asked a CO last year about this and he said he thinks both slot regulations are fairly restrictive and populations should rebound no matter what. Last year i saw many walleye taken outside these rules.
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