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Everything posted by ehg

  1. It is like God is smiling for you in the morning Nice picture Lew.
  2. The possibility of a near record musky exists in those waters at this time of year. Thanks for sharing the good results of your super hardcore efforts.
  3. Worried that certain input would put an end to an otherwise healthy discussion?
  4. Undoubtedly Jennifer's story feeds my spirit to fight against disability through rehab.
  5. Thanks very much Drew for the insightful and informative words drawn from experience. Was provided the link by a native friend who suggested that attention should be drawn to this plight. I have no clue or worthwhile opinion so am humbled and very grateful for your response.
  6. Hey Joe, Little unsure of your intention...I was just thinking that part of this situation is rooted in further perpetuation of old colonial habits or attitudes. I could be wrong though. Am without knowledge and experience as well. Wanted to draw attention to an overlooked Canadian perplexity here in a place that is quite familiar to many on this board. Cheers...
  7. Fully in agreement with you. It goes beyond political views this is a HUMAN problem that somehow exists in what is seen as the greatest and fairest country of the world. By remaining indifferent followed by silence is the greatest sin. ehg
  8. Great reply Dr. Sal. With the riches plundered from area their is no excuse not to share. It is further 'corporatism' without care. Yup, further Bull, racism and pillaging so the rich get richer and the original people suffer still 300 yrs. later. Thanks for sharing your experience Bushart. Keep those paintings in flow...
  9. What an incredible fish from possibly best musky waters in world. Must be over 60 lbs.....
  10. Thanks for continued updates Wayne. Helps me with my post surgery rehab. Have found inspiration from your daughters efforts... She is amazing!
  11. Thanks for the thoughtful replies... After seeing the amazing fish reports from area was interesting to read a different perspective of the place.
  12. Enjoyed reading this... http://apihtawikosisan.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/dealing-with-comments-about-attawapiskat/
  13. That is a ton of super fish, found that to be one of the benefits of growing up in the south end of 'Shwa.
  14. That is a bunch of excellent fish. Nice late fall for youse.
  15. What a great fish. When throwing small crankbaits around trib estuaries those surprises make the day.
  16. Your painting skills are certainly expanding. This one is a beauty. Kinda like living in a dream. Many thanks for sharing!
  17. Still have to be open artistic license. Whatever seems generally fine here. The posts about musky fishing are the best but now unfortunately wane.
  18. Sounds like you tried the right thing in the right place. Yes, full turnover usually occurs after Thanksgiving but was warm summer/fall probably delayed this. At least now you can fish there till mid-December if you can handle freezing.
  19. Think this song is about going fishing and then getting skunked, lol
  20. It has been awhile since heard that stuff. More great tunes from that time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgvAwBDbuIo
  21. I would completely mirror the above thoughts. The jointed versions of the perch Believers, Grandmas, etc... always work. Even trolling or casting big musky spinnerbaits will produce. Just stay fairly tight to rock structure or weedlines. This weekend is summer-like so there should be no need to go to deep. Good Luck!
  22. Best Rolling Stones song ever! IMHO, maybe because i was 12yrs. old when first heard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d2FMGMO9Ag
  23. Interesting reading about Lebeau's research. He mentions that Riverine musky exist with pike (Great Lakes, Mississippi drainage, English River drainage, Rainy R. etc...). The Riverine musky spawn a little deeper due to always existing with pike and adapting this way. Seems the Lacustrine musky are in Kawarthas and most of Wisconsin. In these places musky spawn in shallow bays. Now with pike entering said spots they spawn two weeks earlier in same place and this is problematic. Interesting huge musky Lebeau caught on Wabigoon in link below. http://www.bonnybay.com/howbigdomuskiesget.htm
  24. Fine looking coho there. Grew up pretty close to there. It was great for spring steelhead in late 80's.
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