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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Very nice report, incredible photographs of the wildlife. The bird pictures are the best especially the Golden and Bald eagles ones. Eagles are really finding there way into reports this year. That snake is a ribbon snake which is uncommon these days. They are good swimmers and live near water always. Good stuff!
  2. My buddy caught this musky at Pigeon Lake. What length do you think it is?
  3. The lure above has caught me most muskies on Pigeon Lake last 20 years. This old lure still runs perfect and outfishes the new ones i have bought.
  4. Was head chef for corporate catering place located in downtown Toronto. Radio was always on Stern so it unfolded that way. Couldn't believe how it went from small plane crashing to how it ended. It just got worse and worse. Needless to say all orders for lunch were cancelled that day and everyone was stunned. The food catering industry downtown never recovered from this and to this day is half of what it was before this event. I watched it later that day at home but now cannot even think of how completely tragic this was. It seems like a unique and strange event. Hopefully to never occur again.
  5. Very nice musky Amazing how these Bald Eagles are showing up in reports from across the province this year. Thanks for the post.
  6. Was in a barber shop the other day and read this article in fishing magazine there. Seemed to be saying that the blue colouration in some walleye (and perch) is caused by something called Sandercyanin which is usually excreted through urine. With the blue tinged walleyes the Sandercyanin is released through their skin instead. Interesting article. http://www.ontariooutofdoors.com/fishing/walleye/?ID=86&a=read
  7. Fishing equipment= crack paraphenalia Didn't know enjoying fishing was so evil and dangerous. My apologies.
  8. About 15 yrs. ago while i was fishing off Pickering a guy caught a similarly sized musky on a shad rap in the winter. Musky and walleye exist in western Lake O. when they are caught they can be big. The walleye in my avatar was caught in western Lake Ontario.
  9. That sure is a cold turkey type approach. Hang on to your fishing stuff though as casting off a dock or other little opportunities will present themselves as you go places with your family.
  10. Have caught brookies from culverts north of Caledeon and from Geo. Bay tribs. Have even caught some from the side of Hwy 115 from culvert 30 yrs. ago. Not sure of 16 mile creek headwaters never fished it but a road trip up towards Geo. Bay might be fun. #2 Panther Martins dunked in little pools or in culverts might get something interesting up that way. Here is a website that shows a map where they are around. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/2ColumnSubPage/STEL02_165833.html
  11. An incredible looking trip. Huge pike and plenty of walleye Really like these bald eagles popping into reports more the last couple of years. Much thanks for posting.
  12. Actually there are brook trout all over southern Ontario. You just have to find the headwaters of most creeks/rivers. There habitat is being destroyed due to human development but they are still somewhat abundant if you do a little footwork. The season closes Sept 31st in most places so you have less than a month.
  13. Even into September salmon can be caught on Little Cleo spoons or Rapala J-13's off the pier or estuary parts down there.Good fishing.
  14. You should be alright next weekend. Boat activity really drops off after Labour Day. I have seen real big largemouth bass caught down that way. Crappie might even hit in deep weed pockets.Good Luck
  15. Glad i am not going to Pigeon Lake this weekend. Sounds like it is going to be whipped into a froth with boat activity and fishing tournaments. It is unlikely you will catch a crappie this weekend as they tend to suspend deep in open water at this time of year. Jigging deeper shoals or points might produce bass or walleye. Tipping grub jigs with half a dew worm might be your best bet. Good luck and just enjoy being out there.
  16. Another great report Mike! Even though there was no fish the the quotes above show how you were inspired by taking your family out again to the great Ontario outdoors. Thanks for the efforts of sharing this great experience.
  17. Don't often use additives in my outboard. If i do i use SEAFOAM. Stay seafoamy my fiend.
  18. Always enjoy your videos. Kinda like watching a TV fishing show but better.
  19. Another great report! Getting largemouth hooked on topwater frogs in pads is tough but a ton of fun when successful like you were. Thanks for post.
  20. Have researched the CCSVI (liberation treatment) extensively and it is costly for something that is ineffective. I have had MS for ten years and way past early intervention. Scheduled to see neurologist at MS clinic next week and have to get forearm crutches now. Oh well...doesn't stop me from sitting in boat and fishing. There certainly is Big Pharma trying to keep us disabled. The cost of my medication is $2100/ per month but luckily i am covered for this stuff that has a 30% chance of helping. However, my father was diagnosed with a cancer two years ago and after some operations it was removed and he is absolutely cancer free now. So there is some progression in the study of chronic diseases despite the corruption. This discovery in treatment for ALS is encouraging since there is many similarities with MS. I find hope in this since work and study is being done.
  21. Good to see medical progression on neurological/spinal disease. ALS is super nasty and mostly lethal. Hope they make true breakthrough on this MS that i got as well.
  22. That Rainbow is incredible. Native and natural can't be beat.
  23. According to that link one (F-1) confirmed tornado so far. Happened around Burlington. More reports to be investigated. That was the most incredible display of lightening here in T.O. ever. At least 3 hrs of constant, close strikes.
  24. Ummm.... it is carpet take a better look.
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