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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I know a lake just past P Sound that has lots of bass and crown land camping. Not going to name it here--PM if interested.
  2. very nice!! i could just feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as the plane was coming in!! Nice one in the cradle!I guess it doesn't get that big by being a fussy eater!! Video quality is fine---I don't know how you manage it at all and still play that guitar!!
  3. yep,things keep getting better all the time.
  4. Does anybody know if there's a launch near the N-W corner of the lake? I know there's 1 in Footes Bay, but is there 1 up past Chown Rd? thx
  5. Oh, man. Here we go again. Tragic. ,
  6. I think you may be quite alone in that opinion!!
  7. Catch any bigger ones that were in the slot/ what were the overall #s per day like? The reason I ask is that I may be going there in Sept. thx
  8. European countries, particularly Scandinavia,are consistently rated as some of the best countries to live in. We'd get to be a better country if we learned from some of those rather than veering to the right as many on here seem to want (and the mis-guided folks to the South seem hell bent on doing)
  9. Congrats!! I've been "Bell free" for about 3 years now and have never felt any urges to go back! (Well-apart from the cell. Their coverage area is supposedly a lot bigger than the others). I've had some ---er, um, interesting----conversations will Bell about their 'service'. One guy suggested that they might have to come in and dig up our cable in mid-Feb!! I guess he was living in slightly warmer climes!! They did offer me a discount but even then it was more expensive than Rogers gave me.
  10. Any time I've gone on Kijij to look for a used reel all I see is a whole list of so-called antique reels for sale. Mitchell 300(I have 1 already), Cardinal etc. The sellers seem to want a pretty penny for most of these. Why? Are folks making a pile of dough off these or what?
  11. Good to see that few bought into Hudak's hokey (voodoo) economic plan!!! Economists left right and center called it nonsense.
  12. I will be holding my nose and voting Liberal. Don't want Hudak finishing the destruction that his mentor, Mike Harris, started. NDP not a viable option. Don't trust somebody who can't take 'yes' for an answer. She asked for changes to the Liberal budget and was, in effect, told 'yes', but somehow that wasn't good enough!?!
  13. What's the deal with the banner ad? Are they virus and spam free? What's the catch? Anybody try?
  14. If we start comparing the US and Canada this thread is going to end badly---and probably quickly!
  15. Zowie!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8DW_hZeWV8#t=12
  16. remind me not to go swimming in that lake!!
  17. very true. Because of air borne contaminants not even Arctic lakes are pristine. Think about that if you are tempted to throw plastic on an open fire. Also bear in mind that many lakes around G Bay have naturally occurring mercury, so even though they may have no external sources of pollution, the recommended # of fish that can be safely eaten is still limited.
  18. quit many years ago. best decision I ever made!!
  19. Very nice fish! If you don't mind me asking, what lure or bait were you using when jigging?
  20. I remember seeing a video where an octopus grabbed a shark and ate it!
  21. Saw him in Hamilton last year. The best concert I've ever attended. He gave it his all. Amazingly, a few people walked out as he was doing Halleuiah at the end of the show!
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