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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I am not full 'up to speed' on the various issues here, but I'm not sure Port Hope would care if the atlantic salmon is continued or not
  2. But the queerest they ever did see, "twas there..........ooops, just 1 line he said
  3. Remember that in Montreal traffic 'rules' are just rough guidelines!! A big plus for visiting Montreal rather than TO is that they have an NHL team!!
  4. You'll never be 'serviced' like you get 'serviced' with Bell!!!
  5. So would I!! Bell is the worst!! I have lots of stories!!!
  6. Like some others on here, I didn't know her at all but was totally impressed by her photog especially. My condolences and may she rest in peace. I'm sure you must have many happy memories.
  7. Don't follow football, but how bout dem leafs, eh?
  8. Thx very much for that info, Jon. I just snapped that one up. Unbelievable price cut!!
  9. Ok, thx---never caught a sturgeon or saw one up really close.
  10. Look for fallen trees! Worms work well. Maybe I can come with you and be your guide?? My fees are quite reasonable!!
  11. Really? The look like dogfish(small sharks). Where was the pic taken?
  12. In my mature years, I’m finally beginning to understand the Bible! For those who haven’t heard, the State of Washington just passed two laws: * Same-sex Marriage * Legalized Marijuana The fact that same-sex marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus 20:13 says: "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned." I just hadn’t interpreted it correctly before.
  13. It's a fool's errand to try to make sense of some laws!!
  14. Good decision!! This forum has been used too often to spread hatred and bigotry. I have managed to get at least 1 thread locked to prevent the spread, risking being restricted or even banned in the process. I'm glad I won't feel obliged to do that again. If you want to listed to guys talk thru the hole in their head about politics, just head on over to the OFAH site. Lots of that garbage over there.
  15. So now unions are unnecessary?? Wow, when did that happen? Somebody should have woke me!!!
  16. I think the problem is that the guys are drinking American beer and it's giving them as P&&$y attitude!!
  17. Arlene Dickinson-----"Now, the self-professed billionaire, who couldn't part with $10,000, thinks he's the best person to lead our country. A person that's genuinely unconcerned with the lives of others wants a position that is solely about the lives of others." Well said, IMO. Is it possible that we'll get someone even more cold-hearted than Harper?? Tell me it ain't so!
  18. From what I read, Michael Chong seems to be the most reasonable choice.
  19. They were playing on Bernier's home ice! If the debate was outside Quebec the dynamics would have been different. How will O'leary get any votes from Francophones? Would you vote for somebody who doesn't speak English?
  20. Another blowhard in politics!! Just what we all needed!!
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