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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. That would go against all past trends. Immigrants have historically been a boost to our economy, not a drain on it. Look it up---Google it. This is well documented.
  2. Some of the guys fishing the river here freely tell me, and presumably others, where the caught their bows and what bait or lure they were using. The chances of me repeating what they did are slim to none The fish are generally moving thru and it's quite likely that others standing close by, using a similar set-up, did not catch any. So, the moral to the story is:"depends on the situation".
  3. I think we overestimate the influence these type of fishing boards have. e.g. I live next to the Notty. The number of people fishing nearby varies a lot, depending on the river conditions and how well the fish are biting. It doesn't at all depend on anything posted on the boards---I have never seen anything specific. Everyone knows about this spot----fishermen come from TO, Hamilton, all over. They've been coming for years(more like decades) long before the existence of fishing boards. Just remember how prevalent texting is and how quickly word spreads----he told 2 friends, the told 2 friends etc, etc, etc. The very definition of exponential increase.
  4. If I was to assign grades to holes I'd say that's a perfect A hole!!
  5. Yeah, right!! Shoulda hitched a ride back with Santa! That's right in your neighborhood!
  6. Wouldn't they be up in the trees?? I never get tired of seeing deer no matter how many I've seen. Beautiful animal. The 1 great pic I missed was of several deer happily munching just on the right side of a 'No Hunting" sign.
  7. So what's your excuse for not being out in your toon?? You don't plan on having any more kids anyway, do you??
  8. I must try that on G Bay sometime when the NW wind is up and I want to fish from my canoe!!
  9. Yup! I'm from the East Coast---they get a lot of rain down there but, y'know, it's a dry rain!!
  10. If she increases the tax on booze she'll lose the drunk driver vote.
  11. and if you find one buy a lottery ticket on your way home. It's your lucky day!!
  12. Now that the OP has gotten his rant in, maybe a little 'topic drift' is OK. IMO, in going to big box stores such as H Depot for a lower price rather than a local hardware store for better service we are trading time for money. Many have taken too literally the old mantra 'time is money" Well, that's a lie! You can make more money but you can never, ever make more time!
  13. I have a very reliable snowblower. His name is Dan, my neighbor.
  14. If the sticker shows the low price they are legally bound to honor that price.
  15. Big contrast with my local HH. A few years back we bought a patio set on sale there. A couple of days later there was a further price reduction. When I wandered into the store looking for a couple of nuts and bolts the clerk who sold it to us tracked me down and said they would refund the price diff. between what I paid and what it was now on sale for. Needless to say, they won a loyal customer that day! Mind you, the service is generally very good there anyway.
  16. Canadian Temperature Scale: +70 degrees Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear. People in Canada go swimming in the Lakes. +60 degrees North Carolinians try to turn on the heat. People in Canada plant gardens. +50 degrees Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Canada sunbathe. +40 degrees Italian & English cars won't start. People in Canada drive with the windows down. +32 degrees Distilled water freezes. Lake Superior's water gets thicker. +20 degrees Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and woolly hats. People in Canada throw on a flannel shirt. +15 degrees Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat. People in Canada have the last cookout before it gets cold. 0 degrees People in Miami all die... Canadians lick the flagpole. 20 below Californians fly away to Mexico. People in Canada get out their winter coats. 40 below Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in Canada are selling cookies door to door. 60 below Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic. Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough. 80 below Mt. St. Helens freezes. People in Canada rent some videos. 100 below Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Canadians get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg. 297 below Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products. Cows in Canada complain about farmers with cold hands. 460 below ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale). People in Canada start saying, "Eh, Cold 'nuff for ya?" 500 below Hell freezes over. The Leafs win the Stanley Cup
  17. D 16----but what you get is a 'dry cold', eh??
  18. Yeah, I've been confused by acronyms ever since we had a JVC VHS VCR!(Sorry for the hi jack, 4 x 4)
  19. What makes it confusing is that the coyotes in S. Ont are rarely purebreds. Most have been crossed with wolves as they came from the West and spread to Ont.
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