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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Very true. In that case you need to be wearing a life jacket as opposed to a PFD.A life jacket will keep your face out of the water---a PFd will not
  2. Lower Notty is still high and muddy, has been for quite a while
  3. I think the first part is the hardest---"Take 1 freshly caught laker" ?
  4. Yeah, the reactions on that 1 were a bit strange! You weren't saying it was a good solution for everybody---far from it! Not a 'one size fits all'. But in your particular circumstances it's a good solution for you! Oh, well!!
  5. Fill 'er up, Murray. Back in the day when the only ads you saw during the periods were outlines of things like tires and batteries moving across the screen. Sound like he had quite a life http://www.northernstars.ca/remembering-murray-westgate/
  6. I was warned by a Lowrance rep not to let it run out of the water for very long---they overheat and burn out.
  7. Yup---If lived in a condo I'd do the same! Different strokes for different folks!!
  8. I understood a few years back that Navionics for a smart phone was quite cheap ($25-$30). I guess that's no longer the case . Everything on their website seems to be $100 +
  9. The opening scene is my fave in WW. It was taken at the Natch on the Petawawa. We camped there on the way down a few years back---hooked my 1 and only musky in that pool. The boys with us got a big charge out of that---lost it at the shore, which was OK too.
  10. Right---no need to be dang Rude!! Somehow iffing got changed to dang and ruined my post!!! Dang!!
  11. Thx----I just thought they were tropical fish
  12. A very boooring thread apart from Oi's contributions! ? Here's another 'Jehovah" alternative. When they come to the door your first response should be "I'm busy now, could you come back later?" To which they will inevitably ask "When is a good time?" You answer that question with another question "Do you believe in the afterlife?" To which they are sure to respond"Yes". So you say :"Come back then" ----works every time!!?
  13. Thx, guys. How do you know your troll/bait is at the right depth i.e. the right temp?
  14. Hi Kurt, I am amazed that you could catch under those conds. What were the water temps like, surface or at trolling depth The only success I have had in the summer was quite late in the evening, near dusk.
  15. https://www.sudbury.com/local-news/parry-sound-33-fire-now-being-held-1010683
  16. Great report. Glad you had a nice trip. I highly recommend Fogo if you go again, as well as Twillingate and Trinity. The E side is better for some great seascapes rather than mountains. To me, the whole island is quite different from the Maritimes. BTW--If anyone is interested in buying a bldg lot for about $20K with an ocean view just PM me. It's not mine but I can get you some details.
  17. It looks likethey are gradually getting it under control. Must be brutally hot out there on a day like today. They must hose each other down occasionally!? https://www.sudbury.com/local-news/fighting-hard-excellent-progress-made-on-parry-sound-33-fire-even-on-a-hot-weekend-1006747
  18. What's not to like?? Sounds pretty easy compared to portaging in to a 'back lake' to find trout. Just ask your friend the Bogerman!! ??
  19. The fire has not crossed 69 so I don't think any farms have been burnt out. I think all the farms are E of 69. That area was evacuated as a precaution though. The latest reports seem to say that the crews are gradually getting it under control
  20. We were in the Otter Bay & Five Finger area last week and we could see and smell the smoke at times but, IMO, was quite tolerable.---blue haze in the dist and intermittent smell depending on wind direction. Today would not be one of the better days though
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