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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. What area of the French were you in? We were a bit W of Woseley Bay(Gee, I wish they'd give those area lake names--they really are lakes!!i pic from yesterday https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=h&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.18210.1843.LakeHuron.143.250m.jpg
  2. We were up near Dokis last week and it got quite smoky at times. Could smell it and see it
  3. thx, guys-I'll need to do a bit more watching and reading. I think it was the the screws I saw used with Senkos.
  4. These seem to be all over the net. Why so popular? I see anything too special about the jigs apart from the barbs. Does the shape of the jighead---more or less spherical like a normal jig, or more like a hemisphere as these are---really make much diff? I can see the point of the NED rig in letting one end of a Senko worm, or similar, sit in the bottom. The other similar rig I've seen has a special screw(no doubt at a special price if you'll excuse my cynicism) inserted into one end of a Senko, again to let one end sit on the bottom. Have any of you tried these? Comments? https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/z-man-finesse-shroomz-jigheadz
  5. They can prob 'spot' a fisherman a mile away!!
  6. Good until you slip on a wet rock and go A over teakettle!!
  7. In my area there are 3 or for successive 4 way stops followed by 1 that is not 4 way. The 'experts' are puzzled as to why there are so many accidents at that intersection!!!
  8. Ha---a side benefit!!?I wear them at the beach---not too much chance of slipping there. Also on pavement. They are treacherous anywhere slipping is a prob deck of a boat, rough terrain.
  9. No doubt justice must be served but I can't see it bringing any comfort to the families of those who were killed, or anyone else for that matter.
  10. Not suure about the motor, but there are loads of bass in there. A bud and I went down from Glen ?? to Paris in a canoe one aft a few years and must have caught 20-25. Every pool seem to have them.
  11. No comments on the sled but that ice sure looks good in the middle of this stinking heat!!?
  12. Lots of fun with the kids. I was fishing with my buds quite a few times last summer but I have to say my best day was when my wife and I took 2 granddaughters, 5yrs and 10 yrs, out 1 aft Constant action with the mini-fish---sunfish etc.. I was kept busy putting bits of worm on etc, and my wife was busy taking pix of the 'trophy' fish. A total blast!!
  13. Wow! I'd like to add that to my bucket list, but then I'd have to get a bigger bucket!! ?
  14. Too bad Mike Borger doesn't have a Yuotube channel, or a TV show!! That would make me drool!
  15. "Inappropriate snow"""---oh, yeah. Have seen lots of that over the years. Like starting to snow heavily early in the AM of an ice fishing day!! Quite 'inappropriate"---that's a nice clean word for it.
  16. So why or how did Cdn Sports Fishing carry on with a known poacher???
  17. Didn't 1 of those guys get busted for poaching?
  18. OI---a little 'topic drift', perhaps, but I understand your extended family are fairly recent immigrants (second gen?). My question is 'how does the USA turn such people into rednecks?" Is there some special school they get sent to that dims their brain?? Maybe Ignoramus U??
  19. I must say that I disagree strongly with HH. Snidley's comments are so beyond the pale that I am speechless!!
  20. I was tempted years ago to put down astroturf, drill a few holes and put in a few plastic flowers but my wife "talked" me out of it!!
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