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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Don't care as long as we get paid!!?More time to go fishing!
  2. This is a very complicated subject. Many of us grew up in the 'good old days' of post WW II North America when we had a big edge of the rest of the world. WW II had devastated much of the industrial cap'y of Europe and Japan. Public education, esp in technology, seem to be lagging far behind in many Asian countries. Some of us remember when "Made in Japan" was a derogatory comment made about shoddy goods---cheap toys came from Japan. Now look at them and the rest of S-E Asia! It was foreign vehicles, esp from Japan, that shook N A makers out of their complacency. We often hear about the 'knowledge economy" but we certainly don't have any monopoly on that either. This knowledge is very mobile with the internet. Unions and gov'ts of whatever stripe are minor players, IMO, in this whole scenario.
  3. Sounds like they looked a bit beyond the proverbial 'quarterly profit' !!
  4. Haven't gone to one since the mid-eighties when they tried to rip me off for a transmission repair that I did not need(as subsequent experience clearly demonstrated)
  5. I predict the prices will drop because so many people are ticked off and refuse to buy. 10 billion load(some written off) from the taxpayers and this is the thanks we get They can go a lot further than Mexico. They can go straight to hell!!
  6. Thx---Always a dark cloud behind a politician's silver lining!!!
  7. Not everybody can work at walmart or Tims. Where will people find the $ to spend there?
  8. Isn't the new Nafta supposed to sort out some of the diff in the auto sector between Mexico and the US and Can?
  9. I wonder sometimes if the weather forecasters and economists switched jobs for a year, would anybody notice a difference???
  10. OK, a few more clues for this guessing game, Fiona!!?
  11. Coyotes were here in Ont before the white man came. Of course our ancestors killed many of the native species, including humans. In fairly recent years they have spread back to Eastern Canada and the US. Google it!
  12. Must have been 'nice' up there today with the blowing snow and the wind off the lake!!?
  13. People who take pleasure in torturing other creatures are dangerous, IMO>
  14. I use 2 elastic bands knotted together to form a figure 8. The one that goes around the spool is usually those that come off broccoli (quite wide).The other one is for pulling on.
  15. Really? I have a pair like that and they keep falling off no matter what I do. Maybe it depends a lot on the boots. I have Titans.
  16. He could pick and grin with the best of them!!
  17. Is that a Poncho you have on????
  18. Yup---be esp careful of any back and forth rhythmic motions on that LUV seat!!
  19. So do they call you the Ciscoe Kid????
  20. We Canadians---we know how this goes!!!
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