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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Don't see why, unless catching certain types of fish(e.g. sharks) are excluded from warranty. No a killer whale would be a different story!!
  2. Sure, no problem! Here'e 1 for walleye and pike: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?q=https://sites.google.com/site/knutracka/hiking/marshall.gpx and here's 1 for bass: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?q=https://sites.google.com/site/knutracka/hiking/Grand.gpx
  3. My main quibble is not that it's too easy, but that most of the stuff is irrelevant to many(maybe a majority) of boaters. The home version of the test require some time and concentration, as someone above pointed out. It's baffling that there are 2 ways of passing---the quick way at the shows and the longer way at home. But relevancy? e.g. On most all inland lakes there are no marker buoys, questions about the min length of rodes to be carried on larger vessels etc. Paul--I'm puzzled re your comments about canoes. No licence is req'd for those.
  4. What, just 5 trips?? Yep, things are tough all over! (didn't realize you were semi-retired?!) Never been to Richter? And here I thought you were the Hank Snow of the fishing world!
  5. I thought there would be a punchline answer to the question posed by the title. Something along the lines of "all 3 promise a lot more than they deliver"
  6. If you have a fairly new drilled well with a good steel liner that protrudes well above the soil, it seems quite unlikely that it will get polluted. To be on the safe side you might want to test frequently during spring run-off or any huge downpour. We live fairly close to a supermarket that has a vending machine for water. It's quite cheap once you have your own container(s). We used that before we had a softener system installed because the calcium would plug the coffemaker and leave gritty stuff at the bottom of the kettle.
  7. We have a gas furnace but had a woodstove installed shortly after we bought. We both enjoy the wood fire so economics was not the overriding factor. I'm retired so I don't mind the time req'd to work with the wood. If I was working I probably would not have it. The extra ins cost was quite low IIRC. Wood will cost varying amounts of money and time---If you have the time you can probably scrounge a fair amount e.g. new building lots if some housing is going in somewhere nearby, tree service contractors sometimes give away wood. My bro had had a wood/oil furnace for years and it seems to work well for him.
  8. If you're a resident of the Simcoe-Muskoka region the local health unit is offering a chance to win an I-pod if you quit in March. Let's increase the chances of having a member win it! www.rvh.on.ca
  9. I think it would be fairly easy to build a small 'box' (maybe with no back, for venting) with plywood and fiberglass/rockwool insul. .
  10. Some guys need the help of alcohol to become offensive, some need no help whatsoever!!!
  11. Same here. The last good outdoor show I watched was Red Fisher and his Scuttlebutt Lodge---now there was a show!!!
  12. My honey took my money She left me here so lonely Can’t go shoppin’ at Cabelas Like all the other fellas I’m watchin’ Charlie Wray Jest to chase my blues away I’m itchin' to go fishin But I’m sittin’ in the kitchen Jest a’ typin’ and a whining…………………….. ……………….I got those winternet blues!!
  13. I'm no pilot, but he seemed to be going a bit fast for a landing. Is that some kind of souped up biplane? Why is the white smoke or steam coming out of it?
  14. A great read. "Hello. I am the fish you see inside your eyelids when you sleep. " That's a great line.
  15. I'd be especially careful around Scugog. You never know what kind of fine the locals might hit you up with. I hear they are strapped for cash these days!
  16. Darn. I was hoping to see a few crappies laid out on the ice!
  17. Naw---take one small bow, rub it over the affected area. (It helps if you're bald)
  18. If there's that kind of $$ to be made we're going to see private operators like those vulture tow trucks that patrol the 401 near the COTU. Maybe fights breaking out about who got there first!?
  19. In the morn maybe, but 5:30 is the middle of the night!!
  20. From another report: "Scugog Fire Chief Richard Miller says while this is the first such invoice there, the township north of Oshawa has had the ability to issue them for years." It sounds like things changed after the rash of incidents on Lake Skidoobegone a few years back.
  21. I can see where there are 2 sides to this argument: the right one and the wrong one. .
  22. As some of the above posts illustrate, stupidity is in the eye of the beholder. Some would consider smoking to be stupid by itself, in bed doubly stupid!
  23. yeah, but they were risking their lives speeding to the scene!!
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