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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. That's why I paid good bucks for a Honda rather than a heap CTC one. Who needs an unreliable gen in an emerg??
  2. I have a standby portable generator as well. The problem I see with an extended outage is that the gas stations have no power to pump gas. Or am I wrong about that?
  3. So it's where Pretty Channel dumps out into Lost Channel? A group of us went for a paddle on 6 Mile one hot day last summer. We made this our swim, lazy lunch, and turn-around spot. I an see where it would be may people's fave spot.
  4. That's quite a good quality painting---an excellent choice of subject, too. Isn't there a dam where the Severn flows into Pretty Channel, and a rapid where it outflows into Six Mile?
  5. Lots of open water in the farmers' fields today----can't vouch for the fishing, though.
  6. I was well aware of the dates before I made my post but I don't see how that is relevant----the OP is still on this board.
  7. Great report--great trip, but who the heck is GCD and why is he making such asinine comments???
  8. Spring has sprung---the dog turds have started to emerge from the snow!!!
  9. Georgian Bay is open as far as the eye can see!!
  10. wow, enough for a whole lot of soup!(just kiddin, folks)
  11. Posting pix of dead trout!! How revolting!!....and pass the lemon, willya?
  12. I get the impression you need a Southern drawl to catch big bass!!
  13. If I had gotten that type of response I wouldn't come back either to explain(as for 'thanks', what's there to thank for?)
  14. Probably some pretty heavy fish, what with all the metals being discharged.........
  15. I'm surprised you would warn that guy. Why not just let the a'hole get fined??
  16. I've recently got involved with the Georgian Triangle Anglers. They do lots of good things----stock brook, brown, and rainbow trout in local streams, run a kids' fishing tourney.
  17. Make sure you got your stuff all ready for our spring river trip!!!
  18. Yeah? Such as what? I mean apart from the wild sex and boozing it up??
  19. Nice shots!! (I guess there's not rule re 'truth in advertising' for titles, but you did use the singular )
  20. Yes, LA, but you're in Dryden!!That's getting close to Winterpeg!!
  21. I,likewise, use backing. But I put on a bit extra. I find that I get quite a few tangles that are impossible to undo. So 100 yds soon becomes 75.
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