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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. There was a thread here a little while ago that suggested(if I understood it right) that it was illegal to keep sturgeon anywhere in Ont. Now I'm confused!
  2. Somebody suggested today that if and when the NHL returns that Don Cherry be replaced by the Ikea monkey---on the grounds that he's more entertaining AND better dressed!!
  3. I guess the NHL is like a lot of companies---intimate knowledge of how things work on the 'shop floor' is regarded as being unnecessary, or maybe even an impediment, in 'upper mgmt'! Call me cynical if you like. I don't mind.
  4. Maybe the next 1 can be just North of TO, say Vaughan to Newmarket. Making it into the inner city(Anything Lawrence or below is a major PITA for those not used to it. The traffic---yi, yi, yi!
  5. I have several boats--2-16 footers and a 17 footer.............but they are all canoes! I can take them to fly-in lakes if I feel so inclined.
  6. If we are going to talking about winter we'll need a proper Canadian temp scale!! Being a Canadian COLD IS RELATIVE .... The Temperature Conversion Guide (degrees are in Fahrenheit): 50 above - New Yorkers turn on the heat. Canadians plant gardens. 40 above - Californians shiver uncontrollably. Canadians sunbathe. 35 above - Italian cars won't start. Canadians drive with the windows down. 32 above - Distilled water freezes. Canadian water gets thicker. 20 above - Floridians wear coats, gloves & wool hats. Canadians throw on a t-shirt. 15 above - Californians begin to evacuate the state. Canadians go swimming. Zero - New York landlords finally turn up the heat. Canadians have the last cook-out before it gets cold. 10 below - People in Miami cease to exist. Canadians lick flag poles. 20 below - Californians fly away to Mexico. Canadians throw on a light jacket. 40 below - Hollywood disintegrates. Canadians rent videos. 60 below - Mt. St. Helens freezes. Canadian Girl Scouts begin selling cookies door to door. 80 below - Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic. Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough. 100 below - Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Canadians pull down their ear flaps. 173 below - Ethyl alcohol freezes. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw their kegs. 297 below - Microbial life survives on dairy products. Canadian cows complain of farmers with cold hands. 460 below - ALL atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying"Cold'nuff for ya?" 500 below - Hell freezes over. The Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup
  7. So was the guy just charged with possession or with spanking as well??
  8. The only flasher I know is the guy who was going to retire but decided he would stick it out one more year.....but that's probably not the kind of input the OP was looking for either.
  9. Rich, My congratulations too! Lots of good advice above. I quit over 30 years ago on Weedless Wed. One thing that spurred me on was the birth of my youngest son. I couldn't justify exposing him and the rest of the family to second hand smoke. Standing outside in the elements didn't appeal to me. These 2 posts have the ring of truth about them:--- I found that having a beer increased the urge. I recall taking unshelled sunflower seeds out with me when my wife and I went out to a PTA dance or whatever!! I needed something to keep my hands busy. Lunchtime at work was another hurdle. I started to jog on my lunch break so I didn't have time to smoke then. Looking back I have often thought, like muddler, it was the best decision of my life. An additional incentive is the $$ you'll save. Just think of all the fancy fishing gear yo'll be able to buy!
  10. Was that on cheap gear or the expensive stuff?
  11. Yeah, but did he still want to borrow your good stuff??
  12. Guys, If you could sell Bull for a cent a liter you'd all be millionaires!! This is highly entertaining---keep 'er comin' y'all!! BTW---I believe there's a unifying force in the universe whose law we must obey. It's called gravity!!
  13. Yes, I can see that now. This time I viewed it with the sound on and I could hear the hit against the bollard. Oh well, I guess I still believe in evolution!!
  14. This post makes the most sense of all!!!
  15. It looked intentional! I used to believe in evolution, but now I'm not so sure!!
  16. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. There---that makes as much sense as some of the arguments being made here!!
  17. Or smart, maybe, if he can keep on borrowing yours!
  18. It's legal to keep sturgeon in some parts of Ont---don't have the regs right now so can't tell you what part(s).
  19. Mounting animals??? Sounds a bit perverted!!
  20. I was at the store on Thur and bought a 12'6 Raven for $115 that was listed as $150. They had other float rods marked as 'Show Specials"(I don't know what show).
  21. You trying to stir up trouble here again, GC, posting that provocative pic?
  22. From the beginning I thought Rich's post was quite tongue in cheek. Even this seemingly innocuous post seem to get the flaming going!! Long way to spring, folks. In the meantime, chill.
  23. Yes, but do you have an urge to spawn come spring???
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