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Everything posted by adolson

  1. Wow man, good catch, even though your story made me cringe several times, and that was before I scrolled down and saw the pictures! I probably woulda jumped in, too, unless it was a pike.
  2. I find this pic funnier than I probably should.
  3. LOL - I have a crappy ultralight Sienna that Pfleugers ALL. THE. TIME. Nice fish, though! Kinda jealous over here.
  4. I need to catch a trout, asap

    1. spincast


      That makes 2 of us

  5. hurry up and be May long weekend already

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      We'll be ice fishing May 24 weekend. Don't get too excited

    3. Nipfisher


      Any where North of the hwy to Ville Marie (@ New Liskeard) is zone 8)

    4. Nipfisher
  6. That second one is an Atlantic.
  7. I bought a couple packages of those last year and caught nothing on them. But I don't know if that says more about the bait or more about my lack of fishing skill. I catch a lot on worms, though.
  8. Last spring I was asked by EA Sports to write a story about myself. You can read it here if you like (they just posted it there and linked it on their FB page): http://instablogg.com/OR3kV4T It was already out of date by the time they published it, but if I re-wrote it now the only things that would change really are the weight loss, which is now north of 100lbs. I have no doubt that you'll lose weight doing this shake thing. Hoepfully the medical team also trains you on how to maintain it afterwards when you return to eating sustainable levels of food. Good luck...
  9. Merry Christmas, everyone! Here's a Christmas song, it's a few years old now, but maybe next year we'll do a new one. http://rivironline.com/files/rivir-whatchildisthisorganicmix.mp3
  10. Yep, the laker lake. You can tell by the tree line that it's the same lake, and in this pic you can just see the back of the little guy breaking the surface as well as my bottom-bouncer: I think we only went to our walleye lake once with Joeytier all of this year, unless I'm not remembering right. As for lakes around here, I dunno. A couple weeks ago I saw some crazy guys at a splake lake standing on the edge of the ice, near a current and open water... So I'm guessing by now it's probably fine for sane people. I haven't gotten out yet, though.. I'm exhausted. But oh do I ever want a nice trout through the ice!
  11. Coffee. Freshly-roasted in my basement, brewed either as an espresso or as a regular cup of black coffee via an AeroPress. This is my every-day drink, as well as my Christmas drink.
  12. If you're looking to get into recording electric guitar at home, I would toss that amp (or sell it to some poor chap) and skip the idea of recording mic'd amps entirely. Pick up something like a DigiTech RP-355 or similar. That's the one I use, and I'm very happy with the results in my songs. I don't use a computer for recording, but I know guys that do and I'm sure they could do the same thing I do, which is this: record guitar clean to one track, have it route out an aux channel and into the DigiTech, the output of the DigiTech back into a second input and recorded to another track. This gives me the clean take and at any point if I need/want to redo my effects processing, I can do so without re-playing the parts, just playing the clean track out to aux, back in again.
  13. That pic of me was not looking for a walleye, that was me losing that little pike - along with your Rapala!
  14. Good job, man! I wanna get out but I'm so exhausted. I haven't even tested my snowshoes yet, though it might've made shoveling my driveway this weekend a little easier.
  15. The pics of your boy make me happy for you, and excited for my own future. Sorry to hear about your uncle, though. I'm hoping for the best.
  16. And by gosh, it's fun to fish alone, or your name isn't funfishing! I love fishing. I prefer to be with someone else, but I can't seem to find anyone around here that fishes as much as I do (or did..). But I still have lots of fun when I'm alone. And my wife does count because she steers the Sportspal where I want it, freeing me up to focus on casting and retrieving.
  17. They fit in my trash can. It's a loose fit, but that just means there's room for more.
  18. the lake near me is frozen over.. that +6 better be a joke. seriously.

  19. Great job! I can't imagine getting walleye the size some of you guys post here.. Maybe some day I will get lucky.
  20. And research shows that only select people have a correlation between their blood and dietary cholesterol levels, but most people do not.
  21. I've seen these types of lists from various sources and they're all a little different, but they usually have a few things in common - wild Pacific salmon and Canadian farmed non-Great Lakes rainbow trout. As fish go, I mostly eat those and trouts I catch myself (and sometimes walleye, bass, and pike, but that's all increasingly rare for me). But out of curiosity, what makes red meat so bad for you? I don't eat it every day, but I'm just curious why everyone says that, but never really gives a reason. When I eat a steak, I eat the fat and everything. But I buy the locally-raised, grass-fed, antibiotics-free, hormone-free stuff from Mennonites. And yes, it tastes much better than the grocery store stuff. Mmm, conjugated linoleic acid...
  22. What the hell!?! What a waste. ^^ love how it auto-edited my post. At least capitalize the first word, silly auto-editor.
  23. Certain lakes around here, that's really all I would use and always catch something.
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