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Everything posted by adolson

  1. Well done, man. That's a beauty. I wish I coulda been there, but I knew my van wouldn't make it.
  2. Simple... Pan-fry in butter with a little pepper and seasoned salt.. If you can mix it in with some walleye, even better. Or you can get fancy and use some Fish Crisp.
  3. Nice report, man! Those are some nice and tasty-looking lakers. I have only been on Temagami once this year, but it wasn't to fish (I played a small show on Bear Island). I'd love to try fishing it but it's a bit of a big lake for my Sportspal, really.
  4. I tried braid and I sure didn't say that! I know that Tuf-Line DuraCast is supposedly a braid, but compared with all other braids I've had the displeasure of wasting money on, it sure seems different. I'd easily go back to mono before I waste any more money on Power Pro or similar again.
  5. Agreed... I'd give my next brook trout just to have IFL (before they removed the team aspect) back.
  6. I stick with 10lb Tuf-Line Duracast for walleye, and pretty much everything else. I don't fish muskie or salmon, though (not really found in my 1-hour radius).
  7. I'm in total agreement. Close the thread.
  8. I fished downstream of two hydro dams on the Montreal River many times last year, and a handful of times this year, including earlier today. The water level today was crazy low compared to last year, and even earlier this year it was really low compared to the lowest days of last year. I thought it was just due to the dams, but every lake that I fished last year and this year had the same result - much lower water levels, even after all the rain we've had. At the river today, it was so low, I'd say a 3-4 foot drop would be accurate. I walked about 50 feet from last year's shoreline, and found a Beetlespin lure that I broke off on a snag last year. It still had my snap swivel and a piece of my Tuf-Line Duracast tied to it, and the yellow grub had been absorbing the black paint from the jig head. It's interesting to see the structure - stumps and branches in the middle of nowhere.
  9. I very rarely target walleye (except for at a few specific lakes where the sizes aren't that big), so my own PB is pretty small at only 21". I caught two at this size, one trolling a silver and black original floating Rapala, and one on my first cast right in tight to shore with a similar lure by Cotton Cordell in firetiger.
  10. I said it earlier in the thread, and I'll say it again:
  11. I'm not sure if I want to fish anymore, or just refresh OFC until you post your next batch of crazy beauties.
  12. :\ I bought one of these this year for walleye and brook trout. So far, I love it (especially the shades of blue used on it... mmm, pretty). I've yet to break any rod, so hopefully I have better luck than you.
  13. WOW. What a gorgeous picture!
  14. It's a smallmouth bass. Chris K answered your question, but you maybe missed it.
  15. Sometimes, sweet goes surprisingly well with fish. Occasionally I'll cook my trout in maple syrup and it's delightful.
  16. Haha, man, your story reminds me of last year when I caught my first smallmouth bass ever. Keep at it, you'll fight and catch (and likely sometimes lose) much bigger ones too. You've now entered the Personal Best territory. It gets addicting trying to one-up yourself.
  17. I'm not sure about that GPS model, but I downloaded the Ibycus 4.0 Canada mapset and opened it up in a program on Linux (QLandKarte) and then exported all of Ontario in a format that works on my Garmin Dakota 20 handheld. You may be able to do the same for yours? The maps are quite good.
  18. If you're worried about that, you can coat it with oil so it won't stick. Flip it only once, carefully, and don't screw around with it. I've not lost anything but a little skin on the grill, when it comes to trout.
  19. If it's a filet, skin-sidie down, top with whatever you like. Try BBQ sauce if you haven't - it's quite nice. I often load my trout with dill, too. It's pretty versatile, though. If it's a whole, cleaned fish crank the temp to max, three minutes or so, flip it, another 3 minutes, done. Again, season how you like, or not at all, it's delicious either way.
  20. Well, I have. And I've been that guy too, the one time I still had a couple caught walleye in my freezer. Some people strive to obey the regulations, no matter how slim the chances of getting caught are. Others, apparently, strive to do whatever the hell they like.
  21. Thanks for the offer - much appreciated! However, that's still about 5-6 hours away from me, and I don't know anyone there or have any plans to travel anytime soon. Thanks, though!
  22. I want a bucket full of rainbow trout (up to a maximum of five, of course). Most of the lakes that have them around me are tough to get in without an ATV or sled, and haven't had luck [yet] at the others. Both through ice and in softwater. I'd like a bucket of perch, too. I catch them from time to time, but never anything eatable. I'd like to catch a laker in softwater (tomorrow, maybe). I'll try for auroras again too, some day. But likely not for another couple years. Aside from that, I'd need to travel hours away to catch fish I would like to catch but can't around here, like largemouth bass, brown trout, and musky (though I don't plan to buy musky gear, so I'd have to borrow/rent).
  23. Man, if I lived near there, that'd be mine. Quite the deal.
  24. Did you really just say that you're going to purposely ignore regulations because some of them don't make sense? What part of "daily catch limit" doesn't click with you?
  25. Congrats again on the wedding! And those are some great pics, and great fish. PS: not my fault you couldn't remove your lure from that pike... Let me know when you wanna meet up again and you can get it back. I keep it in my cupboard next to my coffee, so I am reminded several times a day.
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