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Everything posted by adolson

  1. Awesome report, man!
  2. TL;DR
  3. Wow! I love these pics almost as much as I love these fish.
  4. i have a WalMart brand, I forget what it's called now... EverStart? Maybe. Something like that. I bought it last year. I already need to replace it. To be fair, it worked great, then I kept it topped up over winter, and it quickly declined this season. Now I can charge it fully and within 10 minutes on my Minn Kota 40lb's built-in battery checker it says Recharge... It still powers the motor for I don't know how long, I've not fully tested it, but I don't trust it. It used to say Max or Good for hours. I do use it and my trolling motor as my only motor the vast majority of the time, though, so I couldn't tell you how many hours that came to. It seems that the motor runs noticeably slower than it typically would with a full or even low charge last year.
  5. Did they re-attach it?
  6. Was it moxie?
  7. It's a pike... Just shake your rod until it falls off the hook and back into the water.
  8. Seems like everyone uses something different, haha. I like the look of those neoprene gloves w/ the finger slits. I'll try and find some of them in Sudbury. lol Some days, the trout seem to only bite casting or still-fishing.
  9. I'm very interested in the answer to this as well. Last year I had to quit early because I can't seem to cast very well wearing gloves and couldn't find a good pair around here. And it seems it's getting colder faster this year, or my memory isn't what it used to be, or my memory isn't what it used to be.
  10. "He's still there... Wonder what he's doing!!?" He's enjoying your comedy, sir.
  11. I liked the price and hybrid design of the Winter Guides, but I know one local shop here sells Atlas' 8, 10, and 12 series. So I looked at them on the site, and am curious which ones you use, yourself? Although the price is a little more, there are some nice additional features and it looks like a lifetime warranty.. If I went with Atlas, I think I'd have to go with the 10 series at 35", as it will do 350lbs (I don't plan to gain weight, but why not be safe, right?). However, in the videos, these things look tiny - will they actually hold me up on powdered snow? My only previous experience with snowshoes was in my teenage years and younger, and back then I only used those huge traditional ones that were annoying to wear.
  12. None of those ones will hold me and my pack. This is why I had chosen the Winter Guide 1140s.
  13. I've been eyeing a pair of Faber Winter Guide 1140 snowshoes for almost a year now, but before I pull the trigger, I was wondering if anyone has ever tried them or have any experience with Faber's products at all? Here's a link to the ones I want: http://www.fabersnow...140&P_no_cate=5 The main reason I want them is for accessing some trout lakes to fish. I think I can get more lakes, more easily than if I were to try just walking through in boots like I did last year. My wife enjoys snowshoeing as well, and I did when I was a kid, and being that I'm far more fit this year than last year, I'm a little more ambitious.
  14. I have another pic to contribute - this tiny creek speck I caught this morning (also my first).
  15. And need a fishing partner? Preferably a trout fishing partner... Most people here seem to be further south, from what I can tell. But surely, there must be someone else on here who lives around this area and also can't find anyone else who loves to fish as much as they do? Anyhow, PM me if that's you.
  16. Thanks for the tip. I actually eyed a white jig that somehow got into my trout tackle tray, but I didn't try it.. Maybe I should have.
  17. Wrong thread, buddy!
  18. That pike looks tasty! And I don't usually say that about pike.
  19. Haha, it was the first fish I ever caught on a spinner... And this was after trying for auroras for about 6 hours.. I was really tired.
  20. Thanks everyone! It was a gorgeous day. I figured I'd catch more than two, but any day you catch a trout is a good day. Good question. I haven't caught a soft-water laker yet, so that's appealing. There's also a lake I am considering trying out that has splake and rainbow stocked into it regularly. I tried it twice in the winter and got nothing but a couple weird orange OOS smallies. And another rainbow lake I PMd you about. Aside from that, I'm thinking I'm going to focus on specks and splake, since they're closer and easier for me to get to without a helicopter or ATV. And they taste great.
  21. Oh, a thread made for me! lol BONUS PICTURES - my sister's personal smallests:
  22. Saturday I spent far too much time trolling and casting around a rainbow trout lake. I have fished this lake before, and the closest I've come to catching anything was seeing one rainbow following into shore. And of course, I've seen them jumping all over the place. This was decidedly my last try here, as the lake is a good hour away and down a pretty rough road. My tires spun a couple times on a really bad rocky portion of said road, and I nearly backed out and went elsewhere. But I made it up eventually. My old Achieva made it into the lake more easily in the past, but the van is now my fishing vehicle and it seems to struggle. I didn't catch anything from my Sportspal, but I did get very close to a cub - much closer than it appears in the picture. He was alternating between watching me and another guy who was launching his canoe. I've seen the other guy at the lake three times now. But all he had to show for his efforts this time was a little sucker fish. I'm more persistent than to leave after just a couple hours, though. It was a nice day, at least, despite being a bit chilly at the start and ends of the day. At the end of the day, as I just finished packing up my gear, the trout started jumping like mad all over the lake, even as shallow as 3-4 feet of water. So, I grabbed my rod and put on a bobber and worm and made my way around to the defined shore-fishing spot. Cast into the rings... Wait a minute... Then re-cast. After about three casts, I hook into a fish. It breaks the surface and I see it's a little rainbow trout! I get it right up to the shore line and I can see the pink on him. I hadn't grabbed my net from the van, having just packed everything away, and so when I reached to grab it, the hook came out and I lost it. I watched him swim away slowly - a reprise of what happened the last time I caught a nice brookie. What a heart-breaker. At least I had one, and I saw it. Even in the stained green waters it was pretty. I cast a bit longer and caught two suckers and took that as a sign it was time to give up. Tomorrow was a new day. When I got home, I had a message from Rod Caster asking if I wanted to meet up and fish with him and Joeytier. But since I knew my van wouldn't get into the lake they were going to (and I kinda doubted his truck would too - but he proved me wrong), plus I couldn't rustle up a fishing partner of my own to save my life, I woulda never made it into the first lake. So I went to the planned second destination, to which the boys never showed (and were rewarded with a nice, big bow). I made it to this speck lake unscathed, though the road in was pretty rough. I am noticing a pattern, here. I got there and unloaded all my gear and took to the water. I trolled a worm-crawler as I got an idea of the depths along the shoreline and in the middle of the lake. I switched to a Little Cleo and drifted with the wind along the shore I figured would be my best shot. I had a couple definite bites, but lacking stinger hooks, my worm went missing. Continuing to drift, I reached a little bay area with lots of nice submerged logs. Casting a silver Mepps #3 dressed with piece of worm into 2 feet dropping quickly to 11 feet, I caught two speckled trout. I had many other bites and follows, but these were the only two I landed. They seemed to be pretty methodical with stripping the worms from my hooks. The water was so clear, I could watch one of them do it. It's not a 28" rainbow trout, but it's a little over 28" of specks, and that's almost as good to me. These are also the first trouts I've caught on Mepps gear. I've seen them work before, but never for me until now, when my Little Cleos weren't cutting it. --- TLDR; I caught two specks and heartbreakingly lost a rainbow on the shore.
  23. So I guess you're not going back? :\ I don't know why they always have to stock rainbow in the hard-to-reach lakes. I want to buy a cheaper used ATV, but with the baby nearly here, it won't likely be happening for a long time, if ever.
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