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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. And windows 10 is not ok?,who are these people and why???
  2. Nice outing Joey,the sled looks great.
  3. Never could find that button lol.Not sure why so hidden?
  4. Sorry as well to hear Norm. I have two more coming to that age,been through this so many times,and each one never is easy.At least you gave her a fine life.
  5. All the best as expected Rick !!!
  6. There is always one waiting for me , ,not sure about the rest of you ,lol.
  7. That's up there with a deal of a lifetime . Great score !!!!!!
  8. I assure you as Terry said.Don't wait till you have to pay.IMO,just do it,you will not regret.If you are worried,back all your important documents or whatever on a external drive. I do this quarterly anyway,because of work documents.
  9. I updated my Dell Latitude months ago,running better then windows 7.Definitely not one issue here.Love 10 .Funny how some like and some don't?.
  10. Your outlet line is 1/2",the only thing a larger pipe will do after that is give you a quick rush when you open a valve.Your flow is only as big as your smallest pipe.If from the road is 1/2",not much you can do to change the constant flow.
  11. We just need ice soon !!!!
  12. Happy birthday sir,hope you have a great one !!!!!
  13. I hope not Roy,all posts are good IMO.,Some just go the extra mile,and that was the reason for favorite.I still like all the fishing and NF threads,I can see how someone could see this different.I'm sure it was not suppose to turn into anything different but a fun thread????
  14. I use a good size treble hook,personal preference Hooked through the upper lip with one hook. .
  15. A tip up within your viewing area,not expensive.A nice large live sucker minnow,bigger the better,give a good 20' or more of line and just wait.That goes as someones second line on Simcoe,good luck.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. He's a trooper,gives every game,it's in his heart.The money I'm sure he likes,but how many slow down if you will after they made their millions.Love that guys drive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep given'r Ovie !!!
  17. Wayne why such a realist???,I was hoping end of January/first week of Feb lol.
  18. Congrats Rick,time flies,seems like only 8 mths or so you said a little one was on it's way !! Congrats.
  19. Looks like a blast,we need one in the Barrie area?.Good to see some faces with name's !!!
  20. Just received my plate renewal notice,$108 per vehicle?,that is a big hike from last year if I remember?$92.00 I think?.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Too bad our income never comes close to all these type of hikes.Can't keep taking all the time.

    3. dave524


      Think it was $72 when I retired in 2008, that's about a 50% increase, sure wish my pension went up the same amount


    4. misfish


      Hey Dave. Park it and walk. Wait. Park it and drag. Ya thats it. Park it, walk,drag. LOL

  21. Awesome Joey !!!!!!!
  22. Rain and above zero this weekend,what the heck????

    1. spincast


      hell ain't freezin over? Guess the Leafs wont make the cup this year either...

    2. lookinforwalleye


      perfect winter weather...

  23. I checked voltage to the starter from above,there was lots,bad cell in two good batteries I had I think was the problem.What would be the odds of that.376km today,second day,all is good still with new battery.Thanks.
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