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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Carling Lager here Dave,in cans,good beer all around,and you can get it anywhere.Many years here as well. Every now and then I'll pick up something imported just for the heck of it !!! .
  2. You can sue for everything now,looks like they are just protecting themselves even if it does sound silly. Common sense is hard for some .
  3. I gave her a few good taps with a 2x4,a few different times,nothing has changed.From the side,back,wherever I could get to she had a good knock.Battery terminals are very clean,solid connections.It's not in the best/easiest location to take out ,lol.
  4. Thanks again guys,just used the boosters,negative on battery to engine ground same thing.Lots of lights,horn,and everything else even when clicking.Just going to jack it up now to give the starter a poke .
  5. Too you and yours Lew,Merry Christmas.!!!!
  6. I will tomorrow to get it on the ramps,bet it starts again right after lol.If I tap it and it starts,I will pull out and get fixed or replaced..Thanks.
  7. I'm in the same ball park,thanks again everyone,going to give it some time tomorrow after more testing,but sure does sound like the starter.
  8. So black to negative terminal,other end black to a good engine bolt/ground?,thanks,just want to make sure I have this right?.
  9. Thanks guys,I will do these checks tomorrow when I have the boys here.Just googling and I think I can push start this,and then drive it up on my ramps giving me a lot more room to figure this thing out.Timing could not of been worse lol.(everything closed) lol.
  10. They don't look bad,plus the clicking from the solenoid is very loud and fast. That I believe tells me that a lot of juice is getting to the solenoid.?.
  11. Booster cables Bill?,I did change the battery with my boat starting battery with same results,did not use booster cables though.
  12. Also to add,been having a couple issues with my remote fobs.If one of them were sticking,could that also cause a issue as far as not engaging?.
  13. Thinking the starter to,but amazed no warning before this.Always smooth start.Will do the hammer trick,I have a nice orange hard plastic hammer/mallet that should do the trick without further damaging anything.Thanks .
  14. Woke up and jumped in the truck like any other day.Turned the key and just loud clicking from down near the starter.Checked battey at 12.7 volts,even through a starting charger on to see if that will help.It is a standard 6 speed 2007 Nissan X terra.It has the switch that you have to push the clutch in to engage the starter.That is working as everything lights up,and that is when you hear the loud clicking.The sound is defineatly coming from down by the starter.Any ideas why all of a sudden?.Any help would be appreciated,and Merry Christmas to all.!!!!!! Dave.
  15. Woke up to 13c here today,Crazy for December 24th.
  16. And to you as well !!!!!!!!!
  17. Lew when you and I are up between 3 and 4am,this morning,no way was it coming up,have no reason why,sure those in charge may have a idea?.Really throws your morning off lol.
  18. If you have gold,5 times 200km one way each time.If towed to a CT auto shop,you can be towed as many times you want.Will not go against your 5 times.I find if I need more than two tows a year,time for a new vehicle lol.
  19. It's funny how so many people don't bother with any of these reward cards?,You have to buy whatever anyway,These are just bonus savings like said by many,to get free extra for whatever you use it towards.
  20. Heard wrong Lew ,lol.Still see the grass.
  21. Surprising how fast it adds up,I top up everyday,at least a buck or more back each time.Buys most of my fishing stuff through out the year.My trucks always loved there gas,never had a issue yet.
  22. What nice looking fish,WTG guys!!!!!!!!!
  23. Have to agree,they do what they need too
  24. What was that all about?,Simon is one of the best in reports,ice fishing for sure.!!!
  25. Good going guys !!!!!!!!!!! Nice fish !!!!!
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