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Everything posted by FrankTheRabbit

  1. Many thanks Dave! I think how Yonge St twists and turns made it difficult to find on GoogleMaps. I should be able to narrow it down now when I'm in that area. Much appreciated!
  2. Thanks Dave for the reply. Is that near Orillia or Gravenhurst or...? The only Hwy 89 that I know of us near Shelbourne. Is that the right area? Thanks.
  3. Does anyone have the exact address or can post a GoogleMaps link? Wouldn't mind taking a pit stop if I knew where it was. Thanks!
  4. Went out on lake that I've never been to before. No Navionics map available and we didn't have a depth finder. We just winged it and caught walleye with a Mepps spinner and a red coloured crankbait. I've also been able to get them on a 3/8oz perch pattern spinnerbait, slow rolling them above weeds and also on a Rapala X-rap (xrs-8) also in a perch pattern. I find that the time of day and water temps were more of a determining factor than the type of bait/lure used. Good luck on your trip!
  5. Former Rogers customer for 14 years, until I couldn't stand their lack of coverage. If you're in the DT core, you're good. Since we're all avid anglers, travelling around can test the cell coverage from the provider and I definitely noticed Rogers was the worst. Despite what the network coverage map says on Rogers website, it's certainly not accurate. So, when my contract was coming to an end, I went with Telus and couldn't be happier. Much better network coverage and more consistent with my connection. Price wise was about the same, but I'd only receive 70% of Rogers' cell service.
  6. I had the lucky opportunity from Will (Curtis Point) who took our group out on their pontoon. Comfortably fit 6 guys and could easily have accommodated two more. And the pontoon boat they had wasn't one of those slow-poke ones, this one had some legs It was a fun time had by all and the fishing wasn't bad either.
  7. Richard, you certainly are an ambassador to the club. I always enjoy including your photos into our club newsletter!
  8. I've heard stories of people busting up their hulls because they weren't familiar with the river. The current is pretty strong too. Don't know if a small boat can make it.
  9. It gets so busy…probably busier than salmon season in Ontario. The shad darts, I'm guessing, around around 3/8oz? Maybe 1/2oz? Their mouthes are pretty delicate and I'd go with a med power fast action rod. The shad darts will be heavy enough that you can really launch it far! Waders are pretty necessary. Just vary your retrieval speed and see what works for the fish. There's a Facebook group page for american shad, but they all speak French. I think the key is arriving early. I dunno how people manage to fish the hydro dam. lol Good luck!
  10. I'd imagine eating raw garlic would repel many other things/people too.
  11. Fella kept saying, "Out of respect,"...respect for whom? Certainly not out of respect for the angler. Agreed, the fellas on the vid kept their cool. That type of situation can quickly escalate to an exchange of words that wouldn't be PG13 friendly.
  12. I came across this homemade mosquito trap via Facebook and it'll certainly be something to try on camping trips. The idea is it's a homemade concoction that emits CO2 and traps them in the container. Hang a few of these around plus applying whatever DEET spray and fingers crossed, you should be golden. I've also heard taking fabric softener sheets and wiping it on your clothes or skin. The above link is the YT video on how to make your own mosquito trap.
  13. I'd go out on a limb and say that it probably wasn't their first time committing said offense either.
  14. Anyone had the chance to try out Gamma Torque? A bit on the pricey side, but I know a lot of people who miss using Gamma mono on their float reels.
  15. I think it'll have to be more related on who's standing on the other side of the counter. Sometimes you'll get a friendly rep and other times, you thought you stepped into the Twilight Zone. Would asking for their manager work in those instances?
  16. Wouldn't NIke/Adidas/Reebok/etc long sleeve dry fit work as well? I've worn one of those in Bermuda during August on the water. Didn't get burnt, fabric was lightweight, breathable, despite it being black in colour. Some can be form fitting and others can be semi-form fitting. Lots of styles and colours to choose from. I'm thinking those UPF ratings are marketing hype as well. Many of our favourite fishing caps don't have a UPF rating and they seem to be fine as well. I was lucky to amass a few of those workout long sleeve dry fit tops during sales, without the need to pick up some $60 and up Columbia/Simms/etc. Here's an interesting article: http://www.boatingmag.com/gear/boatinglab-tests-upf-rated-clothing
  17. Some background info regarding some of our thoughts about NPS: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=71707&hl=%2Bnational+%2Bpro+%2Bstaff
  18. I'm surprised he made use of periods. lol
  19. I can second Curtis Point cottages. Great friendly hosts with a family emphasis. The fishing ain't bad either.
  20. Since we're talking about politics and gov'ts, Here's an interesting article about the founding father of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who recently passed away at the age of 91. Take it for what it's worth: http://t.thestar.com/?referrer=#/article/news/world/2015/03/22/singapore-founding-father-lee-kuan-yew-dies-at-91.html On some levels, I see similarities with Stephen Harper.
  21. Could you clarify on the loss of jobs? Doesn't seem to make sense if Canada's unemployment went down 10,000 jobs and Ontario losing 25,000 jobs. Thx.
  22. Great instincts from the officer, regarding the story. Glad to hear you got your boat back!
  23. Bandwidth should be fine at 60mpbs, essentially, 6MB (megabytes)/sec download speed is pretty fast. Bill had mentioned about your router. Aside from the router settings, I'm gonna guess the router needs to be upgraded. How old is it? I was able to Google Search reviews of that particular router going back to 2011. A friend of mine has lower bandwidth than you and couldn't download and stream HD at the same time. He upgraded his router and everything was smooth again. Like most things involving computers, the CPU and the amount of RAM will affect performance. I'm thinking especially since you connect more wireless devices to the router, it will need beefier CPU and more RAM to handle the extra traffic. You can try playing with the settings in the router software or you can pick up a new router. If you choose the latter, try shopping at a place with full returns.
  24. Aw man, never easy to lose a pet, that's meant so much to you and the family. I'm sure she was the happiest and luckiest dog to be part of a loving family. We've had our family dog since October of 2000 and everyday, I keep wondering when that particular day will come. Dog's are most certainly a man's (or woman's) best friend.
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