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Everything posted by FrankTheRabbit

  1. Man, wish they added Buerhle to the roster. Def edge of my seat. No one would have been able to know about Cecil, but ya, he is def missed.
  2. Personally, I would trust information provided by a group, as long as it's honest and unbiased. The fact that I was able to find one thing left out, leads me to believe that there would be more items that weren't included in their report. Here's something else that wasn't part of the CTF Report for the CPC: The New Canada Building Plan that suppose to go till 2023-2024 and guess how many millions that will run...sorry, my mistake, not millions, but billions and to be exact, it's $80 billion, for an average of almost $9 billion per year or $2.25 billion for that first fiscal quarter. This is not something I'm pulling out of thin air, but right on the CPC website: http://www.conservative.ca/harper-announces-the-quebec-maritime-prosperity-initiative-to-foster-job-creation-and-support-quebecs-maritime-strategy-2/ So again, why was this omitted in the CTF report and again, what else has NOT been included in their report? EDIT: Sorry, I mis-read the amount earmarked for The New Canada Building Plan budget and said it was $80 billion. To quote from the source: "That is why we have introduced the New Building Canada Plan, an unprecedented initiative totalling more than $80 billion proposed by the Conservative Government to fund infrastructure projects over the next decade that will benefit all provinces, territories and municipalities." So, the initial $80 billion amount seems to be the minimum and again, this was not included in the CTF report. You really gotta wonder if it's even possible to run a budget of $256 million for the first quarter fiscal of 2016/2017 and really question what the actual amount is. Cleary, the CTF is picking and choosing what they want you to read, which is why I can't accept the report as accurate or truthful.
  3. Scott Hennig - VP Communications: Was a speechwriter for the Conservative gov't in AlbertaAaron Wudrick - Federal Director: Was campaign manager for KW Con MP Peter Braid Kevin Lacey - Atlantic Canada Director: Served as an advisor for Premier of NS from 2003-2006 and then was employed to Stephen Harper's office from 2006-2008 Jordan Bateman - BC Canada Director: Gave a speech at a BC Conservative Party speech in 2012 Jeff Bowes - Research Director: Former Staffer for the Conservative Research Group Todd Mackay - Prairie Director: Regular columnist for Postmedia, a right-leaning publication Paige Macpherson - Alberta Director: Former Sun News reporter Christine Van Geyn - Ontario Director: Author of several National Post articles, as well as served as a staffer for a Federal Cabinet Minister (couldn't find a name, but I'll guess it's Conservative) The CTF has been a springboard for many Conservative politicians...Jason Kenney, Walter Robinson, Sara MacIntyre and many more. I only brought up one example from the report when they didn't include the Champlain Bridge repairs as part of the CPC Uncosted Promises, but included it to the NDP & Libs Uncosted Promises, to highlight the fact: What else are they not including in their report? Again, in my opinion, this report is biased and clearly evident that it's backed by the CPC, so all I'm saying is, take it with a grain of salt.
  4. Oh man! That's a crazy nice build! Super sharp, both rod and reel! I wouldn't be able to fish that nice setup...I'd cry if u ever got a knick on that. Very nicely done!
  5. Dunno if it's fair to take the report at face value. The CTF non-profit group is comprised of Conservative supporters, so of course they would make the Conservatives the ideal party. If this report came from an unbiased point of view, I'd think of it differently. In the report, the "Uncosted Promises" section for the NDP and Liberals include the Champlain Bridge, but is not listed for the CPC. As I understand, bridges are a Federal responsibility, so if the CPC are elected for the next term, that extra cost should also be included, but it's not. If a simple person, like myself, can find that one item, I do pose a question to all the other items they have in that report.
  6. To the members residing in the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke area, is this for real? From what I recall, she voted against a motion to maintain door-to-door mail delivery services, back in Jan 2014.
  7. Bummer Jays lost tonight. Gotta give credit to Volquez. Pitched a pretty good game, including that 37 pitch in the 6th. Usually, Jays would just wear out the pitcher, but that didn't happen. Looking forward to Price. Hoping he gets the skunk off his back for his first post season win.
  8. I never mentioned emotions, I clearly stated behaviour/conduct. It's completely understandable to let your emotions run during the moment, but letting it dictate your conduct/behaviour afterwards is not and should not be condoned. The two should be mutually exclusive from one another and by all accounts, common sense should be used to prevent beers from being tossed from above. The same example can be said when there were some Jays fans in the Texas crowd. I'm sure emotions were running high, but I have not heard of any of them being assaulted by any way. If you're a Rangers fan, sure, you might be pissed off that the Jays won, but in no way is it right for them to be assaulted. Again, emotions and conduct/behaviour are mutually exclusive. I hope you can see the difference now.
  9. Why would bringing an infant to a ball game be a bad idea? It's a family venue for a family event. People need to hold themselves responsible and conduct themselves accordingly. Why is there blame upon the parents, when the beer tossers get a free pass to their bad conduct/behaviour? Netminder: That was an awesome recap and watching the game at a sports pub, was as close to as being there as possible. The confidence within the Jays group is immense! And the epic bat flip, from my point of view, is totally justified. Wasn't it only a few days ago when Holland took a Jays towel to wipe his ass? Rangers/media thought it was funny and now they're whining on Jose's bat flip and how it was classless act. lol I think the match up with KC is gonna be a big rollercoaster too. The last time they played against each other in Toronto, emotions were high on that too. Donaldson getting plunked and almost getting hit a second time, and Volquez only getting a warning. Madson plunks Tulo...no ejection. Sanchez plunks Escobar and he gets tossed out. Gonna be an exciting game! PS: Gotta feel for DeShields tho...two bunt attempts, one goes off his finger, the 2nd one the ball ricochets the bat and hits his mouth. lol Colabello had an entertaining "swing and a miss" moment. lol
  10. And Simmons can eat that W and count him as a band wagon hopper. I'm curious as to what he will write tomorrow? Regardless, the just deserve and earned this BIGTIME! All the perseverance and determination...these guys did it! Stroman, Sanchez, and Osuna are important pieces to the Jays future! Man I'm so excited!!!
  11. dang' right! I'm in Owen Sound now and the local Boston Pizza is packed! Lol.
  12. Haha. Just saw Mr iPad put up on the screen. Dude must be disappointed that there's no jumbo skewers of brisket/kebobs/3ft long hot dogs...at least he has his iPad.
  13. 3 outs more to go! Nail biter for sure! Bogus calls...Tulo should have gotten a walk back in the 2nd and it would have been 7-3. It's like Jays vs Texas & Umps. Can't win the game with the umps, but can't refute a HR...hope I don't speak too soon!
  14. Ya, I'd rather listen to the radio commentary than the lousy FS1 jokesters. 3hrs to go!
  15. Can you stream the game to your cell phone? I know Rogers had that AnyPlace TV and Bell has their TV Anywhere.
  16. Dunno about you fellas, but I can't seem to stay concentrated on work and I keep glancing at the clock every 15 minutes. lol
  17. With Cecil injured and Loup away, there were no other lefties to match up with. Wouldn't hurt that Stroman pitches Game 5 either. Rangers seem to have Price dialled in.
  18. I know. But it's just too tempting to confirm that I think he's a tool when he writes about sports in Toronto. Lol. I thought that the first two games, the Jays didn't execute to their potential. Even their win in Game 3, they left the bases loaded two times. Today's game was definitely a different story and a game played that we've all seen before. Getting on base and hitting HRs. These playoffs are all about momentum and right now, the Rangers have no answer to our bullpen.
  19. Nice win by the Jays! It was aggravating reading Simmons recap, over at the Toronto Sun, when they were down 2-0. He already wrote down the Jays saying they were lacking in depth in both pitching and hitting and pretty much insinuated that they were going to get swept. Man, I really hope the Jays win and shove it his face. How is that guy able to write in the Sports column???
  20. Just saying, as I'm sitting here at Boston Pizza, these Jays are on a roll. Agree with everyone else, these American commentators are pretty bad.
  21. Debt is not a bad thing, it's what you do afterwards is what matters. Case in point, we all go through the rounds of debt to get ahead in life. Home buyers is a good example. How many of us have the cash to pony up $600K for their first home? Even condo buyers go into debt with a $400K purchase. Anyhow, I remember a teacher telling us to vote for the person who promises the least, that way you will never be disappointed. Some of these politicians are promising a first class ticket to the moon and guess what will happen in the end.
  22. If you shut off the town access of Ganny, you'll force more pressure on the neighbouring tribs...knee jerk reactions and other municipalities will follow suit. At the end of it, as anglers, we all lose out. Even with the increased MNR enforcement, we are really seeing the full gamut of how bad we need the CO's (and how understaffed they are) to patrol the rivers during salmon season. Couple of weeks ago, on a Sunday, I placed a call to MNR because a couple of dummies decide to fish in a sanctuary. They were catching and releasing fish in a sanctuary. I didn't hear from the CO until Monday, because the COs had their day off. Can't blame them, they're human and not robots and to expect them to be everywhere 24/7 is just not realistic. I'd be in favour of hiring more COs and look forward to seeing more in the future since they've opened up those new positions.
  23. This team can score in so many ways and it's so fun watching them play. So many ifs at the beginning of the season and it's finally all coming around. I just hope the Jays can get ahead of KC to avoid a possible matchup with Texas or Houston. They got some big bats down south.
  24. There was already enough junk when I fished the St. Lawrence. I was wet wading for smallies in the summer and would see tampon applicators, condoms, various bits of floating garbage floating along...never again. But somehow, smallies exist there by the thousands. lol
  25. I'm using iOS 9 with my iPhone 5s and it's been about a week. I do get small bugs, but overall it's been stable for me. The biggest improvement I found was battery life. Perhaps I had something installed from iOS 8.3, but after a clean install, I'm getting much better battery life. And just before I was thinking of bringing in the phone for a battery replacement...guess that ain't happening anymore. Overall, I'm satisfied.
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