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Everything posted by FrankTheRabbit

  1. Had a chance to bring out the fly rod for a bit this past weekend and when I'm connecting my leader to my tippet, would you use a uni-knot or put in a micro swivel to connect? I've been using a micro swivel to prevent me from cutting off my leader, but I ended up having a few break offs above the swivel. I'm not sure if the break off was the result of using the swivel or perhaps the diameter of the leader was smaller than the diameter of my tippet. Also, any indicators to recommend? The ones I've been using results in a pretty mangled leader. Are there indicators that don't put some much wear and tear on the leader? Thanks!
  2. hahah that's crazy.
  3. Happy 25th bday, Brian. Looks like a day very well spent!
  4. Oh yea, one thing that I came across with a used modem purchase, the previous owner needs to call up their ISP to release the serial ID associated with that modem. If it's a new modem, that shouldn't be a problem. After that, it's been smooth sailing. Just can't find enough things to use up my 300gb cap. lol I've even heard if you go over a bit, they don't even charge you.
  5. x3 with Teksavvy. You just have to purchase your own modem, which shouldn't be too difficult or expensive if you look on Kijiji or Craigslist.
  6. www.fishheadscanada.net has Ande available. Hope that helps.
  7. I may or may not have met some of your daughters at Sharkey's. hah j/k. I do miss that joint.
  8. A good spot is Burt's Trout pond, up in Stouffville.
  9. hah, that's hilarious. The fish who jump up and hit the concrete slab. lol
  10. Nicely done. I was really tempted with going out that day too because of the nice weather. A really good preview of things to come! Glad you didn't drop your phone in the water. hah
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions. After speaking to a couple of them, I had the intention of just booking one, but I ended up booking two different guides on back to back weekends! I'll be sure to post a review afterwards, if this thread still exists.
  12. Thanks a bunch fellas! I'm sure any one of these suggestions will work out great! I've already sent a few messages to see which days they're available and once a date is confirmed, it will be marked on the calendar! Just have to wait six months.
  13. Rod->Always helpful as usual! I'll give him a message and see what he has available. Barrie's not far from Markham either...around an hour. Sinclair->I'll have a look up in Belleville too. 1.5hrs ain't that bad either.
  14. If any of you have had a great experience with a fishing guide operator, I'm looking for some recommendations. I found a few in the Bay of Quinte area, but it's about 3 hours of driving and for a day trip, would seem far. Somewhere between 1-2 hours within Markham is ideal targeting bass during the 2nd week of August. This may be a stretch of the requirement, but less boat traffic the better, but obviously beggars can't be choosers. I'm just putting it out there. Links would be appreciated since I'm having a little difficulty weeding out the thousands out there. Thanks. PS: We have our own equipment, so just looking for a service on a great outing and a few Kodak moments. There will be three of us.
  15. Nicely done! Your perseverance definitely paid off! Thanks for sharing the update.
  16. Thanks for the info! I suggested those one-day licenses if he were to just fish the one time only. He don't own any fishing gear at all, so it might be the better (and only) solution.
  17. Since it's getting close to the end of 2011, would a friend be able to purchase a 2012 license and still fish the remainder of the year? I didn't think it would make much sense to purchase a 2011 license and then have to purchase a 2012 license in a month's time. Thanks.
  18. Regarding the comment of, 'If you can see them, they can see you." is so true. If you weren't already wearing clothes that blend into your background, that would be a start if you're fishing in small creeks with gin clear waters. Crouch if you have to. You standing up and moving about will not entice them to hit. What has already been re-iterated above, if they're spooked, it's time to take a hike and look for newer waters, deeper pools. Good luck out there.
  19. Love the pike fly fishing video. It's like freshwater version of Jaws!
  20. Nicely done! Now you can fish all season with a pin reel. You should try ice fishing with a CP reel. It's quite fun I've heard!
  21. Yowsers! With the downturn in the financial world, gold and silver are safe bets! Nice catches!
  22. Great info for the budding fly fisherman, such as myself. Thanks!
  23. A lot of other anglers, including myself, have had tremendous luck with egg fly patterns and trout beads. I used a chartreuse coloured egg fly for salmon and was getting hook ups just as much as my buds using roe. It was the right place at the right time. Trout beads are also very effective in their own place as well. I definitely out fished a friend who was using trout roe sacs. Both are definitely on the economical side of things and should be easily available.
  24. Oh crap. lol I just jumped onto Amundon's website and is that your photo on the front page? If so, nicely done. I thought the first pic was the Amundson reel. lol It kinda looks like my TCR reel, but in orange. I'm more than happy with it. It's a great company, despite only have the reel for a month.
  25. Nice pix! What kind of rod is in the 2nd pic? Nice reels too! Is the first one an Amundson? It looks similar to mine, but it's orange. The second one a Lamson?
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