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Everything posted by JFR

  1. JFR


    Navionics has released their "Hot spot" maps with Nipissing john
  2. Mike The Pike, Very nice report, awesome looking boats. Were those trees you were sitting on, 'old growth'? Gonna have to stop next time I head north. Bernie, do you supply this boats to Lakair lodge on the West Arm. I rented one for a weekend, what a fantastic ride and very stable Thank you for sharing. John
  3. Steve, Basically what you are dealing with is the Navigable Waters Act. If you can float a boat down the river, then it is not private property. Unless deeded to the ORIGINAL OWNER by Crown. This is a "Crown Patten" and says the holder owns the land under the water You may float a boat, but you can not step out of the boat onto the stream bottom. On the other hand, the land owner does not own the water, but both sides to the high water mark You may not trespass on land that is posted, and that includes signs and marking, on the perimeter of the land. Here is a link that can explain it. http://www.greybruceoutdoors.com/guestwrit...blewaters.shtml Hope this ramblin has helped. John
  4. I understand you annoyance Lew, Up hear it is not uncommon to drive the county roads, and find bags of garbage in the ditches, along with other debris. Poeple are soooo laxy and cheap. Our landfil and transfer stations are open to the public and you can take your household items there for disposal. We also have a two bag a week limit. You can put more out, but you have to pay $2.00 per extra bag. On some vacant farm land you can find the work of unsrucpulous contractors who just jump their waste in the field.
  5. I have Norton, only because it came with my Rogers Internet package. Anyway I can remove or disable? I remember in the past, it was a memory hog, and very difficult to remove.
  6. As a starter unit, you can not beat the Bass Pro Shops, Pete Mania combo, well within the $$$ he has to spend. After he has spent a season, and wants to increase his toys, then he can start looking at Abu, Shimano, Quantum, etc. John
  7. JFR


    Forget about it! The Nottawasaga River, is fully blown out and unsafe to even consider fishing. With the amount of rain that has fallen, combined with snow run off, I'd give it about 2 weeks of good dry weather before attempting.
  8. It is not necessary to spool your entire reel with fluorocarbon line. Only need fluoro as a leader. I currently use 130# Seaguar for musky leaders. When I'm fly fishing or using other types of fishing gear, I use a quality mono, like Ande, Maxima, and a fluoro leader. Depending on the conditions a leader of 18-24" is sufficient for most fishing applications. # test of 6 to 12 is more than adequate. John
  9. Thanks Chris, I forgot that this feature was available. Very good read. John
  10. JFR


    Spit roasted with wild mushrooms, baby carrots and assaragus. mmmmmm good.
  11. I've been using Scotty Striker rod holders for a number of years. Fishing muskies and pulling 14" lures puts a lot of pressure on your equipment, and the holders will stand up. One thing I like about the Socttys is that there are many possible bases and holders available to fit any boat. John
  12. Thank You for shring John
  13. All manufacturers have a low end price point entry level rods and reels. All are made off shore, very cheaply, they can afford to give a replacement warranty, no questions asked. I have Fenwick and GLoomis rods that I have owned for 20 years, and are quite functional. Both were manufactured in Canada. My Fenwick rigger stiks have stood the time and manhandled many a large Lake Ont salmon. Sometimes it pays to spend a little more money at your initial purchase. John
  14. Only in Canada, EH A young lady friend of our family sent this all the way from sunny Barbadoes John
  15. You can check with Princess Auto near you. They usually have an excellent selection of wheels and tires. I don't know what was put on your trailer, but I'll wager it was not the best tire. While your there picking up your coupler lock and receiver locks look at there tire selection. Look for a 13" radial tire and rim, usually about $79. and replace your exsiting tires/rims. Your trailering will go a lot smoother. Also pick up a good set of bearing buddies. This will keep the wheel bearings well lubricated, and will save you the unnecssary repairs of a seized bearing somewhere out in the out of the way, on the way to somewhere. Take you time and go through these steps, and other steps mentioned by the group, and you will be fine. John
  16. The obvious question first, what horsepower is the engine? If it is under 10hp, the boat does not require a registration. If the boat engine is over 10 hp, then it should have been registered when purchased from the marina. In any event, you will have to present the bill of sale, and quite likely an affidavit sign by a commissioner of oaths. Present all the documents at your nearby Service Canada office, and they will process it for you. The webpage for Service Canada, gives a list of all their offices. John
  17. Check out the 2007 Muskie Odyessy http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5367 Dr. John Casselman, foremost authority on VHS will be giving a presentation on this topic. Should be of interest to a fisherpersons, not just musky anglers. Hope to see you there John
  18. Gerritt, Check out the Smoked meat forum, http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/forums/fo...isplay.php?f=45 This will link you to their topic of making jerky, I would use your little chief with only one pan of sweet wood, such as cherry or apple. Hickory can be over powering and leave everything bitter. You only need about 1 or 2 hours of light smoke. You then let the element do the rest of the drying.
  19. When you first approach the launch area, Pull off to the side and allow the wheel bearings to cool for a few minutes, unhook the running lights. Remove all tie-down straps, put in the plug. Load your tackle boxes, fishing rods, lunch cooler into the boat. Once you are ready to launch, move to the launch ramp, remove the safety chain, and move far enough ahead to line the boat and trailer in the centre of the ramp. Have you partner hold the mooring lines, and slowly reverse into the ramp, moving far enough into the water that the boat will float off the trailer. your partner should then pull the boat to the side out of the ramp, while you park your vehicle. DO NOT LOAD OR UNTIE YOUR BOAT ANYWHERE IN THE RAMP AREA. Now go to an empty plaza on a Sunday morning, or early eavening, and practice your backing. Take your time, this is not a time to play beat the clock. John
  20. Happy Birthday Monique. Very nice insite into your life, thanks for sharing John
  21. It would be wise to have a separate policy for your boat. My broker has me insured with Dominon of Canada, they insure my auto and home. For my small aluminum boat I pay $17. per month, and insure it for a full year. My broker advised against putting it as a rider on my homeowners. John
  22. Sorry I'm late, but happy B day John
  23. Dave Have a great B day John
  24. Thanks Roy, A very interesting read. I'll reserved my opinions because of the political mindfield this could cause. Thanks Brian for bringing it to the forefront again. I know it will have an effect on the community, and with the prevailing winds, I'm going to get a good wiff most of the time.
  25. JFR


    Very impressive Ron. All I can say is THANK YOU. It is about time some one from that organization took the bull by the ba..$, and made the change. Perhaps now it will entice more to inquiry about membership. Better still, maybe MORE information will be forthcoming to members who cannot attend meetings and are kept out of the loop. Keep up the good work. John
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