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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Ah common Bernie at least if you win you could invite me.
  2. Oh no another one I can't enter Quebec is not included Darn french laws. Oh well hope its someone from here
  3. Ah its ok Darren its washing away the snow in my yard.A little bit left in the front yard. Our pool is stilll frozen solid. With April on its way I am sure there will be more.What worries me is I put the snow shovels and snowblower away today . Its snowed here many times in April so you never know. Both vehicles have there snowtires just in case.Ah man I can't wait for trout opener Lake Massawipi.
  4. Great report Limey.Watch out they grow so fast.I enjoyed the last video. BTW you can keep all that snow and ice lol
  5. Thanks Bernie .I did like my tour last time I was in town.
  6. Ah your such a teaze.Nice pics come on spring!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Wow nice job stout fellow
  8. So sad indeed I was on the 401 once when the whole procession went by very moving indeed. I wish our troops had much stronger vehicles to withstand these devastating blows.
  9. Darren I like Lowrance myself but I saw a good deal at Sail Baron this week for a Humminbird 757C gps combo for $499.00 in full colour.
  10. I hear ya Lew .I have worked in the printing business 22 yrs and nobody uses the metric system yet. I prefer to keep my gps set at good old MPH
  11. Very nice fish boy Carole's hands look really cold in some of those pics
  12. Ah leave me alone Brian I will be just fine I have other safe methods.
  13. Now Carole you should keep it in your fishing vest. How many times in your reports from you and Cliff did you guys say sorry for the picture quality but we forgot the camera so we had to use the cell phone.It could always be in the vest ready to go after all you still look about three five
  14. I don't like hunting but I would take it up to balance mother nature. Something has to be done soon that and commercial fishing on our lakes.
  15. Well I was hard head one year ago and would not use the stuff but after several fishing trips with my friend GlennK I realized he was catching 4 fish to my one. Yes I now believe in the florocarbon leader
  16. Good to Gerritt. Luckily you have the Barbie combo and won't have to take it back. Headhunter told me
  17. Well congrats there man nice looking set of wheels.Unfortunately I have the Van on the right of your truck it keeps the peace when travelling with 3 kids. When they grow up I will get my truck
  18. Now if I was going to spend my money on a Dodge it would be on the Challenger. I think the Charger is a nice looking car from the front end but Dodge seem to design the rear end Fat looking. Challenger is the nicer car.
  19. Mike like most people have said this is a light boat I know I owned the exact same boat not too long ago. I have a 46lbs of thrust Minnekota with a Maximiser. Surprised nobody has told you to spend a little extra on a model with a maximiser your battery will last twice the time as a regular endura model. Costco has a great deal more than you might want to spend 50lbs of thrust with maximiser for $399.00 believe me no need to bring 2 batteries for the day as long as you don't venture off too far.You might want to check out deep cycle batteries at costco also usually very good deals. I think 36lbs of thrust would be a little better but Mike get one with the maximiser much more energy durable. good luck can't wait to see your first fishing report in it.Becareful with this boat I flipped mine over 2 summers ago. MTP
  20. Mike thats a good litttle boat I had one just like it.Its a Thornes. Just don't do like I did one second I let go the tiller handle on the little motor and next thing I know I was in the water I flipped the boat when I stopped it from coming at me.
  21. Very nice van Joey .So when are the triplets due
  22. I will be there again this year.staying at bayside cottages
  23. Now Urby you are hardcore and it is making me jealous.Nice to see a boat out on the water. Now I really can't wait for April 11th when I get to take my boat out. Teezer
  24. WTG teammate thats the way to start off the tourney for our team. Nice pics too.
  25. I think Kickingfrog made some great points. I like my canoe 40 inches wide no one in my family has ever flipped her. On the other hand she is over 85lbs fiberglass 16 footer at my age its too heavy to portage with. i would like to sell it and buy a sportspal with a square transom to put a small motor on. my wife loves my current canoe so I won't change it. The best 12 foot aluminium boat i have ever been in is the Princecraft ungava you can put up to 15hp on it at 156lbs its a great car topper. I have also seen my friend follow me in 3 ft swells deep hull on a small boat. Good luck with your purchase
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