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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Thanks Marc by boy wants a boat of his own .One never knows luck can come our way.
  2. Excellent report as usual Mike makes me want to get my a s s back into shape and go on a canoe trip myself. I guess you don't miss the old pellican canoe. I guess I need to get rid of my fiberglass canoe if I want to attempt an aventure like that.
  3. GCD I have been many times it is extremely loud for a child. BTW the adult muffs will fit most little kids They be too big for Roy though
  4. Very nice chrome looks like there is not much shoulder to shoulder up there.
  5. I think the Rainbows are such great looking fish to see in pics.Always a joy to see thse fish in a report. MTP
  6. Your best bet is the ear muffs .Go to a hardware store and by the muffs I found some for $4.99. We have been to the Monster trucks several times the muffs are the most comfortable. I tried ear plugs the first time the kiddies found them uncomfortable and they some time fell out. Remember kids can get ear infections quite easily so muffs is the way to go.
  7. Very nice Lew now you have to go easy the break in begins. Mine Is pretty well broken in 7 more hours to go and I will change the oil. So far so good I like my new Yamaha 60HP. Mike
  8. Whoa Paul what a hog man.thanks for the report
  9. WTG Darren another species on my catch to do list. Were you in the east which M lake was it.Very pretty fish hope to find out what they fight like
  10. I like your report a species we don't see too often thanks ofr the report
  11. Its about time you got all that new stuff in your box down to the water.Looking forward to your reports this year Mike
  12. Looks like you had a blast
  13. Oh I was in the narrows saturday evening Dave and saw a few guys get nabbed for no lights and just one light. I think the police were doing an excellent job last thing we need is to plow into a boat that is not lit up killing some innocent people. Its time people start obeying the law for others safety. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WTG Dave good to hear you caught some fish .I caught some nice eyes but my numbers were not there. I looked for your Crestliner but there were so many boats out there unfortunately I did not spot you.I now have a VHF so we will have to select a station to chat on next time I drive down to the BOQ. Thanks for the excellent report and pics. BTW your hat matches your rain suit well MTP
  14. Oh no I guess all those pretty fish are going out to the deep water . Cliff you didn't look happy in that shot of you Whats this no nail polish On Carole's fingers I was missin your night reports keep up the good work. MTP
  15. Yes buy the Berkley ones Rizzo I picked up a pair they were 11.99 each.One set on each side no matter how rough it gets the rods seem to stay in place. Here is a pic right side and no my buddy didn't fall over them.
  16. So you are going to help me catch a biggun in 3 weeks with all your great Salmon knowledge eh Brian. I am counting on you now See ya soon. Mike
  17. Now there is a guy going Green. I have to catch me some of those one day. HOw good are they to eat?
  18. After waiting all winter for this day to come it was time to participate in the Kiwanis Walleye Fishing Derby. First off I would like to thank the many volunteers and folks who give their time to make this a fabulous tournament not to mention the great cause raising money for charity. I arrived late Friday night to meet up with good friends Kenny,Dan and Dave. This year was different though because I decided to bring my boat. Fishing was tough Saturday alot of folks reporting very little walleye action. At 3pm we decided it was just too rough to be out fishing. It was a long boat ride back from the Napannee River along Long Reach past Green Point to Bayside Cottages.It was so rough I decided to put along at 8mph this way we kept ourselves dry. When in took a break had a great supper and went out for the evening bite. Headed down to the Narrows and started trolling at the light house in a 11 ft of water and finally got my first eye of the day. Caught with a purple suspending X-Rap. I have never seen boat traffic like this ever.Navigation was like doing the slalom. We stayed out late and I found the ride back rather creepy in the dark trying to look for the many unlit bouys(help spell check?) Anyhoo here are the pics. If fishing is slow why not have a nap .lots of room in a tiller boat for that GCD A shot of the Napanee river as you can see it was rough in there. My first eye Saturday evening a 28 inch Walleye I didn't weigh her but I figure around 5 or 6lbs. I let her go to swim another day. My fishing partner net minder and camera man.poor Kenny just got some nice OOS bass. Met up with this guy our very own Sonny from OFC fishing with his buddy. Good to see ya again Sonny too bad we had no time to meet up somewhere but fishing is our priority. Finally Sunday 1:30pm my rod goes off with a big bang the reel was just screaming. My heart was pumping what a scrap .I have never had a long fight like this from a walleye. Kenny and I thought it has to be a big Pike of sheepy she just would not quit line peeling action. Got her to the boat she would not quit,under the boat my medium heavy rod bent over and more drag going out. finally get it into the net and the Long Pink Rapala Huskey Jerk falls out of its mouth. Have a quick look at this big fish and I think wow I could have a chance to qualify in the top 10. I quickly weighed her 9lbs 12oz just under ten not even close to tenth place which was over 11lbs. There is always next year.This Walley did get the heart a pumping. Best ever fight from a walleye from one side of the boat to the other would not give up. Results of the Kiwanis Fishing Derby. Junior category where I would have qualified if I was under 17yrs old. some prizes from the tournament. First Prize for Pike a 14ft Lund with 15hp motor. first prize walleye a 16ft Lund Rebel XL with 25hp. On the way back from Trenton I snapped this shot of I believe is Canadas Hercules Aircraft. Can't wait until next year. Mike the Pike
  19. Very nice Speck there Jacques have you been feeding those things poutine all winter? I think you need a back pack tackle box of course these inconvienient walks keep ya slim. I miss exercise have a sore foot these days must go see the doc.
  20. Yes it is a good choice I have my down rigger rods spooled with it used it in Quinte with my planer boards believe me the walleye were not line shy with the P-Line. I like the quality of their products. Mike
  21. Very nice colors on the rainbows.I wish we had lots of steelhead fishing here.
  22. Whoa good to see a report from Spiel
  23. Excellent report Cliff great to see ya get out on the water .Crappie another species I have to catch. Oh and how come mom is not wearing her life jacket we let her answer Cliff Ok May 22nd I an going to Perchers for some Salmon hopefully. On the way back (sunday May 24th)if you are home I will take that coffee you owe me .that is if your not fishing. Hope to see ya soon.Mike.
  24. Very pretty fish
  25. Good to see ya get out Mike .Looking forward to yout reports in the Thornes boat. Next time I dare ya to stick that fish on your nipple
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