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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Was on my way home from work last night when my wife called to say my son had taken a spill on his Bike. Hurt his arm really badly luckily he was wearing his helmet he also hit his head but nothing happened up there thankfully. Well back over the bridge to Montreal Childrens Hospital. It didn't take long to find out he broke his arm 2 bones in the lower forearm Waiting to see the Doctor believe me he was in alot of pain. The phonecall to Mom telling her he had broken his arm. Cast #1 for the evening we went for X-rays 3 times. This was after Ryan had his arm set believe me you don't want to know what this is like to see your child scream while the doc resets the broken bone.All he had was an oral dose of Morphine.His fracture was a 14 degree break so any more than that and he would have been off to surgery. Back for X-rays for the 3rd time the first attempt at setting the break failed. This was cast number 2 .This time the Doc set his arm perfectly but not without Ryan suffering he was screaming very loudly but managed to get through his ordeal.I must say he was pretty tough considering what he had to endure the second time for 2 mins. It was not me who wanted to post these pics On OFC but Ryan. He really loves this fishing board.He will be missing his fishing the most . He is rather upset that he won't be able to fish with me in 3 weeks at the Thomas Marine fishing Tournament. Soccer had just started this week and he won't be able to play for 8 to 12 weeks. I just want to say a Big thanks to the Montreal Childrens Hospital who attended to my son rather well. I was in and out in less than 4 hours I never seemed to wait long at all we were taken care of rather quickly. I must say our Healthcare system works well when the patient has a serious injury. So everyone take your kids fishing and enjoy.I guess I have a tiller Pilot for awhile. MTP
  2. This man catching fish in a Tiller boat
  3. Nice tattoo.Looks like a very nice river to go fishing.Too bad the fishing was slow but from the pics you seem to be happy. Looking forward to your warmer reports
  4. Matt good to see ya out fishing again.Very nice poisson
  5. Actually I was inspired the first time you posted it .I did get some ideas from it 2yrs ago like where to store my rods when running the boat. I did intall those rather cheap horizontal rod holders .I really must say I appreciate what your brother did to improve the SSV I would not have the time and skill to do all that. After thinking it over though I decided I could get more boat with an upgrade to a Lund 1660 classic. I will never forget my SSV 18 footer it was built solid as a rock. To me the money was better spent on a new boat with air ride suspention pedastels ,IPS Hull ,a 44 inch livewell ,locakable rod storage,more storage ,sport trak mounting system ,no need to drill holes in the boat .position your rod holders anywhere you want,snap on cover higher sides and much much more Out with the old in with the new.
  6. That was an absolute pleasure to read this report Mike.What a beatiful Pike. I look forward to taking my son on an adventure like that in the near future when he grows a little taller and stronger. Thank you so much for putting this report together it is a pleasure to have you as a member on this board. Your contribution is endless same goes for your writing skills . Now how about this summer's weather what will this summer bring?
  7. Nice report there Cliff nothing like one on one time with your daughter enjoy it now . My Daughters have lost interest in fishing thankfully I have my son and I don't have a wife that can out fish me sometimes. See ya again soon. Mike
  8. Nice report there Cliff nothing like one on one time with your daughter enjoy it now . My Daughters have lost interest in fishing thankfully I have my son and I don't have a wife that can out fish me sometimes. See ya again soon. Mike
  9. Thanks again Dan Ryan keeps talking about it over and over just one problem he likes your boat much more than mine now. We need to do something about his sea sickness though it only happens to him on Lake O. I now find other species boring to reel in man Salmon have a lot of Zipppppppp
  10. Wow very nice Joey and Paul you will be all set for fishing in November. Congrats you two deserve it I am looking forward to the first fishing report aboard the new vessel.
  11. Actually I was looking forward to seeing you Bryan. I just rubbed it in because you mentionned in previous reports that you have problems getting up for fishing these days arriving late. And you did tell me in previous posts you like the time shots. I noticed the shorts not the legs See ya on the next trip
  12. This year my annual fishing trip to Quinte on the May long weekend is no more so after talking to Percher he suggested I come down to Southern Ontario for some arm burning Slammin Salmon so we decided to drive the 606kms to Dan's Ryan(My Son) and arrived Friday morning after 6 hours and 5 minutes of Driving from South Shore Montreal. It was a little late to go out for Salmon so we went fishing for cats on the Grand River in Dunneville. It was nice to see Bernadette again and finally meet Steve Fishmaster. We picked up some STINKY BAIT and proceeded to the fishing grounds. The only cat of the day caught by my Son Ryan smile tells it all he knows how to hold cats As for me I am working on that. Captain Percher. Captain Perchers catch of the day my son also caught a huge bolt weighing about 5 to 6lbs catching that was exciting.I see where people like to throw there garbage. Day two started off like this. This shot is for you Slowpoke this thing allows you to arrive on time. Well Slowpoke set a new record Saturday only arriving 8 mins late this time Mr Bermuda shorts did not stay dressed like this too long as it was rather chilly Saturday Morning. The insults started flying about Mike the Pike so I could tell Memart and Slowpoke had missed me so much. Thankfully Perchers boat halls a s s so we just left those boys behind.It was great to finally meet Marko and good to see Lexxington again .Paul thanks for taking Marko out on the big Pond. Thanks to Percher for making it happen. Hi Ho Silver move out the way you poopy Canada Geese. We got out Percher set up everything and we didn't have to wait long he put us on fish. DOUBLE HEADER!!!! This is what we came here for this is the biggest fish I have ever caught in my life. This was the same for my son.My first Salmon since 1981 when I caught an 11lb Coho years ago fishing with Percher's Dad.I can't thank Dan enough my son was so excited and pumped a moment that will last a lifetime in my mind. For many of you this kind of fishing is close by so enjoy your resourse its a long drive for us. Looking forward to our next trip to the big pond. Oh what a day to remember. Sunday time to go home but not without my yearly stop at BPS. Dad can you buy this and that and this and that................. We took our time getting home . I made a detour off the 401 and met up with CCMT (Cliff)for a coffee at his house. We met his daughters and little Sydney who is just a happy child and was proud to show us her tackle box she won last year a fishing tournament.We missed out on seeing Bly cause she was away so perhaps next time. Thanks for the Java Cliff great to see ya again. Thanks again to Percher for putting us on some nice fish. Mike the Pike
  13. Now I get it you stir your drink with the swivel stick then you look for an opportunity to pick on people with Tillers. I knew it wasn't you Glen just the booze
  14. Oh Ya. St.Lawrence River Lac St.Pierre Richelieu River Lake Massawippi Lake Memphremagog St.Alexis des Monts La Tuques Rivieres St.Maurices Lake Champlain Rivieres des Milles Iles Ferme Neuve Mont-Laurier and many more to discover just need more holidays. Mike
  15. This 5 inch suspending Husky Jerk ............ Caught this nice Walleye last weekend. I like the clown colour also red head chartreuse and gold. Blue turquoise is also a hit with walleye and pike black and silver for bass. I love these lures.Good Luck
  16. When did your wife leave you Paul
  17. I think someone mentioned a very good point. Make sure your box has been properly dried out b-4 storing.
  18. OH no now you did it Brian you got me all excited. Ryan and I can't wait to hook up with you guys in 2 weeks. I want my arms to burn. If I get a little 26 inch that would make me happy I need to experience the force of a salmon. Last time I caught a salmon was 1981 I was 16 it was a wee coho weighing just 11lbs. OK I must go to the gym now to train for those big brutes thanks for the action shots
  19. Excellent looking dinner CF.Hope you enjoyed the meal. Thanks for the pics and report.
  20. How did he lose the rod out of his hands Thanks for the pics soem really nice shots.
  21. I had one it was a 1980 7.5hp Honda the dealer said it was that year. If you need a pic just holler. MTP
  22. GCD your killing me
  23. But Peter did you happen to notice the fish in the report. You should have seen the amount of boats in the narrows Saturday .What bothers me is the ones that cut in front of you these are the guys who don't get out much many others have a good sense of judgement some are just complete morons .I did let one guy know he was an idiot passing just 10 feet in front of my bow. NO pike this year but my partner caught a couple of OOS Bass. Ya I think I will take friday off next year as I find the 4hr drive from montreal rather long at the end of the day with the start of rush hour early on Friday's .So what will be 4 dinner . if ya fish quinte enough in the fall or spring finding a double digit will come sooner than you think. So what was 4th place I forget. The start of this year is much better than last year. Did you notice I now have a yellow hat to match the floater suit. lol You guys did well we managed about 10 in our group of 4. I can get them like that up North Glen but it requires a longer drive and your chances are fewer.Now I know Lac St-Pierre on the St-Lawrence has the numbers and size but I will have to spend more time there and must learn how to jig properly because trolling on the Larry is tough because it is infested with weeds. Over the past 5 yrs I have become quite comfortable with the Bay of Quinte I am starting to know it well .No other place increases your odds of big walleye like the bay does.Navagation is easy unlike the Larry where I have already busted up a couple of props.GPS is making life easier so I may be back on the St-Lawrence more often. When I get my F-150 it will be ordered with the Tiller GCD Well thanks for the kind words and complements folks. I look forward to Salmon fishing towards the end of May with Percher and my son. MTP
  24. Good to see you make a report congrats on the new PB. I love the shot of the money being fanned
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