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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I know it's nice to get away but you could pitch a tent in your backyard and be on some of the best waters the Tri lakes has to offer... Just pretend you are somewhere else...
  2. Ya...we have a French Connection here Shane... I hope you are feeling well and your treatments are coming along fine...
  3. Yep...Like Maureen said...several people were asking for you and Cliff...maybe next year...
  4. Nice one Lew !... Definately bigger than Maureen's but then again she doesn't have your experience... 48 inches eh?...one inch shorter you would have had to release her...like it or not...
  5. The Boss checking the oil... Some random shots at the docks
  6. Joe (daplumma's) Brollymobile Cliff and Bly making a beeline to their boat...somone told them there was a fish in Nippissing... JOEY !!!...(she gets better lookin' everytime I see her)...
  7. I'll add mine here... Maureen and Maribeth sharing a laugh... The musky slayers plotting strategy...
  8. Wow !!!...You made good time...Glad to hear your home safe and sound...
  9. I'm like you Boss...I just finished uploading my pics to my 'puter...got some resizing to do before posting...tomarra marnin'...
  10. Just taking care of last minute stuff and then we are away this morning... Beans and Maribeth
  11. Hey Pete...Your balls are in a box in my car as we speak...certainly heavy for the size of them... You'll need to get out more and use them...
  12. Do Jack (Nanook) and I get to practice our burger burning skills again ???
  13. I betcha you could use my handy dandy home-made carp pod for a rod holder...you only need two bank sticks, a 5 foot piece of 2" x 6", a 1/2 inch drill/spade bit and some screws/nails... I built it for fishing off cement sidewalls of dams or off docks (Big Cliff is not fond of me drilling holes in his dock for my bank sitcks... ) Here are a couple of pics...one with just bank sticks and the other with my buzzer set-up... Once you get too frustrated trying to build rods and pack it in...you can take up carp fishing...
  14. Dang it all...I wish I had known earlier...We drove by his place around 07:30 pm last evening but the garage door was closed so we figured they had company and didn't want to interrupt...was going to ask if he was going to make it up to Lakair himself...If he isn't I will drive down and grab his balls for you... No answer right now...waiting for him to return my message...
  15. I thought your comment "you gotta soak Beans a long time before they will sink" was a lot funnier... This one would pass with a good shove ! How you doin' pal...
  16. A couple of rooster tail spinners...maybe a sabiki rig or two with some minners (no more than 4 hooks on rigs) and an old fart like me in your boat for luck...no bananers, I promisse...
  17. Dang it Boss !!!...I woulda kept that 12 pound carp I caught last Tuesday if'n I had known...probably taste close to your fish...
  18. My bro-in-law bought a trailer in there last fall near the end of the season but didn't get around to putting his boat in the water until last weekend...He and I just toured around on the lake on Sunday afternoon but did not fish...lots of weeds so there should be lots of bass and pickerel... Some things I don't really understand with trailer parks...put in an air conditioner...fork over $250 more for the season and $60 more for a regular size toilet... I will say it is a much nicer trailer than what he had at Sandercock's on Rice Lake... Lots of playground stuff for the kids and it looks like a decent swimmimg pool and beach...
  19. If you were driving down the #35 at that time we were ships in the night passing each other... We were heading home from Lake Scugog...didn't really try fishing...mostly checking out various areas and getting to know the lake (couldn't find the green bouy-several red ones on the way to Caesarea from Goreskis)...Cool and refreshing way to spend a hot afternoon... Strangely we (like you) had roast beef, pan roasted potatoes and carrots, steamed peas and a piece of foiled wrapped salmon for Maribeth (my wife is a vegetarian) all done on the BBQ except the peas by my bro-in-law Uncle Dave... Glad to hear you got your motor fixed...Watta guy that Big Cliff !!!
  20. I like to add a couple of kernals of softened maize along with a boilie on my hair rig and I use a "feeder" I bought a new bag of D.A.M. boilies this spring and am about to grind the remaining Nash boilies I have left over from two years ago and add to my "ground" bait...Next lot will have either ground Cat Chow or Dog Chow...Haven't decided yet...
  21. Why not run it up to Shimano in Peterboro ?...Not too far from Whitby...
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