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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I'm teary eyed reading this Bruce.I love dogs, and hate to see them injured.Keep us posted on Peanuts progress please Paul
  2. I really needed that laff!!!Thanks for giving me a chuckle. Merry Christmas !!
  3. Th bar and the big screen TV are usually in the basement Bob......The Rumpus Room...Sheesh.
  4. I missed it first time around, its really interesting to see whats down there.
  5. Worse, introduce her as your PRESENT wife... Seriously though, mine is very good to me.I have it all with this one !!! My last one got the gold mine, and i got the shaft
  6. Anytime Bud!! Important thing is ya got ta fish till the end of December
  7. Good advice Mike !! Ya cant be too careful.Although it woulda been funny to see the look on his face if you had of gotten out of you F150 and let him get a load of your stature I mean you're not a tiny dude
  8. I will put in a few words with my higher power.Be strong Merry Christmas and a Healthy new year.
  9. Oh No !!! Not another tail light I still have that set for ya if you want.
  10. That pic is gonna give me nightmares It gives me the creeps.
  11. Nothing !!!! I'm not even a member there I swear, it wasnt me!!!
  12. 2011 in a nutshell. Awesome photos!!!
  13. Very Cool !!!! Lineman for the County
  14. Good to know, as i am getting my full year card and license for next season.I figure, since i fish in Ontario so often, i may as well help pay the bills over there
  15. Dang, never thought about it like that. When we visited my dads folks in Jones Falls, it was always "west of Ottawa" to me Carleton Place, Perth, Elgin.....all west of Ottawa Ya wanna go Bushwacking with me Wayne
  16. Smithsfalls aint that far north http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&prmd=imvns&resnum=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1067&bih=443&wrapid=tlif132383335636610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=smiths+falls+ontario+fishing&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=fishing&hnear=0x4ccd88b03bb2843b:0x4cc0b1932e63baf8,Smiths+Falls,+ON&ei=LBjoTsn5J8Xn0QGinJGDCg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CAwQtgM&iwloc=cids:10094831801503928549 Good fishing all over.Hopefully there will be ice when you are up there.
  17. We want to see what you get Think of all us landlocked sailors when yer out there on the water
  18. Plus 8 on thursday. I"d take mine out too if only i wasnt so dang lazy
  19. Dana, You are one of the more likable, entertaining members here, and i really enjoy your stories. Dont change for anything or anyone. Thanks for the read, Paul
  20. I cant even begin to comprehend the pain of losing a child.i hope i never find out. Paul
  21. Never met you Lew, and only know you through the words spoken of you by the friends you have in here.All good words BTW. But after reading your tribute to him, and seeing his picture, he was most definately his fathers son. Keep his memory alive, and God Bless you and your familly Lew. Paul
  22. First of all, you have nothing to appologize for Jacques.We are all human. My best year would have to be this year. First Musky, second and third too PB Walleye First Carp Most walleye ever. Seeing my Brother get his PB Smalllie New Boat Met Mike and fished with him often. Yup, 2011 was a good year. Come on 2012
  23. Ron, this is without a doubt, one of the best threads i have seen in here in months. You have really been paying attention. Nice job Bud !!!
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