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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nice job WM !!! hog Bass, and Gator Skis !!! What a season. Thanks for sharin Paul
  2. Back in July, i was talking with a local bait shop owner, and he predicted this ,i believe. He spoke of a meeting between bait collectors/sellers and the MNR taking place in September, and possibly the partial banning of live minnow sales.
  3. Why not Two years of planning and anticipation. Two years of sleepless nights wondering how you are going to pay for it. Two years of deciding what size of motor, and how you are going to outfit it Two years of...........well, you get the idea Definately, start worrying about it now, and keep us in the loop too
  4. Ford Ranger 2010 Sport. 6cylindre 4.0L with towing package, 18K Towing Capacty 5700 lbs.
  5. mercman


    NOW i remember.....too funny.Ever notice how all the old women smoked a pipe back then weird.
  6. mercman


    Guess i aint as ole as i thought No Clue !!!
  7. mercman


    Percy Kilbride and Marjorie Main as ma and Pa kettle. Man am i old
  8. another http://www.facebook.com/pages/166th-Battalion-Queens-Own-Rifles-of-Canada-CEF/103466129707226
  9. http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/military-peace/index-e.html http://army.ca/svcs/2_pers_loc.php http://www.qor.com/index2.html These may help.Middle name and residence address etc make the research eadier. Good luck, it can be a daunting task, i know. Paul
  10. Without a doubt. National Lampoons Christmas. When that cat chews the lights, i come apart
  11. Oh Bruce, I and so sorry to hear about Peanut. I am a dog lover, and although the decision is difficult and very sad, it is also Noble, and kind. Please accept my deepest sympathy. Paul
  12. I have thought of you lately Kelvin, and have said a few words for your wife, just in case. Continue being strong for her my friend. New procedures, and therapy are having miraculous results. God bless my friend Paul
  13. Then i'd have to be McMercman. How the McEll are ya !!!
  14. Hummmmm "Caster".....S0 What part a Ireland are ya from lad? Good things happen to good people guys. That says it all
  15. Great catch.About time she started giving out some nice ones
  16. Thanks for all the hard work that went into this tourny by Brian and all the tean Captains. This was great fun, and i hope there will be another next year Paul
  17. http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?Document_ID=13267&Attachment_ID=25952 here is the spec sheet Ron.
  18. Geez, Here is Trinity. They could be sisters. and Squeaky the Pom My Girls
  19. Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS)
  20. What is it about stories like this, that turns a grown man into a weeping child. Thanks G
  21. This time of the year is very emotional, and very hard on some people. You never know what people are going through this time of year Geoff.
  22. Let me tell you all a quick true event that happened to the Barb and i last thursday nite. On our way home from shopping, we were stopped at a light, waiting for it to turn green. We were rear ended, by a car approaching slowly from behind.Our car is less than a month old, and less than 2000 clicks. Barbs first reaction was to get extremely angry with the driver.Fortunately, i was first out of our car, and scanned the other car and driver.Barb got out next and was ready to start yelling, when i motioned to her to look at the car. Our car had a cracked bumper, but the others hood was folded up, and the radiator was leaking.Inside the car was a young woman sobbing uncontrollably, with a 6 month old baby in the back seat, and the front seat filled with christmas presents. We helped her pull over and stop her car, then invited her to bring her child, and sit with us in our car until the police and tow truck got there.The young woman appologized profusely, she took her attention away from driving for a split second to glance at her child, then panicked when she saw our tail lights, and hit the gas, instead of the brakes. The point is, accidents happen, and for most of us,anger is the first reaction to them. By barb and i showing compassion for this young woman, it turned her experience from one of trauma, to one of 'Lesson Learned'. Insurance is there to take care of the rest. Sorry if this is off topic Paul
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