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Everything posted by mercman

  1. The roar, the wind, the skin being pulled up and over your forehead Coming back we had whitecaps. Didnt slow us down a bit, but i am 2 inches shorter now
  2. Ya 62, and he is experimenting with something either prop or jack plate It sure is a violent ride.I love it though. Its a fun platform to fish off of.
  3. ttfn
  4. Transom mount, extension handle and you are in bussiness.You can stand in the most stable part of the boat(rear) and have access to the sonar, and steer the boat with the extension handle on the trolling motor.
  5. Great June Larry !!! Thanks for makeing me drool
  6. Walleye- Toad, Largemouth-nummy num:D pike-PainInKEister
  7. Join the club dude !!! Happens to me all the time. Nice fish, and congrats on the new addition btw.
  8. You will fit right in with the other fine rod makers on the board
  9. Alex, You know he is right beside you every step of the way.When you get that first hook up, look skyward and yell "FISH ON" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will hear you. Paul
  10. big diff between water proof, and water resistant.
  11. Great report Jacques That lure looks like its been in the mouths of alot of fish.
  12. Come on guys.....The bark wont bite Couldnt resist that. Its not as if i go around looking for branches all day to hang my lures off of...I'm just saying that if you see an overhanging branch...try it. Never lost a fish or lure this way.Caught a few though.Once the line is over the branch, just move it slowly so it doesnt wrap itself completely around it. The weight of the fish usually takes the line off the branch. If you dont get a fish, slowly reel in until the lure is at the branch, then give it a quick yank and it will flip back off of it.
  13. Honestly, at first it was by accident.Then after that accident produced a nice Pike, i do it on purpose when in a similar situation. You can do the same thing with any single hook lure, like bucktails etc.Even plastics rigged weedless are good.I wouldnt recomend useing a multi hooked lure though
  14. For bass along the shore, if i see a thin overhanging branch, i will cast it so the lure hangs off the branch and then "dip" it in the water. The ensuing explosion from the water will get your heart pumping
  15. Nothing. I bought a red/black Booyah,black willow, silver colorado, it is like a fish magnet
  16. Dang !! You da man !!!
  17. Great lookin fish Your son looks like a real pro.Bass fishing was tough where i was too, A low pressure front moved through around 6.30am and the bite stopped almost right away.We lost a few good ones too.Almost like they weren't committing to the bait.
  18. Awesome !!! Good to see you guys got out for some.
  19. What a beast Mike!!! Did you mention that Zack is only 3'6" tall? They are the silliest looking fish i've seen
  20. When i was a wee lad, my Dad use to say that it stopped the fish from flailing around and was easier than grabbing it by the slimey sides od the fish.Times have certainly changed, eh?
  21. I have goose bumps !!!!
  22. Nice Ride Rolly !!!! Congrats.
  23. Beauty !!!
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