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Everything posted by mercman

  1. We were extremely lucky this time. Other than flickering lites and many brownouts, we didn't lose at all. Hydro crews were working around the clock in the area, cutting trees and resetting breakers. I ended up lending my 4000 watt generator to a couple with young kids, about a mile from my place. They at least had heat, lites, and a good Christmas.
  2. I don't, but my store will be kept open by one of my guys. He will take off in January, so its ok
  3. Merry Christmas all !!! PLEASE PLEASE be careful ou there.

  4. I recently moved to the country, Cowansville, and drive 100 km each way to work. I take the infamous Hwy 10, and it is known for its long, flat, windy sections. I have seen some real idiots on this road, but relatively few accidents. We have mandatory snow tires here, and this may explain the few accidents, but it makes it a scary drive for old farts like me I have seen movement in my rear view at nite. Couldn't see headlites, but when I moved over a few inches, there they were.
  5. I kinda came into this forum high strung and off the wall. Got in with a rowdy bunch(great friends BTW ) and ended up getting Mod Q'ed, banned and disciplined. I'm glad to say that I have settled down some, and today consider all of the Moderators here, my friends. I have watched this forum develop over the short time I have been here, and it is my opinion that their efforts and tolerance has kept this place, the best of it's kind on the Web. I have learned much about the sport since becoming a member here. I am still kinda off the wall, fudge some of the fundamentals of fishing etiquette, and sometimes say things I regret, but I am a work in progress, and with the help of the Mods and the great members here, I am improving. Now for the rest of you guys I have become friends with many of you. Watched some of you go through terrible times that would have brought me to my knees. Shared some of my own strife with some of you, and been consoled in PM messages by so many at times, that I was left mouth agape and damp eyed. I am truly grateful for the support and well wishes from all of you. I have been smoke free since January, and this is largely due to support from members here, and after sharing my sobriety openly here, there are at least 2 members sober today because of that. 2013 has been an incredible year for me. I haven't gotten out fishing as often as previous years, but that's fine...I have a wonderful new lady in my life (who likes fishing as it turns out) and I can say that I am happier than ever. So Happy Holidays to all of you. I have smiled, laughed, cried, and prayed with you often. Lets hope 2014 will find us all healthy and happy. This place ROCKS !!!!!
  6. Great haul !!! Personally, I can see not posting specifics about small backwoods lakes and such. Small rivers, or little known "spots", but when you are talking about huge well known rivers and lakes, in and around metropolitain areas, well , it just doesn't strike me as being all that important to hide the background or access to this kind of location.
  7. My favorite toy when I was a kid, was a Chemistry set. I set up a Lab under the stairs, and almost burned the house down with the alcohol burner that came with it............Sigh......made my first gun powder with that set. Good times.
  8. :)Is it a DRY cold Dave???
  9. I bought a Rav4 in July. Same problem. I could have gotten the model with "driving" lights extra, but didn't.So, I am retrofitting them to mine, and that should fix the problem. I wear glasses too, but dark wet roads are a killer for my eyes. Hopefully it snows a bit out this way soon. Snow on the road edge always makes it easier to see. I hate drivers with extra strong headlites. They tend to blind on coming drivers. At least with a set of driving lites, you can shut them off if an on coming driver asks you to.
  10. My Ex's mood swings kept me on the water 7 days a week. Now with my new lady, I don't have that urge to run to the river as often. I get out enough to satisfy my need, and that's really all that's important.
  11. Hey dude !!! 11 months for me. It was easier than I thought it would be, but the crave comes back every now and then. I use Nicorettes to help with that. I gained about 20 lbs, which has almost all gone now, but considering I lost 45 after the divorce, I am laffing Sense of smell was the first thing I noticed, then taste. I can smell a smoker from 50 feet away. I didn't have to quit coffee, because the only thing that ever triggered a smoke was beer, and I quit that habit 24 years ago. Keep it up, and if you start again....... quit again.
  12. I guess mine was the last Christmas that I got to spend with my Mom. She had been sick, and diagnosed with Dementia a number of months before. Coming into December that year, she became worse to the point that she didn't recognize me, and would sit there staring off into nothingness. Every once in a while, she would have a lucid moment, and would look at me with tears and say, "I don't think I can make it till Christmas, Paul" My Brother, sister and I were prepared for the worse. Then I got a call at work a week before Christmas, and when I answered, I was shocked to hear "Hello Paul !!! It's your mum" She had miraculously popped out of the disease and was just as normal as I remembered her to be. We had our Christmas that year and she remained like that until July, when she slipped back into her Dementia, and passed away last October. I will always cherish that Christmas as the best ever. Given the gift of my Mom's presence for one last Joyous Christmas as a family. Merry Christmas Season to all of you. Believe in Miracles because more miracles happen at Christmas time than at any other time of year!! Paul
  13. Hey Alex !!! Glad you are doing well. Hope you enjoy the season, and best wishes to you and your Mom ! Paul
  14. YUP............All we can really do now, is wait. What IS next?
  15. I really don't care who is reporting on this story. The videos and pictures show the severity of the situation. The Japanese politicians and security teams waited too long to ask for help, and now its completely out of control. Nuclear fallout from this disaster can travel around the word by water and air, and bite us all in the ass. It is probably affecting all of us to some extent, even as we debate it here. Hats off at least to the labourers, who know that they will all die from exposure to radiation, as they work to save this planet.
  16. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
  17. Not even sure how I feel about this, but it made my hair stand on end. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/11/04/david-suzuki-fukushima-warning_n_4213061.html
  18. Now that you mention it...........When I met him, we stood outside and "chatted" for about 20 minutes in Gail force winds, and his hair never even got messed up I just shrugged it off as an optical illusion
  19. Welcome to the board ! I love fishing with my GF too. Recently on her first fishing trip ever, she got a 53 inch Musky as her first fish. Now she is hooked LOL !!! Enjoy the group and all it has to offer.
  20. You guys get up at 2 in the blessed A.M ????????? I hope I never get old..............J.K
  21. Cheap Espresso makers will do that everytime in the Froth mode.
  22. I always like reading your posts Cliff. I never met you but I have an image in my mind of what you must be like, and I am sure we would have a blast together. Simon and I met last year at Quinte, and I love the man. Glad to see you guys having fun.
  23. Nice looking specimen ! they are getting hungry ! Congrats
  24. DAMN ! So sorry to hear about this. Such a tragedy when youth is taken away like that. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
  25. A tip of the hat to all the Mods. I Mod a small local facebook group, and other than a few friends, i dont get asked to go fishing with many of the regular members ;-) It's a thankless job.

    1. aplumma


      I get asked to go fishing it is just no one will swing by and pick me up in Virginia.lol


    2. icedude


      Way too funny for a rainy Monday aplumma.


      Unfriendly Border Policy or maybe just laziness.lol


      Good Stuff mercman..Agreed 'thankless 'gig..but it has to be done ..you both probably have more friends than you realize

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