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Everything posted by mercman

  1. well, at least he isn't your "real" brother.I wouldnt buy him a gift for Christmas, but thats just me
  2. Not sure Albert, i usually sell my car when i get a flat,but it seems a bit pricey.He probably charged the mechanics rate of 85 bucks an hour. 1/2 for the repair would put it around 42.50.
  3. I hear ya Vance.Mom always gave Dad a hard time about fishin.Thats why, later in life, he didnt go as often as he should have..
  4. epic report as usual MB !! Great lookin fish. Some big girls in the mix
  5. Tell that to the guys from Pennsylvainia and North Carolina, who came up every year to be guided by my Gramps, for Bass.
  6. Practice your flippin too.Some places the walls are not completely vertical. All joking aside, i've been there twice,not to fish though, besides beautiful to behold, i spoke with a few of the Hualapai indians while there and the trout fishing is sposed to be beyond belief.I was told that the east end of the park has the best trout fishing.The west end is muddier and less productive for Trout.The indians do alot of carp fishing in the western part, if you are into that.
  7. there are some great Largemouth in the Rideau system.This i know for a fact.Dad brought my brother and i up Bass fishing all through the system.I am realatively certain that some of those have filtered down through the locks into Kingston. He was born in Jones Falls, and as a kid i used to bass fish with him all through there.My Gramps helped maintain the locks there in the winter when he wasnt trapping beaver and Muskrat. http://ontarioguide.com/OntarioPhotos/Jones_Falls_Locks_Rideau_Canal/ We used to get some great Walleye and Pike there too. Check out this site for a few locations http://www.fishingcottagerental.com/kingstonontariofishing.htm Paul
  8. Well said sir. I have followed this from the begining, and her stroy has casued much emotion within me.
  9. Great tribute KF Dad was a Master Warrant Officer in the Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineers.(RCEME) He spent 13 months in Korea,following the infantry and artillery, maintaining and repairing the equipment on the frontlines.He saw alot of action, and cleaned up alot of blood from his fellow soldiers while there.He was proud to serve his country, but seldom spoke of his ordeal in Korea. I had an Uncle who sacriced his life for us on Vimmy Ridge in WWI, and another who landed on Juno Beach,and survived, only to spend his life in an institution, victim of shell shock and PTSS. Dad volunteered to participate in the early testing of Agent Orange in Gagetown, back in the 60's in the hopes it would help end Vietnam sooner.The effects of this, cost him his life. All were proud soldiers, all wouldnt change a thing in thier lives. God Bless them all. Paul
  10. Trust me WB, i cant post the exact words that i used, here or via PM, but i can email them to ya if you want I created a few new words to help span the language gap No watchman at the municipal dock here, although maybe next year.I went to a council meeting and brought to the attention of our Mayor, that he should install lights for after dark docking.It may keep the drug pushers and users away.
  11. The best one yet.This summer, was coming back to the public dock and noticed a jet boat parked on the ramp side of the dock.So, i stop about 200ft out, and waited for him to get his trailer and get his boat out.15 minutes later, nothing Now i have another boat in the queue ,So i idle over to the dock, and this little guy is sleeping!!!! and his girlfriend is laying on the dock taking sun I was so shocked, i didnt know what to say.I yelled to wake up the little guy, and said Hey !!! this isnt a resort here!! can you please move the boat to the other side of the dock, so i can leave?...........He looked at me, shrugged and saiid 'On no hablo anglais' I gave him a quick english lesson, and he finally moved his boat, bumping mine in the process.If the wife wasnt with me, i probably would have gone ballistic at this point.
  12. Try this for a month Joey echinacea and black Korean Ginseng, in capsule form.2 echinacea and 1 ginsen, twice a day.These are the major ingredients in ColdFX, and i start taking them in Oct, till May. So far, IF i get a cold or flu, it only lasts a couple of days.
  13. Not thats a serious big Walter !!! God, i love catching those things. I've been converted this season, to a Walleye Hunter
  14. Cliff It pays to be a stubborn old coot !!! I know, cause i am one too.BTW, still waiting for a visit from you know who.
  15. It probably means they are illiterate, or have a reading/writing disability, or are from somewhere else.. I would most definately NOT embarass them by making a negative comment on it. People adapt to adversity,and this may just be his/her way of adapting.There are members in here who use english as a second language.We never know who they are.But i have been able to figure out who a few of them are, by thier posts. BTW, i had no problem understanding what you typed above.Actually found it amusing.
  16. Great looking fish.Perfect eatin size too I use a rockin' Bait too. Probably the same as yours
  17. Too Cute Mike !!! Surprised ya didnt get him a rod and a glove and send him out as the Musky Hunter First are always priceless.
  18. I think that people drive thier boats, the same way they drive thier cars.If you are a courteous,cautious,car driver, you tend to be a courteous,cautious boater. However, you have a far greater chance of getting pulled over for carless driving on the highway, than you do on the water. As far as fishing etiquette, some people just haven't a clue and confronting them about it is just not worth it.
  19. x2 Nobody's perfect, not even a perfect fool.
  20. Oh Ya I have been victim to this too.Most times, i just inform them that the other side of the dock would make a better place to prepare thier boat, if they dont have the good sense to do it before launching. If that doesnt work i usually stand there with arms crossed, and glare him into submission
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