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Everything posted by mercman

  1. So those little gizmos realy work Lew? I was thinking about getting a few for my basement and work shop. Do they affect dogs? Wouldnt want my 2 ladies trying to get away in the night.
  2. My Pomeranian is a chick magnet, I never looked at a fishing rod as one, but i can see how it could be
  3. So Mod and Admin are the same then, right?
  4. ya i could. My house was built in 1941, and only has a 6Ft ceiling in the basement, so i cant stand the rods up.Thank god i"m only 5'9 Hey Drifter......Carpet in the bathroom??? JK
  5. She looks like a good sized animal. Where the heck are you anyways
  6. Last year i had 1 combo each, for my wife and i. It made it easy to keep them inside, in a corner of my theater room.Well, this year is a different story.I now have 7 combos.I want to keep them in the rafters of my unheated workshop. Will the cold dry air have any ill effect on the reels,rods or line? I have rod gloves on all of them, but nothing to protect the reels.
  7. Seat belts and anything else that makes it safer to drive a car, or any other motorized vehicule.Including the tether in your boat that cuts the ignition to your motor if you fall out.
  8. Yes we do. As a relatively new member, i enjoy the way this board is set up and run.If its not broke, dont fix it.
  10. Even worse. Someone PM's you to go look at a thread, and its been deleted I wont sleep for weeks after that happens
  11. Great strategy!!!!I shoulda used that last winter. Woulda saved myself a whole lotta hurt.
  12. Not all of us are ''built'' for Peeing off the boat. I prefer to use a recipeeint.
  13. I am too much of a wimp to go out on the ice in subzero weather, to catch freezing cold fish, in freezing cold water.Take pictures with a freezing cold camera,and sit for hours on a freezing cold stool. freezong my cold off.
  14. Mornin Lew I share your opinions.On page 1 of the forum, there are 49 subjects(on my screen) and 21 are NF.Thats about average for this time of year.All are interesting and all reflect the comfort we all feel with eachother. The most important thing is that we all remain friends in the morning So, who wants to be my friend I could use all i can get.
  15. i was waiting for someone else to say they felt the same way.Dave, i have heavy duty tin foil in my store.Just remember to put the shiny side faceing out.
  16. Just a matter of time.Wait for it
  17. General DiscussionTalk about fishing, hunting, the great outdoors or whatever you like in here! Keep it clean! Because it feels like familly to most of the members,the topics reflect familly like discussions.
  18. Here in Montreal, people would steal them her is the real answer http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100116105708AAXRSqH
  19. I'd love to fish the waters of the St Lawerence from Boucherville to Lake St Pierre.Walleye and Musky fishing is sposed top be the best in Quebec.Its in my plans for next season.
  20. Maybe next time we go out, you could tag along Andre
  21. Fantastic !!! That last pic of you , Chris, would make a great painting !!!! It looks like a very Zen way of fishing.
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