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Everything posted by mercman

  1. The price actually drooped again during the day. 1.26 a litre It must be the end of the world or sumfin.
  2. What peeves me more is, 30Kms from here, just this side of the Amercan border, its 10 cents a liter cheaper In general, we are always at least 3-5 cents a liter higher than in Ontario. Cant figure that one out either
  3. I know But ya deserve a slap anyways
  4. Montreal gas prices dropped overnite by 3 cents a liter.I wonder how much it will be when i leave work tonite
  5. You sir.......deserve a slap. Plus, you'd miss me if i was gone
  6. Well, you know Roy, i could have gotten it there by now, but there are just so many hours in a day
  7. Most awesome vid i have seen.Funny though, my eyes are all itchy too now Excellent
  8. Dang !!! First person i thought about reading this wasBILLY BOB
  9. Lew !!!!! No way you're retirement age !!!!! Yer just a young buck !! Happy Birthday Bud !!! Paul
  10. You like Valdy Man...I know the words to every one of his songs, by heart !!!!
  11. Tasty lookin little critters they is I love catchiing them as much as i like eatin them.
  12. One of my favorite songs by Gord. Always makes me misty
  13. Good point there Cliff. Bob has a reputation for being a bit of a "THRIFTY" man and self proclaimed tax dodger
  14. Gord's Gold !!!!! Happy birthday too Skinny !!!!
  15. Before you scrap an 11 year old machine, let me know what you need, and i will price it out for you. Probably even send you a parts breakdown so you can take it apart. 99% of all appliance repairs are inexpensive fixes.There is absolutely no new appliances on the market today that will outlast the older models.ZERO. most breakdown right after warranty(1 year) and after 5 years, the parts are no longer available, even if the law states minimum 10years. Energy efficient means using undersized electrical parts, that work so hard to do the job, that they burn out within 12 months. I have seen new 22 cubic foot fridges with 1/5 hp compressors in them.Minimum size should be 1/4+ to 1/3 hp. All in an effort to save electricity.What they dont say is that the compressor has to work 5 times longer to achieve the proper temp. Even washing in cold water Hard on the washer parts, and since you are putting ice cold clothing in a dryer, it takes 3 times longer to dry.Where are you savinh money in electricity Sorry for the Rant It just burns me to see people scrap perfectly good appliance over tiny problems Trust me on this.I have 32 years experience in appliance parts, and have seen the evolution of appliances.
  16. Mike, you know me, so i will take the liberty of saying this.If you change the machine because of this small problem, you have more money that brains It is a kenmore made by Whirlpool, and parts are inexpensive and still available, so FIX IT !!!!!
  17. Mike, of all people, you should know that i am in the parts bussiness.Or are ya getting independant on me.
  18. Awesome!! On my last outting, i had 2 36+ Pike slide in from 2 different directions,wanting the perch on the end of my line. Its a creepy feeling i'll tell ya
  19. Gotta admit Larry, the smallies up there are like none i have ever seen.Congrats Bud Paul
  20. funny, i was waiting for the same thing What are the odds of that
  21. I have been with Bell forever.Cell phones, Satelite TV ,internet here and internet at my Bussiness.Never had an issue, ever.Had a problem with satelite signal a month ago, logged on to my account on line, went to the live chat line in customer service, and next day a tech was here to re aim the dish, no charge. Had a modem problem, they puro'd out a new WIFI modem, and helped me set it up by telephone, no problem,no charge.I have Bussiness Hi Speed, unlimited downloads, never any surprises.
  22. I'd soil my knickers if i hooked into something that size
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