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Everything posted by mercman

  1. You should be ok.Build yourself a frame out of 2x4's higher in the center, then put the tarps across.This will help keep the snow and ice from building up and settleing in the middle fo the tarp. Dont forget to remove the drain plug in case water finds its way under the tarp.
  2. Awesome 65mph on water is sure to get your adrenaline pumping.Been there done that,still gives me goose bumps watching it.
  3. Wow !!! Some nice Buckets and Bronzebacks Thanks for sharing.
  4. Nice season Mike You are so right, Going over all the pics, brings the whole experience back.
  5. Those of you who have taken the time to get to know me a bit, know that this was my second year back to fishing, in over 20years. Last season i bought a small 14' aluminum with a Merc 8hp, and i hit the water running The fishing bug resurfaced in me, and i spent last summer fishing anything i could catch. At the end of last season, i knew that i would need a bigger,more powerful boat if i was going to fish all the places i wanted to. I had seen the boat i wanted, that July, and i was hoping that the dealer would still have it at the end of the year. So, Middle of January, back i went, and there she was A whole lot cheaper than she was in July Picked her up April 20th. Now, i was brought up as a Bass fisher, so this year started off with a trip with my brother for Large Mouth Bass in a small lake outside of Ottawa.Opening day and we had our limits in 4 hours. As the season progressed, i had fun with perch. Got into a mess of them and had some good eats. Some nice Pike were the first slime my new boat had on her. Found out that the stretch of river i fish here had some really nice Small Mouth Bass and walleye too. Then on a fateful trip to Lake St Francis,........I busted my prop and skeg on the only rock pile in the lake I say fateful trip, because a member of this community read my thread about busting my prop, and commented that he knew where i did it. I started to talk with him via PM, and the rest is history. Musky Mike has become a very good friend of mine.I expressed my desire to learn from him, and asked if he would help me catch my first Musky.My first and PB.Small by many standards, but 42" first is fine by me. Well after that day, he posted a thread with pics of some great walleye he had caught.He offered to take me out the next week. Not only did i catch some of the biggest walleye of my life that day, but also a PB 9lber At this point, i decided that Walleye would be my target species.They are such a blast catching, and there are so many, that it makes for a great day on the water, fishing them. Mike is an excellent teacher and a top notch guide,so My brother and i hired him for a day of walleye fishing on the Franny.Along with some excellent Walters, my brother got a personal best smallmouth, and i caught my second a third Muskies.Mike also took me Carp fishing for the first time.No pics, but i did catch a nice one.Can't wait to get out for them again in the spring. I would just like to say a thanks to each and all of you here.You have taught me much. I hope to get out with some of you next year, so i can keep on learning.Also, hopefully next season i will be outfitted for cold weather fishing. Tite Lines All Paul
  6. Nice job !!! Congrats. Consideringt the tough bite so far this fall, you did really well
  7. Mike, you are an incredible writer, and an even more incredible angler.Nice fish and as always, great report Thanks Paul
  8. Kinda looks like a Roloff You should get together with Billy Bob, and make so ChocoPups !!! Congrats on the new familly member Simon.
  9. well, they have every extreme sport you can think of. Musky noodling would definately seperate the men from the boys I bet it would draw a crowd too
  10. You do know that if i hadda been there, you would have your pic. But where was i????Oh Ya I was here DEAMING OF FISHING!!!!
  11. i bet ya were dieing to get your new sonar hooked up and workin. BTW i picked one up too.I'm a sucker for a sale. It was windy and cold here today. I raked up 21 huge bags of leaves from my maple trees.
  12. This should be a good show if you are planning on Noodlin' sometime in the near future Personally, i'd love to ram my hand into the mouth of some giant fish hiding in a hole at the bottom of a river.How about you
  13. Its a good sonar Skip.As good as any at that price for sure.I may just pick that up myself, to replace the lowrance on my bow.
  14. As promised, a follow up to this thread. The unit was repaired, the card reader and the pcb containing the GPS chip has been replaced also. I also got an email directly from Humminbird in response to my concerns.So Humminbird gets Brownie Points for customer service 1 1/2 years later and i still have not heard from Lowrance in response to the email i sent regarding my x135. Here are the emails from both Humminbird and the serviceing company FishnTech. Paul, I have your unit ready to go, I was mistaken when I told you the external antenna might help your situation, as it turns out the 500 series will not even accept the external antenna. I changed the card reader and the keyboard pcb that contains the gps antenna, the gps will not work with heading and speed unless you are moving at 1/2 mph. This is directly linked to the gps chip receiver that is used. Regards, GaryFISHNTECH514-990-8144 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dear Paul, Thank you for contacting Humminbird. We appreciate your interest in our products. This occurs due to our units do not assume the heading is the same as the heading it was travelling when the unit/boat came to a stop so it will continuously look for the proper heading until you start to travel at .25mph or faster. This is considered acceptible by our guidelines and we feel there is no issues with the GPS. If you experience issues with the icon on the chart view not correcting after you start traveling or if it shows you facing the wrong direction while you are moving please let us know. If we can assist you further on this subject or any other Humminbird related questions please feel free email us again or contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468 to speak with a Customer Service Representative. Our hours are Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Good Boating and Fishing! Dawn-crc ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// so, for now, i am happy with my Humminbird.If there are more issues in the spring, you know i will let you all in on it Paul
  15. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields! Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915 during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium On May 2, 1915, John McCrae’s close friend and former student Alexis Helmer was killed by a German shell. That evening, in the absence of a Chaplain, John McCrae recited from memory a few passages from the Church of England’s “Order of the Burial of the Dead”. For security reasons Helmer’s burial in Essex Farm Cemetery was performed in complete darkness. The next day, May 3, 1915, Sergeant-Major Cyril Allinson was delivering mail. McCrae was sitting at the back of an ambulance parked near the dressing station beside the YserCanal, just a few hundred yards north of Ypres, Belgium. As John McCrae was writing his In Flanders Fields poem, Allinson silently watched and later recalled, “His face was very tired but calm as he wrote. He looked around from time to time, his eyes straying to Helmer's grave." Within moments, John McCrae had completed the “In Flanders Fields” poem and when he was done, without a word, McCrae took his mail and handed the poem to Allinson. Allinson was deeply moved: “The (Flanders Fields) poem was an exact description of the scene in front of us both. He used the word blow in that line because the poppies actually were being blown that morning by a gentle east wind. It never occurred to me at that time that it would ever be published. It seemed to me just an exact description of the scene."
  16. A Company 2 Lancs Fusiliers B E Force 10/7/1916 Dear Brother, Your ever welcome letter to hand and I am pleased to hear that you are doing fairly well and hope that you will continue to. Your place will be the same as ours at Hull for Drafts, we are waiting for one, for we had over 400 casualties on the 1st July, in fact our Division was badly cut up, and there are all sorts of rumours going the rounds. Some say the Division is going home, but that can hardly be the case. Our chaps have been in the Trenches ever since the attack and it has been terrible up to the waist, raining all the time and no place to dry ourselves. Our 1st Battalion lost 750, so you will quite understand that we have been in the thick of it, it will be a good job when it is all over. Our chaps come out tonight and I am making tea etc for them at the camp. I should think they will give them a good rest while they get over it. We are expecting some fresh troops to relieve us, but when I cannot say. Dear Jim this is the 11th July, I had to stop the letter yesterday, but I have a little more news. The Battalion got to camp between 12 and 1am this morning after being relieved and you would have cried if you could have seen the poor chaps, the greatest majority of them could not walk and had to ride, I shall never forget the sights, this is the first rest since the 30th June so you will understand what they are like and how fed up they are. I don't know that I have much more to say at present, so I will conclude wishing you and yours all that I wish myself. I remain your loving Brother, Jack. I shall never forget the Battle of the Somme ..................................................................................................... The greatest failing of Mankind, is to forget. I shall not fail.
  17. Skye Popped into my head the second i saw him.
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