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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Wow. That's scary and a complete abuse of power. I hope all the authorities in that video get publicly shamed and punished. I used to be nervous about cameras being everywhere, but they work in holding everyone accountable... Very very disturbing video.
  2. A good read and great photos as usual. Thx for posting
  3. Go to the Wolf Lake landfill in Nipissing Township.... it's littered with....litter. And typically a few bald eagles too
  4. Lost baggage with AC. oy. There goes 1 week of handwritten work notes

  5. As long as its soft and gives good action,... Too many grubs have crappy action to them.
  6. I tried them in a brookie stream but caught too many sticks and tag alders. What a mess.
  7. Your telling me Simon... I'm working in your neck of the woods right now and ya, its COLD!
  8. Fantastic trip! Those walleye have shoulders. That log thing would have ne a little nervous about walking around in the dark trying to take a leak haha.
  9. If you want to catch more fish than everyone else in your party, use these in brown and add a tiny chuck of minnow or worm: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-NORTHLAND-SCUD-BUG-FRESHWATER-SHRIMP-ICE-FISHING-JIG-LURE-/321035635814?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4abf370c66 5 to 20 fow. Look for downed trees on shoreline abutting shallow flats.
  10. Third world country, HH? Really, that's your (and the PM's) concern? We are turning more and more american under this government, I'd say that is our biggest concern considering their monetary situation.
  11. As long as it is mostly about Canadian and environmental values, I'll support the protest, but if it turns completely into a divisive/race/money tool I'll shy away from it as I have no idea who is more wrong or right, its beyond my understanding. I see two different topics in Idle No More, on one side its their peoples fight (which I will watch from the sidelines: its their land yet we live in modern times: I don't know what the winning solution really is ) and the other is the preservation of canadian values and land quality (which affects us and our kids).
  12. Haha good stuff. -25 with a 10 degree wind chill in Nbay this morning. I nearly lost some fingerprints to a piece of metal! Yikes! Love it though... This cold spell should add a couple inches of ice to the snow-barren lakes
  13. On my BB, it still automatically loads the IP Board, which isn't a BB friendly format. I have to switch to the Club look, then to IP mobile, everytime I open the site. The IP mobile works much better on the BB, but not as nice as the old oFC mobile
  14. Edit: If I get caught up in traffic in my travels tomorrow, I'm gonna sit patiently and then wave nicely and then appreciate that we are experiencing very interesting times....
  15. I'm glad somebody is trying to do something about the Gov's actions...which I find anti-democratic, anti-canadian and corrupt with private business. Sending a letter to my PM wouldn't do a lick of difference so I'd rather support those who are willing to fight for canadian land protection.
  16. Try calling the manufacturer: Also the best place to get blades. Normark 1350 Phillip Murray, Oshawa, ON L1J 6Z9 Phone:(905) 571-3001
  17. Never used a Nils Master but they sound like a good unit. As far as sharpening goes, for the finbore blades, just throw them out and buy new. First off it's not worth sharpening, as new blades can be bought just as cheap, and secondly, sharpening will never bring them to new quality.
  18. Yup, please make your comments heard on the "environmental registry". Just google Environmental Bill of Rights and search through the listings pertaining to the Endangered Species Act. They got an earfull from me.
  19. YOu could have just punched your holes with a 4" hand auger Great report! That is exactly the type of fishing I'll be doing this coming weekend.
  20. Only hand auger I'll need to own; I've had it for over 6 years and beat the heck out of it. I found a cheap supply of blades (manufacturer in Oshawa) so I'm set for a while. Your auger shouldn't fall apart like that Jer. For the cost it'll take to fix it, maybe consider buying a different unit. The Finbore Micro 6' above sells for about $100 in stores.
  21. A great sport! Out of 4 days we had off together, she agreed to fish for 3 of them! She really likes the taste of trout, so that helped a lot...as did the mild weather. Sarah has a few cute, single friends here Jeremy
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