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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I hope he meant Canada, and won't just go to another province.
  2. I'd rather be at home making maple syrup...

    1. Christopheraaron


      I'd rather be drinking maple syrup.....

    2. BowSlayer101


      I'd rather be fishing.....

  3. Still a slooow day, but it's picking up. Question: Some of the buckets had 'sugar water' with a bit of a yellow tinge. It does have a slightly sweet flavor to it. Is this stuff still good? Any ideas what causes this?
  4. I'd be more than happy with 10L this year! Good job. With today's sun and +6, I should see a real start to the run.... I was picking ice out of the buckets yesterday.
  5. hahaha If he had a french accent it would be impossible to tell he wasn't from Sturgeon Falls
  6. I'm using the same thing Chris. Wife hates using it, I love it!
  7. Nice. Time to take a break, fill that cheese locker and plan out your next awesome trip! A great start to the day for me!
  8. juuust started running yesterday. Some taps were dry. I picked up a 100L+ stainless steel pan for $30 at the scrap yard at cost! Gotta clean it up, but that was a good find!
  9. Good new indeed. It would have been a huge shame to lose the ELA indefinitly.
  10. ..are you going to stay another winter? haha
  11. Gotta love when someone starts an email war from an ad on Kijiji. Trolls are alive and well...and their facebook information is linked to their email address, so..smart move!

  12. Sounds like it's gonna be a sweet summer for you! You have lots of time to prepare.... I bet you've mapped out every secondary/tertiary highway in this country by now haha.
  13. I had one tap from one tree start dripping yesterday evening. Still early here, and not much warm weather forecasted.
  14. hahaha, I'm glad I'm reading this April 2nd...saved me a couple minutes of my life.
  15. I'm closer to 5 on my SELOC... maybe I need to talk to someone...I did just buy the house and had to do clever financing due to the large acreage which is not considered 'equity', maybe thats why I didnt get best rate. Anyway, Lunatic, if you can get 6 or below I'd say thats a decent rate for such an item.
  16. 20% is insane. I had one Yamaha dealer offer me 3.99% on a new ATV, 3yr term. I imagine you could find 5-8% quite easily from the dealers....generally they want financing now because they make money on the financing. I offered "cash" for an ATV and they said they preferred financing. Not sure you'd get much better than 5-6% on a secured LOC. Wayne's suggestion is best, but not always easy to do.... I ended up buying a used ATV to avoid indebtedness.
  17. Good call chosing weekdays to fish... Great fish photos!
  18. I was considering a 2011 king quad 500 , 2013 Yamaha Kodiak 450 and a 2006-2008 Honda Foreman. I just put my deposit on the Quadmaster. The more I look around and do research, the more it looks like a fair deal....everything works on the quad so it's a great sign that the old owner took care of it. There isn't a drop of oil on any of the parts and barely any visible rust. The oil (which was not changed by the dealer) looks normal too. If I find it's not suitable for my type of usage I could easily sell it for the same price I paid. the dealer threw in a 15 day warranty; so I'll run it hard and see if there are any things I've missed during the buying process. I went to the suzuki dealer and asked them about the machine, they also vouched for it's quality...that 500 engine has been used in a lot of machines including most arctic cat's of that time. It's a reliable engine described as bulletproof. Now it's time to get that trailer!
  19. Do the math. If you save $, then do it. What if you took the cost of the penalty you are willing to pay and just put it against your mortgage right now? I bet in the long run that would save you more $ than a lower rate for 5 years...especially if you are early in your amortization and you are paying a lot of interest vs. principal.
  20. I'm ok with the changes. I also like how in the information release they included the commercial fishery as a concern to the health of the fish population. I don't see how the recreational fisherman is getting screwed by the MNR. They are making the changes based on the walleye-fisheries health, data, numbers. The other concerns are out of their control. I'll log-in to the Registry and support their proposal. If the MNR changes/regulations are combined with positive changes/regulations by the First Nations, then Nipissing might once again be a world-class walleye lake in 10 years or less.
  21. I heard she's a Russian spy. haha. I'm ok with 2 over 18". There was no way they were increasing the limit this year, and reducing the limit would have even been worse as far as public outcry goes. I'd rather see this '2 walleye limit' experiment through; I'm not a fisheries biologist and can't pretend to have the answers. Maybe in 4 years all the small walleye will have grown well and Nipissing will have a cycle of 'good years'. All of the other issues...well, I don't know what'll happen.
  22. Its a 14 year old machine so it was time for the stock tires to be changed out. I could easily get another year or more outta the old tires
  23. 2001. Yes, a dealer. The book value is around $3,200. Including the tires and tune up I'm going to request, I think it's a decent price. ATV buying on Kijiji is a pain in the butt, and you still have to pay taxes at the MTO anyway; rarely is there a great deal on Kijiji unless you get super lucky/timing is right. haha about the Tonka! Yes, I played tonka and dinky cars in the sandbox for many years haha.
  24. Thanks ch312. Great advice all around. I've decided to by a used ATV and have enough $ left over for kick-ass trailer. I'm looking at one more machine this week. But it's looking like: ATV: Suzuki Quadmaster 500. $2900 including new tires and new battery. Around $3,400 including tax and admin. 5,500kms. Trailer: T-Rex Trailer. $1,825 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp3gl8SB7T0
  25. Ya, you gotta look hard if buying used and you rarely get to test it out properly; finding out all the bad stuff long after you bought it. Still, I'm not ruling anything out at this point.
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