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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. So my GF has a cat that is clinically bi-polar (my assessment). Last month it would try to scratch my eye balls out at every opportunity and now all it does is whine and cry and is a giant..well..pussy cat. Wake up in the morning..meow! Jump in shower...meow! eat b-fast...meow! so on and so on. Drives me MAD! Of course she defends it and treats it like a wittle baybee...and I'm the insensitive clod who wants to put a rag of ether on its cute little face. I know you can declaw cats..but can you de-vocalize them as well? Go ahead and laugh, I know it's funny...but some of you must feel for me.
  2. Game on indeed...hope for ice with no snow and tie up your skates for some classic canadian style ice fishing. Just don't do too many figure 8's in one spot! Anyone else do the "skate fishing" method? I hope for that every year.
  3. Nice one Aaron...keep 'em coming. I definitly moved back north too early in the season.
  4. I don't understand why they can't stock lake Nipissing with those. ...perch are fun and all ..but hehe, nice fish man!!
  5. Is this your version of facebook...Fishbook? Awsome pics Steve!
  6. Nice kick at the can... Get yer ice gear out now
  7. Cronzy taught me that fish have no calories. I liked the show and watched it whenever I could. Somebody in this thread said it earlier...at least he has the spine to speak up about things. ..and Don Cherry IS a good comparison. Best wishes Darryl!
  8. Good story with a good ending! Congrats on beating that skunk. That firetiger deep diver worked alright for me too...although all the fish broke off
  9. that's the best kind of meditation.
  10. Spoiler alert....it's supposed to warm up next week.
  11. Great quality photos! Nice fish as well... thx
  12. Good times! Lots of work but lots of play...great report. Thanks
  13. Nice photos Aaron! Those smallies really have bright green colors (especially the first one) ...wonder if it has to do with the green tinge in the water. Those browns are bee-you-teefull!!! Probably the only thing that makes me jealous of not living in southern Ont.
  14. Haha I have my rads out at the moment...they are my only hope
  15. sooooo cold, I'm still shaking....thanks for the fix
  16. I don't imagine they'll be putting a new one in Port Hope..well the old Port Hope... Have they relocated the town yet?
  17. nice layer of slop in that one pic. That'll move the blood of any bass fisherman. Thx for sharing.
  18. no wonder it's so big...eating meals like that. Cool shot
  19. wow. Is your gear still on the shore?
  20. Hey Mike. Awsome first post! That's a nice inland bow and that splake is a Bee--you---tee!! I hope we get more than one post a year from you however. haha cheers.
  21. I just bought a 1bdrm condo. The place is heated by electricity, but luckily, everyone else in the building pretty much heats my space for me.
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