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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. The Cruize is smaller than the Altima and Camry...the Malibu is comparable to those. Cruize is similar to the corolla, focus, civic, sentra....definitly a good answer to those...I wonder if they'll make an S.S. model like they did with the Cobalt.
  2. I'm suprised that pike had anything but his jaws left over with that hook set haha. Nice going...you have an enviable diet.
  3. WOW! Nice fish...congrats on the 12lber
  4. Simon (Limey): Love fishing indeed! Hunters can stay in the bush and leave the banks open for me anyday. Actually I'll get into hunting in the next year or so and join my bro and dad. I'm not licensed to hunt nor do I own a gun...so for now my weapon of choice is a 6'6" spear of sorts. NipFish: I almost called you to join me on the Ottawa Saturday, but my dad took the trip out with me so I wasn't totally alone...plus it's a long drive for a spur of the moment decision. The Ottawa remains open for months into winter so we should have an opportunity to get out there...or...how do you feel about Rainbows through the ice???
  5. The cruize is definitly a step up from the cobalt. The interior looks great doesn't it? 138 hp is healthy power from a 1.4L Turbo...it would save weight on the front end too. Congrats on the new ride. Good luck with the cranks, are the bodies exactly identical or do you find that some are better made than others?
  6. He must have thought he had a monster bass or pike . Definitly a good side-catch.!
  7. The head is definitly more compressed compared to the Walleye's. Reminds me of a bottom feeder style head rather than an esox type. thanks for the tip on the jaws! I'll watch my fingers around them. Merc: as Leechman said, Sauger is in the Walleye familly but is a seperate species. There are aggregate limits for the walleye and sauger in the regs.
  8. New spinning reel. The old abu has seen better days. Not very imaginative...
  9. Nice Kwan..you're kicking butt out there. My suggestion...take the long drive and fish for the monsters.
  10. Oh man! you must love the fall eh? Nice fish
  11. I spent the afternoon fishing while everyone else I know was hunting or building ice shacks. I still haven't gotten the hunting itch like some outdoorsmen get this time of year so having an "open all year" river nearby is a real treat. It was a nice day weatherwise, my Dad spent about an hour with me until he took to the bush for deer and the river bank was devoid of people. It took me a while to figure out what the best method of fishing was... dropping 1oz bell sinkers was a headache in the rocks. A rubber/maribou jig with gold head worked for the walleye and a chartreuse jig head with clear/white mister twister got me the sauger. I managed to catch two and missed three. It was my FIRST SAUGER, so it was nice to hit milestone...i know you guys understand that Notice the difference in color pattern on the skin and fins. Very neat fish. Enjoy the pics and I'll enjoy the dinner.
  12. tasty little buggers indeed. Enjoy.
  13. That meat looks very rich and clean! Nice catch
  14. I admit I was against the leafs talk at first...but it's hard not to contribute to such a lively discussion. We should have a rule where there has to be at least one fish photo per page.
  15. I'm bringing this one out of the wood works. I must have viewed these photos twenty times. That's an incredible fish Aaron!!!!
  16. You just ruined my granola bar snack. That looks divine Burtess!! Wow. Simple ingredients too....
  17. Kadri has been recalled to the team today. They should recall the whole team...they sure seem defective. sorry. here is a Burke quote on Kadri: "I told him, you're not a savior here," said Burke. "We brought you in to give us a spark and don't carry the weight of the world. The group has to turn this around -- 20 players have to fix this, not one player or two players."
  18. you should build a portable shack too

  19. Go see it. If it's a scam they'll even give you a VIN from a similar type sled and a big back story. Just don't give them any personal info or money until you see the VIN yourself.
  20. Next spring I predict meeting people on Nipissing cursing at all the christmas trees they are catching while drifting for walleye..."hmmm" I'll say "I wonder where they all came from"
  21. That dog was probably lost but happy as a clam in good company. Sounds like you are in good company as well. Many positive wishes.
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