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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. bahahahahaha les Oilers gagnent!!!
  2. Apparently two works even better. Nice machines.
  3. I would never take a BMW out on the ice. My Toyota however I'll usually wait till I've seen lots of traffic on the ice before I take my vehicle out...and only on the main routes...then again i can't venture too far in a Corolla.
  4. At least they are better than the oilers...talk about a team that has trouble rebuilding. Remember the oilers cup run a couple years ago? They sucked all season, then BAM! they are in the playoffs and picking off teams...reminds me of how the Habs sucked last year then managed, some friggen how, to beat good teams. They still suck in my opinion but Gionta is doing a great job as a leader and Price, to the relief or disgust or the Habs fans (who knows with them), is playing all star hockey. Disclaimer: Go Coyotes Go
  5. Nice fish man. You got a knack for catching steel apparently.
  6. Looks like the boy had lots of fun with papa. Those fish are Bee-you-tiful! Great fall! That one pike must have eaten something sharp...you can see it sticking out of his stomach. Cheers
  7. I wonder how the cormorands feel about us catching their fish.
  8. WOW nice fish! That'll rival BOQ anyday.
  9. You're probably right about there being a reason it's all messed up...we just moved so maybe the cat was slightly agoraphobic and doesn't like all the commotion and leaving home. hahaha that makes me think about the back- story of Killer the Rotty in Half-Baked the movie. I'd find the link but work blocks youtube.
  10. That's what I thought as well. I tried to explain that to my GF, she then tried to convince me the cat was chasing squirels on the tv . I saw a show about that on discovery channel a few years back. The cat clawed at me last, I was happy to see it's back to normal.
  11. Mike P: Mercman will order a dozen of these if you make them.
  12. hmmm... all I need is a good backstory such as: I was taking it over to the cat spa and I guess they let some dogs in....
  13. Good one. I'll try that. Still that means I have to put my laptop down and miss a few seconds of OFC action. Are cabbits real? Maybe they don't MEOW...that could be good overall fix.
  14. Hahaha. Musky bait makers: take note of the big blue eyes and deep brown stripes. That first one sure looks like it's got nice action!
  15. Hahaha, that's my own diagnosis. I'm no scientician, but that would explain a lot.
  16. The declawing thing is out of necessity, because if it claws my new bed one more time it's capa will be detated. I'll look into that soft claws product, maybe it's easier than cutting the nails every few days?? As far as the owner thing...it's definitly more partial to my GF (duh) but it rather likes me and will glady cuddle with me. It just MEOWS whenever it slightly disagrees with something or wants something or someone farts in venezuela. Maybe you are right and it is bored, it's been fixed or spayed (not sure which is which)... what's a good toy that doesn't involve human operation? Do cats like T.V.?
  17. Good work man! An 11lbs walleye is a MONSTER on any other lake... BOQ sure has a reputation.
  18. Rabbits were the only pet we had as kids. I loved them! Most people don't know it, but they are very trainable too... Ours were outdoor rabbits and we'd let them run out of cage during the day and all we had to do was clap and they'd run back in the cage like well trained soldiers. It was great! I had an indoor one once, but that wasn't quite as smoothe.
  19. HH your right, I tried that for a bit. I found a 12lbs flurocarbon leader for stealthiness and lime green imitation mouse tied by the tail with a uni-uni knot (no hooks, I promise) really got it going. It was fun watching it do flips in air and running full tilt...but as soon that's over and I get bored of looking like a tool...MEOW!
  20. Is it some kind of large poodle mix? My GF's mother has a golden retreiver/large poodle mix and what a wonderful dog! Smart, quiet, obedient, hypoallergenic and soft as anything... perfect pet imo. I agree with all that said that cats like the outdoors...we let this cat out as much as possible, but now that's it's below 0, even though it's layered in fat and fur, it comes right back to the door and MEOW!!! If it killed the squirels and mice I'd admire it a bit but man, what a useless waste of money for on demand affection (if it's in the mood). Does the cat count as a non-perishable food item for the food drive??
  21. I've suggested that many times, but she won't let me paint it Firetiger colours.
  22. Sooooo jealous. Enjoy man!!!! Stamkos should but on a good show.
  23. HAHAHA i just noticed the "curiosity killed the cat banner ad"
  24. Kids I can understand...I have way more patience for a child than a cat. You can teach children at least.
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