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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I was thinking of corking my bat, hockey stick and fishing rod....but now I'm just confused. ...maybe someone will tell to put a cork somewhere else now.
  2. I had a shipment get lost on it's way. I didn't see it for two weeks so I called the Pros and they dealt with the issue ASAP. I got my shipment a week or so later and was happy as a clam (not the ones on the Louisiana coast)
  3. Next 5 months? Snow and hard water!!!!
  4. I have plotted the daily averaged wind speeds for the past 4 years on 2 year separate graphs in meters per second. It is difficult to put an overall value to the speed, but it looks like this year was NOT the windiest year over the past 4. (too much missing data for 2005)
  5. Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing what you get.
  6. That video/song is GREAT!. hahaha "secret spots" with the guy holding a pike in front of CN tower.
  7. I tried to make some wind speed charts over the past 5 years, but alas the internet is not the place to find raw data. I'll see if I can make some graphs at work tomorrow. That will tell us for sure if this year has been the windiest in the last 5 years in the Simcoe area. The wind is the most annoying element to battle when I'm fishing and I noticed that this year has been particularily windy as well. Unless you're trolling or in a controlled drift, it's nothing but a pain in the butt.... of course that's also part of the charm and challenge of fishing.
  8. Hahaha. It must be new, I've never seen that in their catalogue before. You'll have some snazzy looking walleye rigs! Make sure you test your crimping on the sleeves before you make a bunch of them. It's a trick to make them hold properly 100% of the time. A few of my leaders fell apart before I figured out a good method.
  9. Just wondering, why did you buy red s.s. line?
  10. A friend referred me to this site. I lurked for some time and then I joined because the other fishing forum I was using was boring.
  11. He looked like a kid getting caught with his hands in the cookie jar. It was hilarious to watch I don't care what anyone says. Rypien was wrong of course, but that was worth a good laugh... sports are the ultimate soap opera.
  12. That was hilarious watching the fan trying to look all innocent and avoid getting kicked out. I had a good laugh at that last night.
  13. Best of luck Lunker. Kick some bass
  14. Gorgious fish. Good photos! Thanks
  15. I was gonna ask you the same thing.
  16. My first thought is "looks like Pike's sexy cousin". Nice fish!
  17. At least you only have to clean that pike once.
  18. Nice! A win for shore fishermen everywhere!!
  19. Just like you HH, my parents always took the side of authorities, teachers, other parents when I pulled dumb stunts. It sure pissed me off then and I always thought they were against me. Reminiscing about those times, my parents now see it my way!!! GRRR hahaha. "WHAT!! you actually thought the teacher was WRONG?? " They provided me with unconditional love and a sense of civility that I am now grateful for. Parents should be parents not friends and enablers. Kids will grow and appreciate good parenting. EDIT: Splashopper, I think what you did was ok. You're not the parent or the kid so your not to blame for anything. If the dad hates you after this, then nuts to him.
  20. ..what's with your bad luck steak? Did you run over a black cat?
  21. Good report. Sounds like your river is producing very well this year!
  22. hahaha good story. Reminds me of carp fishing.
  23. First full year with the boat! I'm looking forward to that... Sounds like you had good fishing this year and you can look forward to more fishing with the boy apparently. haha cool!
  24. Strong winds are a very annoying element to battle. I commend you for sticking with it and getting good results. At least you've improved over past oct-now months.
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