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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Slowly catching up.... thx again all! Aaron Shirley should put his mutant sheephead in the contest for 2011.
  2. Thanks! $50 in tackle would be nice and timely for ice fishing Last time I checked ( a few months back) I had 20 votes or something...hahaha it was a suprise when I saw 400!! That sturgeon is holding a good lead, i bet that guy is on a fishing community as well.
  3. Hey friends, pals, amigos.... I googled myself and noticed that I had applied for a fishing photo contest early this year...ends up I'm close to the top ranking for votes. If anyone feels like helping could you click on my pic.. The pike is the one. That 75 lbs chinook will be hard to beat out. http://2catchfish.co...true/archived/0 thanks in advance.
  4. Company pays for all my fuel and I get the airmiles....cmon $2.00/litre!!!!
  5. Wow, that must have been a good fight. Congrats to him!
  6. So my father was working at my condo yesterday and after a few hours he realizes he hasn't seen the cat in a while. He looks in the cubby's, in all the rooms, in the hallways and every single floor. Thinks to himself "poop, I just lost the cat"! He runs to my aunts and phones me : "I think your cat ran away, but i don't know how. I feel really bad, what do you want to do?". I tell him don't worry, I'll go to the condo to double check. My dad isn't accustomed to cats and I know this....I walk in the condo, look to my left, then right and see a cupboard door partially opened... I peek in and sure enough behind all the stuff are two glaring eye balls. I close the door again and walk out. Cat found! Back on the road I see my dad's truck turn the corner towards me....with TWO cops flashing lights behind him. They pull him over right in front of me. I pull over as well to watch the action. They eventually drive away... They saw him driving fast and over a shoulder (while taking a right turn at a light). He told them the cat story and they let him off. He was REALLY concerned and a bit distraught apparently. hahaha..nothing like watching your father get pulled because of a sneaky cat
  7. 13;17 TOI. Boston won 8-1 yesterday. Seguin is part of a team with great depth....exactly as you are saying J.B., is what Toronto is missing. Seguin will be a top notch player. Considering he is playing on a checking line as a rookie, his stats are pretty good. Toronto has depth in the minors, time will tell people, time will tell....Burke likes to give players an opportunity to mature before bringing them to the big leagues...just look at Getzlaf...one of the best players in the league spent almost 5 years in the minors.
  8. Ok that's just not fair. I think that guy spent more than me renovating my condo! In fact, I'm gonna take some ideas from that shack and put them in the condo... Nice shack NiFi. Quaint, light and efficient...easy to pull and warms quick. Lots of memories for the kids in that thing I bet. Yes that frying pan is a beast. I dare anyone to try and steal my massive pile of perch on Nipissing.
  9. It's a bit crude but it works...maaaaan does she get warm!
  10. Salary cap is a small part of it....but some teams don't spend the full cap to save money, such as the cheap Phoenix Coyotes. Perks and good management is what really makes a good team.... such as playing under Scotty Bowman or Kenny Holland. Ask Marian Hossa (if you happen to know him personally) he knows where to play...it isn't always about the salary. Good ownership will create good management; good management will create good teams.
  11. Every few years my father and I will make a new ice shack out of random available materials. Some have turned out strong, light and durable while others have been less than stellar. The last one we made was out of thin cedar 1X3's and with two people we could haul it out by foot, although we still used the sled to pull it. Lightweight has been our motto now that he's aging. I'll post a picture once I find one. I'm sure there are some interesting and inovative ones out there.
  12. Find out what brand it is and re-market it to dog breeders. $$$$$$
  13. Great idea. I'd like to hear some testimonials before getting one though. That'll be a lot less fuel spilled on the ice, in your car/truck, in the shack, on your gloves...
  14. haha when i make leaders and spinners I have to keep a close eye on the cat...she'll sneak up and swat at anything that moves...next thing you know beads everywhere.
  15. My uncles dog would run to my parents house every time there was a thunder storm. 6 kms through swamps and thick bushes. you could set your watch to the first rumble " Ginger will be here in 15 minutes". She was SOOO dirty and scared
  16. Fair enough, I'd have very little patience for animal abuse (jokes included) if I had spent as much time as you helping abused animals. No matter how much this cat bugs me I'll still be nice to it. Humor is just a way of letting off steam.... even if it includes a few off-side comments.
  17. Lock it up if they have to... or just take a grain of salt with what you read here. Do you think anyone is actually eating their cat with catsup on top? Do you think anyone is really fishing with cats? Do you think I actually own a rag with ether on it? This cat i now own will probably live a long life, on my budget and get away with a lot of bad behavior. A few silly jokes is the least harm done here.
  18. So shocked about this I almost fell asleep. Guaranteed the Sabres win the cup this year Maybe the new owners will build a fence to keep all the leafs fans out. Where is our GD Hamilton team, or Winnipeg team? Cmon Coyotes, move north and rename yourselves the Hamilton Steelhead.
  19. That's sort of where I stand right now... we live in a condo, barely enough room for two let alone a cat. If the darn thing paid rent or cooked a meal once in a while I'd let it off the hook, but right now it's just a nuissance. Once I get an acerage, bring on the cats for mice, the dogs for safety and hunting and the outdoor rabbits to make the girls go "awww". Why get a pet if it's less than ideal conditions for it? I think that is my overall issue with cats right now.
  20. They look very peaceful. As in anything in life...some are good some are bad. No cats were harmed in the making of this thread
  21. haha to "coils on the carpet"... cats have puke on the rug instead, which is sometimes part of their rations.
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