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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Just like reading a sponsorless article! I always keep your reports for times when I can truly enjoy the read. Thx for sharing
  2. ... Even if someone gave me a bassboat, I'd have a hard time keeping up with gas, a trailer, repairs, patches for my shirts, fishing equipment etc etc...maybe that's why they are so cheap. You must have one heck of a good paying part time job! Haha
  3. Yup, those are the right ones, ice fisherman. Enjoy! It should be our time to pick soon!
  4. Sweet custom, sweet fishing, sweet meal!!
  5. A great perch fishery indeed. Nice report, thx!
  6. X4 on worms. Small inline spinners tipped with worms is the way to go for picky specs
  7. I can see why horse is in the name! Unbeleivable!
  8. Ugh. Glad to be out of the oilsands where it was similar, they own you and everything you do. Next thing you know they'll be measuring the hours of sleep u got. Less than 6 hours? Fired!
  9. The new boat sounds like a big water winner! I bet it'll see lots of hours on the water this year. Nice fish too.
  10. I'll post here for a bit of exposure... but Mods move it as you please. Full time position available for a Project Manager to oversee and coordinate emergency and planned remediations of such things as residential oil spills, transport spills, brownfield remediations and hazmat spills. Requires 24/7 on call, a lot of travel and sometimes odd hours. Also gives you a lot of freedom ...you are ultimately your own boss and there are opportunities to make a great salary. They are not overly stringent on education/work experience, but environmental, civil, soils, engineering, business experience are an asset. Even 2 to 3 years of experience would be acceptable to start. College or University education probably required. PM me and I'll send you the Job Posting. Please don't ask me too many questions about the job, everything you need to apply will be in the job posting I send you.
  11. From what I understand the F-35's are not a great long range aircraft. Isn't our main goal to protect our north, which every country in the world is soon going to be interested in? I'm all for spending on planes that protect our own country... But what the heck are we trying to fight with these F-35's? The contracts aren't signed yet... Maybe a reconsideration is in order. I'm not an expert on the subject, so this is just my opinion based on some reading and listening.
  12. Nice shot. Your trees are well ahead of ours in terms of spring bloom.
  13. I received the 50 refund they owed me today... From Jan 1st. Still no license though. Time to call I guess.
  14. yeah, we definitly can't accurately figure out what exactly will happen. Even if someone ever figured it out, I doubt we'd listen. Or opposition would just lobby the crap out of it until no one cares. Still I wouldn't wait for the ultimate set of data to understand that the things we are adding to the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect. btw,I live on the third floor of a building just incase the ice caps start melting. haha
  15. By your logic, because you can refuse to believe something it means it doesn't exist? Also, much of the scientific data behind global warming is based on ice cores or other representative methods...not just the 50 years of air quality data of which you probably speak. I have no idea what global warming ultimately looks like but we all know that humans are very capable of changing some of earths processes and disrupting natural balances. I wouldn't call it Global Warming, but atmospheric disruptions caused by human activities are already happening.
  16. Nice suprise find! Who needs a boat, eh? Sin... I tried some rock bass and they were terrible, they stunk and everything. Might have something to do with the water they were caught in.
  17. This is my favorite post of yours! Haha good stuff
  18. I'll be fishing with Dana at our walleye spot on opener... Most likely a jig and grub will be my go to. I have several fovortie gurb types as well as some new ones to try.
  19. If you drive through New Brunswick, you'll see provincial signs that lead to fiddlehead picking areas. They take their fiddlehead picking seriously out there!
  20. Did you know that El Nino means "The Nino" in English? Just figured I'd clarify that for everyone. (Courtesy of an old SNL skit).
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